Dear Springtime,

I have to let you know that my daughter's dog, Lola, an eight year old white Boxer, was having uncontrollable urinary problems. My daughter, Alicia, kept taking Lola to the vet. The vet told her that Lola had a urinary tract infection, so, of course, after many visits and hundreds of dollars later the dog was given medicine for the problem. My daughter said it helped, but it was also not good for Lola's liver!

My daughter, Alicia, soon grew tired of this, because even with the medicine, Lola still urinated uncontrollably but not as often. So, my daughter knows that I use your products for my dogs, so she called Springtime. They told her to use the Longevity. Alicia did that, and her dog no longer has problems with the urinating. And, no more medicine, no more expensive vet visits, etc. Amazing results!

The Longevity has helped to cure the problem of Lola's uncontrollable urinary problems much better and much safer than any medicine my daughter picked up from the vet.

My daughter Alicia thanks you all, as does Lola.

Jim Collie, Massachusetts