Dear Springtime,

For the past three months, I've been giving my 20 lb, Shi/Poo named Lilybug, Joint Health Chewables. Before giving them to her, she was listless, could hardly jump the threshold to get into the house and would only walk (haltingly) a short distance into the yard. Taking her on a half mile walk, I considered carrying her part of the way, but she was too heavy for me. Now she bounds out the door, explores all of our acre yard. She lets us know when she wants to go out. She doesn't tire on our walk. She is a different dog to hubby and me. Her personality is more loving and active.

We are seniors and rescued her from a puppy mill where she was in a pen with 70 other dogs. I'm sure that's where she obtained her joint pain. She will be seven years old in April. I am so happy I tried the Joint Health Chewables. It's a joy to see her play and run around the yard.

Penny Skyrud, Wisconsin