Dear Springtime,

Last year my farrier had mentioned to me that my 21-year-old Quarter horse, Merlin, had a hard time keeping his hind legs up when getting his feet trimmed. In fact, he was afraid that Merlin was going to fall. Fortunately, that did not happen. Around the same time, one day while we were out riding down a paved driveway, I noticed that Merlin dragged his left hind foot for a number of steps, but then he was ok.

I mentioned this to Margaret, the owner of the barn where Merlin is boarded. She said that the owner of an older pony had just given her a container of Springtime's Joint Health Formula that she was trying out, and to offer it to anyone else that was interested. The timing was perfect, and we started Merlin on it right away.

Weeks later, the farrier told me that Merlin was maintaining normal function when he trimmed his feet. I also noticed that Merlin was much smoother, and less hesitant when we rode down hills. This made me realize that age related issues had been creeping up on Merlin, and I hadn't really noticed until I felt how much smoother he was, on the Joint Health Formula.

Having actually felt the difference in Merlin's movement while riding him and with the feedback from the farrier, I can attest that Joint Health Formula HAS made a difference. Merlin will be on this formula from now on. I recommend anyone with an older horse to try this formula to see if it makes a difference for them.

Donala Wallace, Maryland