Dear Springtime,

We have a lovely Rocky Mountain/Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse mare, Rebel Ridge Molly Mercer, who is extremely allergic to bug bites. We have tried everything (all kinds of bug sprays and applications, and home remedies). Nothing really worked. She had sweet itch all summer long and her coat was a mass of bumps from all the bites. She was also extremely irritable. However, we now have the sweetest, bug-free mare you would ever want, thanks to Spirulina Wafers and Bug Off Garlic. I'm enclosing a picture of the mare with our two year old stud as a baby. SCF Pride's Brio had such potential but was even more allergic than his mother and every bug bite resulted in big welts, which did not go down. We wanted to show the colt in conformation classes but were concerned about the big welts over his body. …In any event, since the products worked so well for his mother, we started him on them going into his second year. What a difference! Not only does he not get new bumps but also the old, existing ones have all disappeared. In fact, our veterinarians, Logan County Animal Clinic in Russellville, KY, are amazed at what these products have done… It's been a real success story for our two year old, SFC Pride's Brio, who won 1st place in the 2-4 year old conformation at the Stones River championship this year.

Thank you again,
Kathy Veatch, Tennessee