Dear Springtime,

My boyfriend has a Maltese mix called Squeaky, who had a bad rear leg. He told me his vet said a lot of small dogs have a limp like that and it's just something they live with (Huh??!!). Since I've had previous experience with Fresh Factors, I told my boyfriend that I knew how to help his dog.

After about two months feeding Fresh Factors, there was an obvious difference. In the morning, the dog didn't run out of the bedroom holding his leg up every other step. The limp was only obvious at more random steps. After six months, the dog didn't hold the leg up anymore, and the leg was growing in size and strength. After a year, you can't tell the difference in size between the "bad" leg and the good one, and Squeaky had returned to normal mobility.

Thank you for making me look good to the boyfriend! ...and for making such an awesome product.

Lisa Duntley, Alaska