Dear Springtime,

I recently brought your product Longevity for my 11 1/2 year old Australian Shepherd who has been suffering from joint pain terribly for many years. After reading your catalog, I thought, "Well, I'll try anything!" After only two days of using Longevity my husband and I noticed a difference in Oakley and now after three weeks he is acting like he is eight again. Last night I caught him with all four legs in the air playing with a toy upside down! He was having a grand time. This used to be one of his favorite playing positions but the pain in his back hurt him too much to do it.

My other dogs are thrilled to have their alpha back in play mode, not in 'do this and do that' mode! It is wonderful and amazing to see them all interact.

There was such a difference in Oakley's demeanor that I felt I had to write and thank you for the Longevity. He is completely off all veterinary medicine and only on the supplement. I am also telling every dog and horse person I know about this product!

I am hoping it will help to keep Oakley around and happy for years to come.

Kind Regards,
Candice Marcotte, South Carolina