Dear Springtime,

I have a 30 year old Quarter Horse gelding who is the love of my life. "King's Jet Bailey," otherwise known as Dudley, has been my equine friend for many years. In his mid-20s, he was diagnosed with ringbone above the front right hoof, had severe skin allergies from insect bites, and two years ago, had developed poor circulation resulting in edema in the sheath and belly area. My veterinarian attributed all this to "aging". To complicate these conditions even further, Dudley also contracted, and was treated for, Lyme's disease.

Over the years I have tried many different products to help alleviate these problems. The different supplements I tried helped to some degree, but not like Joint Health Formula! This summer I started using your Bug Off Garlic product along with Joint Health Formula. I figured that I have "experimented" with everything else, why not try Springtime. After three months of usage, I see a definite improvement in Dudley, both physically and mentally. My veterinarian indicated that Dudley does not look his age and she is very impressed with the quality of his coat. She says that Dudley's coat is better than some of the performance horses she works with! Dudley's ringbone has improved as well, gaining more range of motion in his front feet than he has had in years. As an added benefit, the edema in his sheath area is significantly less severe.

Over the years I have tried many supplements/natural remedies and consequently I have a collection of half-used containers of supplements that do not seem to work very well. I expect that the recently reordered containers of Joint Health Formula and Bug Off Garlic will not be in that category. Thank you, Springtime. Dudley's got the "spring" back in his step!

Karen J. Gardner, New Jersey