Dear Springtime,

Just wanted to let you know that my dogs are receiving an unexpected benefit from eating the Spirulina Wafers. In a recent annual check up, the vet remarked how clean the teeth of my 9-year-old springer-lab mix were for his age. I started thinking, and all I could figure was that it must be from chewing the Spirulina Wafers!

I was giving Aflie 2 a day for a general immune boost, but they are cleaning his teeth, too! I couldn't be happier! I can't give him other edible hard chews for his teeth, because he chomps off large pieces that I'm afraid could get lodged in his digestive track.

So we have unexpectedly found that he can chew the Spirulina Wafers, they clean his teeth, and I don't have to worry about him digesting them. AND they boost his immune system. Brilliant! Now I give them to my 3-year-old corgie/beagle mix, Jenny, too!

Thanks, Springtime.

Kathi Fuller, IL