Dear Springtime,

Hi, my name is Mary Clements, co-founder of the Ultimate Canines Dog Sport and Comedy Show. We travel throughout the United States and Canada with our rescued performing dogs. We promote rescue dogs, dog nutrition, training and the general health of animals. We have been using your Joint Health Chewables for about a year and are now hooked on your Bug Off Garlic Chewables. We live in Missouri and have a total of 23 dogs, 14 of whom travel with us full-time. Ticks in Missouri are by far the worst I have ever seen. I started the dogs on Bug Off Garlic Chewables about a month before tick season and to my amazement I have not seen a tick. Whoops, I take that back. I did see two crawling around on one of the dogs, but they did not attach. No more Frontline for us - yeah!

Mary Clements, Missouri
Ultimate Canines