"Both the dogs and the sheep LOVE their Bug Off Garlic!"
Dear Springtime,
I began giving the Bug Off Garlic products to my dogs (a Border Collie named Joy, an Australian Shepherd named Dixie, and a Whippet named Zoom Zoom) and to my flock of sheep in March of this year (2016). I feed the dogs the Bug Off Garlic Chewables (mixed in their feed each morning) and mix the Bug Off Garlic with the mineral salt ration that the sheep receive two or three times each week. Both the dogs and the sheep LOVE their Bug Off Garlic!
Then, I ran out of the granules about a month ago. I'm a Stockdog (Herding) Trainer and my sheep (73 of them – mostly Barbados Blackbelly hair sheep) are used for training and herding events here at the farm. As a result, the sheep spend a considerable amount of time out of the barn during the "buggiest" time of day. I noticed the sheep were "dancing" and running around with their heads down to avoid pests. They needed their Bug Off Garlic --- AND SOON! My order arrived today (28 June). The sheep practically inhaled their mineral salt "laced" with Bug Off Garlic this afternoon! Hopefully, they'll be "bug-proof" again, soon!
Judith Bigham, Ohio
Hado-Bar Farm

"…flea and tick free…"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to drop you a note thanking you again for providing superb natural products that help keep my beloved Wally healthy. When I went on the website today to order more Bug Off Garlic Chewables, I was shocked to see my testimonial of Wally at the top of the page!
Wally still gets his Bug Off Garlic Chewables as well as Fresh Factors, Joint Health Chewables, and Skin & Coat Oil. This combination of natural supplements keeps him flea and tick free, enhances his physical health, maintains seasonal allergies, and supports the softest & shiniest coat. We both THANK YOU again for selling such excellent and safe to use products!
Jessie & "Wally" Green, Maine

"…I came home with two ticks,
but they had none!"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to let you guys know, my dogs love the Bug Off Garlic Chewables. They have had no problems with ticks or fleas. In fact, we went hiking the other day and I came home with two ticks but they had none!
Our German Shepherd, Atticus, had allergies when we first got him and while we believe it was from his food, we didn't want to continue to put chemicals on him. This was a great alternative. Atticus and Gibson thank you! They are two happy customers!
Kelli Bisch, New Jersey

No Tick Infestation!
Dear Springtime,
We live in a heavily wooded area in Northern Minnesota where ticks are in abundance each summer. I started giving Belle, my rescued shelter girl, Bug Off Garlic Chewables two years ago. While the neighbors complain about tick infestation, Belle has had only 4 or 5 ticks per season. I keep her on Bug Off Garlic Chewables all year with minimum dosage in the winter. I plan to start increasing the dosage earlier next year. I know that will make all the difference. Belle is very grateful to Springtime – and so am I!
Sandra Harley, Minnesota

Florida Fleas are "…completely gone"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to thank you for the amazing products you have. I was at my wits end with my two little Chihuahuas. Living in Florida, it was a losing battle trying to fight the fleas. I stopped taking them to the doggie park because they would get infested every time. I tried the cloves, baby oil and alcohol home remedy for fleas, (which I hated because of the smell and it changed the white coat of my dog to an ugly brown). I tried bathing them with the 'original' blue Dawn. That would work until it was time for them to go into the back yard to do their duty. So, I was getting the flea pills from my vet at $18.00 per pill and they were supposed to work up to three months at a time. Before the month was up they would be scratching and biting themselves like little maniacs.
We have a big back yard with lots of trees and bushes. There are two, stray, flea-infested cats that keep jumping the fence into my back yard. So, it's a losing battle trying to keep my dogs from getting infested. It got so bad that they were scratching and biting the hair off their skin. They had big, bald patches of skin where their fur had ceased to grow. It was heartbreaking.
My sister (who lives in Wisconsin) mentioned your company while on the phone. She said her dogs were thriving on your products. After taking down the information, I immediately ordered the Bug Off Garlic Chewables and the Skin & Coat Oil. I can't believe the difference. Within weeks the fleas were completely gone and their coat is full and lustrous. They grew back the fur on the bald patches. It's incredible! I never thought it would grow back again.
Today, they are happy, healthy dogs (no more scratching and biting) thanks to your amazing products. Thank you, Springtime!
Cristina Lipp, Florida
P.S. Both my Chihuahuas love the Skin & Coat Oil. I feed it to them from a syringe and they lick it clean.

"…it really protected our Pugs…"
Dear Springtime,
Last year, my husband and I tried Springtime Bug Off Garlic Chewables with our own Pugs. We were very impressed with how well it really protected our Pugs from everything. When we took them out for a walk, it was as if they had a protective shield around them. Even gnats would not go near them.
As the owner of a rescue, we would like to put all of our dogs on Springtime Bug Off Garlic Chewables. We are not fond of putting harsh chemicals on the dogs that come into our care.
Rachel Koltoff, President
Philly Pug & Short Nose Rescue, Inc., Pennsylvania

"… flea-free & healthy dog! "
Dear Springtime,
Rocky was a rescue puppy - a yellow Lab/Golden Retriever with who knows what else mixed in. Our son Josh had just turned 6 years old and this was his first dog, and he was in love with this crazy, hopping fluff ball. We took Rocky to the Vet and had his hips x-rayed to determine why he was hopping and not running or jumping. The vet showed us the x-rays that our puppy's hips were going in and out of joint and thus he was not able to run and jump.
We also had another problem we were very concerned with, and that was that the dog was nice one minute and snapped at Josh the next. Also, we love dogs and have a gentle touch, but we were unable to train this dog. We suspected lead poisoning, because we had caught him playing with some old lead-paint boards in an old garage ion our rented property. That's when a Springtime Inc. magazine showed up in our mailbox. We decided to try the Bug Off Garlic Chewables to help detox the dog with the natural selenium that is found in garlic. We also took the plunge and ordered the Longevity in hopes that it might help his hips get stronger so as to alleviate the pain which we assumed must be present.
I can't tell you exactly how long it took for the Bug Off Garlic Chewables detox to work, because I was just surviving a nipping dog and a crying kid that thought his puppy didn't love him. And, oh boy, had I ever forgotten how much work a puppy is! I was exhausted cleaning up all the time, because the dog was untrainable for ANY command. He would even stand in his water dish and seem to not even realize it. My husband and I have had dogs all our lives and we were dumbfounded, but again this was our son's first dog so we were doing everything we could think of. Then like magic, the dog stopped biting and gained some sense, and, no more mess in the house!
Also, we didn't have fleas. Our neighbor had cats and dogs all over the place, and we were concerned about all the fleas. Well, summer came and summer went and we had no fleas and we did not use any topical or medicine.
Rocky turned 1 year old that March. The snow was mostly melted and we let Rocky out to get some spring air. Well, that dog took off like greased lighting and with such strength that he was pulling Josh (almost 7 years old) behind him. WOW! We never had taught Rocky not to jump, because he couldn't jump due to the hips not being in their sockets. Well…. you guessed it! He can now jump! He is now 5 ½ and weighs in at 80 lbs. of muscle and pure loyalty to our son Josh (now 12 years). I never redid the x-rays because it costs $75 and I can see the results of Longevity and Bug Off Garlic Chewables on this running, jumping, flea-free and healthy dog!
Julie Gamble, Texas

"…they live bug-free."
Dear Springtime,
I have been a customer for about 20 years and I rescue Clumber Spaniels. In Maine, fleas and ticks can be a problem, but my dogs have a natural barrier - your Bug Off Garlic Chewables. I make my own dog biscuits weekly and always add Bug Off Garlic Chewables and Vitality. Of course, they take the Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables as well. Because they enjoy the garlic biscuits year round, they live bug-free. Thank you, Springtime. I am including a picture of my oldest Clumber, Arnie. Today he is 14 years, 9 months… quite exceptional.
JoAnn White, Maine

"...Wally was completely tick-free..."
Dear Springtime,
I started giving my dog, Wally, Bug Off Garlic Chewables earlier this spring before ticks became an issue. Wally goes everywhere with me. We go on daily trail walks and hikes in areas infested with ticks. I'd previously been using Frontline Plus on him, but it wasn't lasting the 30 days it was supposed to. My vet said in order for it to work well on Wally I'd need to apply a treatment once every two weeks! This simply was not going to work, so I began looking for alternative ways to keep Wally flea and tick free year round. I'm so glad I found Springtime, and since starting Bug Off Garlic Chewables Wally hasn't had any ticks!
As further proof of how well Bug Off Garlic Chewables works, I recently took Wally and my father's two dogs (a Lab and a Yorkie) out for a hike in the woods. Wally gets 6 Bug Off Garlic Chewables a day. The Lab is on Frontline Plus and wears a Scalibor flea & tick collar, and the Yorkie only gets Frontline Plus treatments. Guess which dog had absolutely no ticks when we got home? That's right, Wally was completely tick-free, while both of my dad's dogs had numerous ticks on them. Thanks again for such a great product!
Jessie Green, Maine

No More Harsh Chemical Flea & Tick Treatments!
Dear Springtime,
Our family has been using Springtime products for over 20 years, and we keep coming back for more. We swear by the Bug Off Garlic Chewables. They have allowed us to completely move away from harsh chemical flea and tick treatments. We have five dogs in our home, and we haven't had a flea or tick issue. I think my son and I are the only ones who have had a tick on us! Perhaps we should take Bug Off Garlic Chewables, too! We keep trying to get our family and friends to give the pills a try. So many people have been brainwashed into thinking they need to treat their dogs with chemicals to have success, and it's simply not true.
So I am writing to say thanks! Your products have allowed our dogs to live longer, healthier, happier lives and for that we are grateful!
Amber Verbeke, Kansas

No Fleas or Ticks!
Dear Springtime,
I just bought the Bug Off Garlic Chewables for my two Jack Russells, Elvis and Apache. They both are so picky about everything they eat, but they love these so much! Also, I have both of my boys, Elvis and Apache, on a monthly medication for heartworm and fleas. The fleas are the worst I have ever seen them here in Florida. I have only been using the Bug Off Garlic Chewables for about one week so far and I already notice a difference! I have not seen any fleas or ticks anywhere near my babies, and even the gnats and the flies stay far away from them, too.
I am so happy I got these for my kids and I will always buy them. They are awesome and I highly recommend them for anyone with dogs or cats. I have also told all of my friends about this and they are also going to be buying them for their babies too...
Thanks so much
Deborah Seligman-Dix, Florida

"…I do not have flea issues…."
Dear Springtime,
The Bug Off Garlic Chewables for dogs is a wonderful alternative to chemical use for flea control. I have used various garlic supplements over the years (15 plus years) on my dogs, and I do not have flea issues. It is a great insect repellent. Garlic is of course, one of the world's most powerful antioxidant foods. I have blogged numerous times about keeping a safe, healthy, natural environment inside and outside the home. I enjoy your products and have used them for many years. Thank you for making quality supplements.
Anita Chaplin, Indiana

"...flea and tick free all summer."
Dear Springtime,
My two dogs love these Bug Off Garlic Chewables. They have been flea and tick free all summer. I was looking for a natural product, no more poisons, and this really works.
Thank you,
Candy Horton, Maine

bunny friend, Darby.
I have never seen a flea on her..."
Dear Springtime,
I've been giving my dog, Scout, your Bug Off Garlic Chewables for the entire four years I have lived in Ohio. I have never seen a flea on her and she doesn't get mosquito bites and the only two ticks on her jumped off fast because she doesn't taste good (and jumped onto me, but I eat garlic too :). But absolutely no one I have told about your product believes that Bug Off Garlic Chewables is the reason.... Go figure! I'll be using it on her forever. Here she is with her two favorite bunnies. Don't worry... the rabbit does not live in that tiny crate. He's just out for some sunshine... he has the run of the house most of the time. Darby and Scout are best friends.
Maggie Faast, Ohio

"Never has fleas..."
Dear Springtime,
My dog Spike has been on your products for eight years now. He does not need his medicine as much. He never has fleas thanks to Bug Off Garlic Chewables. I recommend your products to my friends all the time. As you can see in the picture he plays like a puppy. You see, he had had an injury when he was a puppy and suffers pain. Your Joint Health Chewables makes a difference for him, and without all those side effects. Keep up the good work and your prices are reasonable. My other dog, Sadie, is on your products too.
Nancy Anne Chaban, Massachusetts

"...no fleas or ticks."
Dear Springtime,
I just love Bug Off Garlic Chewables and Fresh Factors! I can't believe my Australian Shepherd, Savannah, has no fleas or ticks. Her digestion has improved and her coat is so shiny. My mother purchased these products and I will be a repeat customer.
Vicky Long, Missouri

"...amazing results."
Dear Springtime,
I wrote to you once before and we want to thank you again. Duffy was getting tick-borne issues about every year until I started using Bug Off Garlic Chewables last year with amazing results. He had a blood test done just recently and it was negative for the first time in about six years. Your products (Fresh Factors, Joint Health Chewables and Bug Off Garlic Chewablesare amazing and Duffy takes them every day.
Thank you so much,
Connie Rizzotti, Connecticut

"Her episodes have diminished to only a few per year."
Dear Springtime,
So far I think they are great. One of my Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens, Abby, has had multiple digestive problems, was diagnosed with IBD, and then had a mysterious illness that was never diagnosed even at a top veterinary school. So far she is doing well with the Longevity, Omega 3-6-9, and Bug Off Garlic Chewables. I am very careful what I feed them (I feed them home cooked meals). Her episodes have diminished to only a few a year.
Phyllis Lindquist, Florida

"I see no fleas..."
Dear Springtime,
I'd just like to thank you so much for this product. My nearly two year old yellow Lab lives in our backyard. A few months after he started living out back, we tried things like powdered lime and other methods to try and keep the fleas away. Well, of course, he was allergic to the lime (I think it burned him) and the other flea ridding products didn't work. So, I did some research because I was too scared to try chemical flea treatments after hearing all the horror stories that those poor dogs went through, putting poison directly on their skin, unknowingly like we did with the lime.
When I luckily came upon your site and read all the wonderful things that people were saying, I bought this product and EUREKA! I had my lifetime product! I am always going to get the Bug Off Garlic Chewables from you all! He absolutely LOVES them! Even when he doesn't want to eat his food, he'll pick them out and eat them alone. Now, when I bathe him, I see no fleas, and the flies don't bother with him anymore. So, he has no more problems with bugs, except those pesky ants that get to his food before he does.
Anyway, I just want to thank you for a wonderful product and you have made my parents and me believers. I told my dad (who said in the beginning that I wasted my money), that Taz won't have any problems with bugs anymore because he "tastes" bad to them and it's a proven fact that I was right and I hope you NEVER stop making this product.
Myisha and "Taz" Dean, Virginia

"No more allergic reactions to gnat bites…"
Dear Springtime,
It has been at least three months or more and I have to say, the Bug Off Garlic Chewables tablets for dogs is incredible! My husband and I have seen a remarkable difference for both our dogs. Since spring is here, we have not seen a single flea, fly, gnat, mosquito, tick or any other critters hanging around our girls, Gracie and Jayda. No more allergic reactions to gnat bites; no more horse flies biting them on the back, neck, legs and anywhere else they can manage to land. No more ticks sticking around for a snack and as a matter a fact, they don't even come near them!
I've used chemical products on my girls in the past without nearly the same result! While on the chemical brand, Gracie, our yellow girl, always had ticks on her and contracted lyme disease. When I was introduced to your product by a friend who believes very strongly in the holistic care of pets, I had to give it a try. I cannot tell you enough how Bug Off Garlic Chewables has encouraged us in that we are not only giving our dogs a healthy supplement, we are also protecting them from nasty pests and the danger of infections from them! Thank you for a great product! Gracie and Jayda thank you as well! Thank you again!
The Albert Family, Connecticut

"...flea and tick free thanks to Bug off Garlic Chewables."
Dear Springtime,
I am Jozi Von Schreknhaus from Pennsylvania. I got a broken front leg when I was a very young puppy. Thanks to Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors, I can now run, play Frisbee, and enjoy life.
I am also flea and tick free thanks to Bug Off Garlic Chewables. I take my supplements daily without a problem. I am a long coat West German Shepherd, so happy and beautiful thanks to Springtime.
Thank You,
Mandi Capone, Pennsylvania

"I don't see fleas and hardly ever ticks."
Dear Springtime,
My dog, (APBT) has been on your products for almost six years, Bug Off Garlic Chewables, Bug Off Garlic Chewables and Fresh Factors. My dog, now seven years old, had an injury as a puppy on his hip and at times he needs to take medication, especially in the cold months. But with the Joint Health Chewables, he doesn't need the medication as often which is great, due to side effects with the medication which affects the liver. Now that Spike is seven years old as of February 2009, we hope your products continue helping him. As for the Bug Off Garlic Chewables, I don't see fleas and hardly ever any ticks. With proper bathing and supplements, no bugs.
Thank You,
Nancy Anne Chaban and "Spike," Massachusetts

Bug Off Garlic - "It Works!"
Dear Springtime,
I have three dogs, Rocky, Duchess, and Angel, and I have been giving them Bug Off Garlic Chewables for over two years, except my oldest, age 13, did not take it. The oldest got ticks, but the other two didn't have any. It works! Now my daughter is giving it to her two dogs. She couldn't believe how it worked! Now all my dogs are using Bug Off Garlic Chewables! Thank you - I've ordered again.
Yolanda Aycock, Florida

"...his skin cleared..."
Dear Springtime,
The Bug Off Garlic Chewables had an unexpected side benefit. The garlic completely cleared up my dog's "Schnauzer Bumps." I had another dog that suffered for a lifetime with this condition, and no vet could help. My current mixed-breed Schnauzer, Doobie, suffered from the same. After getting on the garlic regimen, his skin cleared, and the condition did not return. Have you had other customers comment on this?
Cheryl Thomas, California

"We are flea and tick free!"
Dear Springtime,
I have had wonderful luck with your products. Many years ago I had a Cocker Spaniel who was developing joint problems in her feet. Her feet were actually turning in, like she was pigeon-toed. A friend told me about Fresh Factors and in one week, her feet were back to normal and she was running around like a puppy. After that I decided to give it to my other two dogs.
Now I am on another set of dogs (everyone else is in heaven), and from the get-go I gave them Fresh Factors. I have two Cockers and a Golden. Recently, I tried Bug Off Garlic Chewables, as I did not like using the chemical for fleas and ticks. Well, it works. I should have known it would. We are flea and tick free! And no more harsh chemicals! I am delighted!
Thank you so much for your wonderful products.
Maryann Haginas, Maryland

"He is a very healthy, loving puppy."
Dear Springtime,
This is Ranger at 12 weeks. He has been on Bug Off Garlic Chewables, Fresh Factors, and Joint Health Chewables for most of his puppy life. His parents are also on it. His coat is beautiful. He is a very healthy, loving puppy.
Pat Coffman, Pennsylvania

No More Chemical Spot-Ons
Dear Springtime,
Hi, my name is Mary Clements, co-founder of the Ultimate Canines Dog Sport and Comedy Show. We travel throughout the United States and Canada with our rescued performing dogs. We promote rescue dogs, dog nutrition, training and the general health of animals. We have been using your Joint Health Chewables for about a year and are now hooked on your Bug Off Garlic Chewables. We live in Missouri and have a total of 23 dogs, 14 of whom travel with us full-time. Ticks in Missouri are by far the worst I have ever seen. I started the dogs on Bug Off Garlic Chewables about a month before tick season and to my amazement I have not seen a tick. Whoops, I take that back. I did see two crawling around on one of the dogs, but they did not attach. No more Frontline for us - yeah!
Mary Clements, Missouri
Ultimate Canines

"...'Voila!' the ticks are gone!"
Dear Springtime,
We have three dogs. This is our Irish setter, Copper, who is a legendary tick magnet. We have used two or three different brands of repellent over the years. None of them kept the ticks off. We tried Bug Off Garlic Chewables and "Voila!" the ticks are gone! They don't even get on for a ride into the house. We have quit using the expensive repellents entirely. Bug Off Garlic Chewables is a great product, and being a Connecticut resident I would recommend it to anyone with animals.
Rita & David Conrad, Connecticut

"...they aren't scratching the fleas anymore."
Dear Springtime,
I have two Pembroke Welsh Corgis that just started the Bug Off Garlic Chewables a couple of weeks ago and I notice that they aren't scratching the fleas anymore. It's so nice that you have a healthy way to fight fleas on my dog. I am so tired of spending money on the spot-on treatments that don't really work.
Maryanne Duffy, California

Bug Off Garlic Chewables - No More Fleas!
Dear Springtime,
I am truly amazed at how your Bug Off Garlic Chewables have so quickly worked. My dog had fleas so bad. I tried a spot-on flea product on him and it seemed to attract more fleas. I went to the pet store and they gave me another brand, and that didn't work either. I put boric acid on the floor and that didn't work. I tried organic products that didn't work. We would spend hours picking the fleas off Freddie morning and night, only to do it over again the next day. I started searching the internet to see what was out there that was safe to use on Freddie and found your website. I had read that garlic wasn't good for dogs so before I ordered it I called my vet and asked him. He said it was okay to use. We started giving Freddie the Bug Off Garlic Chewables and I keep checking Freddie every morning for fleas and haven't found one. I just had to write you to thank you for your product.
Nikki Pollak, California

"No ticks at all."
Dear Springtime,
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that you guys are just great! I have been purchasing your Bug Off Garlic Chewables tablets for my dogs, C.T. and Courtney and it works wonders!!! No ticks at all. I just purchased a bottle of Joint Health Chewables for my older dog…My oldest dog, C.T., she will be 11 years old does not act like she is old. She started limping then I started buying Joint Health Chewables and they have done a great job…Thank you so much for being there.
Amy Gravelle, California

"…we have yet to see a flea."
Dear Springtime,
I just had to write to tell you how pleased I am with your Bug Off Garlic Chewables. I have both my personal dogs and my foster dogs on it and we have yet to see a flea. That's unheard of in Houston in June! My kitchen does tend to smell like an Italian kitchen gone wild with garlic twice a day, but it's a small price to pay. I haven't had to apply spot on flea and tick products at all this summer – a huge savings to my pocketbook…
Kindest Regards, Liane Pomfret, Texas

"No fleas all year…"
Dear Springtime,
Once again, a product of yours has saved the day, or should I say, saved the dog. Last year our six year old Cocker Spaniel, Tuffy, had a droopy eye and jaw after we applied a well-known flea preventive. I had noticed that every time we applied the flea preventative that Tuffy would be lethargic for several days. However, this time there was real cause for concern. She looked as if she had a stroke. I immediately upped her Fresh Factors and took her to the vet. She lost her blink reflex in her eye, but her jaw droopiness has disappeared. We decided there would be no more flea preventative applications for our baby. So we started her on one Bug Off Garlic Chewables every morning. The results were impressive. No fleas all year and we walk Tuffy often and there are squirrels and chipmunks in our yard. Tuffy is not especially fond of the scent of Bug Off Garlic Chewables, but takes it as long as we have a few Fresh Factors (which she loves) and a treat to follow. Once again, we are extremely happy with your products. I wrote you several years ago about how the Fresh Factors extended our other cocker's life by 4 years. Harley has passed now, but we know the Fresh Factors allowed him to be with us longer than expected.
Very Satisfied customers,
Glenn & Mary Long, Illinois

"…no more itching, scratching or biting herself."
Dear Springtime,
I have my dog, Giselle (Shepherd/Lab/Rottie/Hound mix) on Fresh Factors and Bug Off Garlic Chewables. They have done wonders with her allergies; her coat is thicker and no more itching, scratching or biting herself. And the biggest thing to me is, no more odor. But my cats just love Fresh Factors. If they hear me shaking the bottle they come running… And my animals' coats are amazing. Thank you for your amazing product, and believe me I have tried a lot with my dog's allergies.
Dee Dee Armstrong, Massachusetts

"I …do not ever plan on my dog being without them."
I have always had great results with your products. I have used them, for quite some time now, and do not ever plan on my dog being without them. I give Tanika, my three year old Cocker Spaniel, Fresh Factors, Bug Off Garlic Chewables, and Spirulina Wafers. I really feel this helps her stay healthy and I am sure it will result in her having a more comfortable and enjoyable life in the years to come. I want to do whatever I can to ensure she is healthy and strong in her senior years. I love her dearly and want her to be with me for many, many years, and I know with your products I can do my part to help this happen. Thank you!
Grace Delong, Ohio

"I have not found one tick or flea on her!"
Dear Springtime,
I just want to say I am so happy with the results my nine and a half year old Rotti is having with your products. She has had multiple issues for years, compressed neck discs, bad knee, etc. I have had her on glucosamine/chondroitin for years but decided to try your products after reading the results others were having. She is doing very well with your Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables – I do not expect her to bounce like a puppy with her age and problems – but she is able to do stairs, walks well, and even goes camping with us. And living in Rhode Island, ticks are a BIG issue, especially in my area. Since putting her on Bug Off Garlic Chewables I have not found one tick or flea on her! The great part is I am not putting chemicals in or on her body.
THANK YOU for such great products!
Carol Rumrill, Rhode Island

"…flea and tick free…"
Dear Springtime,
Fancy, our 8 year old Yorkie, suffered from flea bites that left her skin raw and bleeding despite everything we tried. Usual flea control methods such as collars and drops produced problems – and didn't seem to bother the fleas.
Then a year ago, Bug Off Garlic Chewables caught our eye in an advertisement. Skeptical, I said, "Probably bogus. But the price is reasonable; let's try it. Nothing else works."
In the year since, no fleas, no scratching, no raw skin. The only side effect is, Fancy's breath can knock a buzzard off of a brick outhouse for a few minutes after her nightly dose of Bug Off Garlic Chewables. Thank you, Springtime!
Peter, Marilyn and "Fancy" Van Auken, California

"…tick free"
Dear Springtime,
Edo and Blue can now enjoy an afternoon in Shenandoah Valley tall grass; tick free, thanks to Bug Off Garlic Chewables. We love your products.
Catalina Hoover, Virginia

"…no chemical flea or tick treatments."
Dear Springtime,
Kolby is an 80 lb, three year old, intact male, Black and Red, Longhaired German Shepherd. He is a K9 model and his picture appears in three nationally available German Shepherd 2011 calendars, on four different months. He is an active K9 Blood donor, donating a pint every eight weeks. The next time he donates, he will earn his Gallon pin! Kolby has no special diet requirements or issues. He receives minimal vaccines, and no chemical flea or tick treatments. He is on monthly heartworm prevention.
I am a dog groomer and Kolby goes to work with me every day. During flea season he is exposed to fleas from clients' dogs, and some do hop a ride on him. And that's why I'll use the Bug Off Garlic Chewables and Bug Off Garlic Granules along with Brewer's yeast and Garlic. In the summer and fall, I increase the Springtime Garlic.
We also have a swamp in the lower yard. Great breeding ground for ticks. I go over him daily, and last year found three. I DON'T use Frontline. I do have him vaccinated with the Lyme's disease vaccine.
His exercise levels vary from just going out for bathroom breaks and a quick spin around the backyard, to six mile hikes on the local canal towpath and hours of swimming.
Kolby receives compliments on both his behavior and his good looks where ever he goes. I attribute his great health, amazing stamina and gorgeous hair coat and pigment to your products (Bug Off Garlic Chewables, Longevity, Omega 3-6-9 and C-Complex).
I also recommend your products to my friends and clients on a regular basis. Thank you for helping me keep Kolby to be as healthy and happy as possible.
Lorrie L. Koch, Pennsylvania

"No fleas, no ticks, and no allergy issues!"
Dear Springtime,
I don't remember how I first heard of your products; I think I received a catalog in the mail. Anyway, I was looking for something to protect my dog from fleas and ticks without chemicals and something to address his horrendous allergies. I read the entire dog and people section and though I was intrigued, I thought the products were a bit pricey.
The pet owner who spends the money for your products considers his pet a part of the family. That is the way I consider my dog, Poncho, a 5 year old Lhasa Apso I rescued when he was one year old. In addition to the flea/tick issue, he had the worst allergies ever. The previous allergy season, my poor dog was on daily prescription allergy medicine from May to September. That is entirely too long for a dog to take medication! But the poor baby sneezed constantly, his eyes itched and ran incessantly, his breathing was hindered because his little nose was stopped up, his paws itched all the time, and he itched all over almost like a drug addict. He was just miserable without the medication, which is why I gave it to him like clockwork.
In April 2011, right before the allergy season kicked in, I decided to try the Bug Off Garlic Chewables for the fleas and ticks, Fresh Factors for the allergies, and the Joint Health Chewables for his joints. It is now November, and the allergy season has passed. WOW! What a difference. Poncho did not have to have any prescription allergy medication and this season was extremely bad for allergy sufferers. A couple of days he began to itch pretty badly and I gave him some Benedryl, but that is it. No twice daily prescription medication for seven months! Poncho was happy and I was ecstatic! He now takes Fresh Factors daily and will for the rest of his life.
Though he injured his knee four years ago, you cannot tell by his friskiness and the way he jumps on and off the bed. Poncho's hair is medium length and very interesting to fleas and ticks. He had none this year! Hallelujah! No fleas, no ticks, and no allergy issues!
Thanks for amazing products. Poncho and I are two happy campers!
A pic of poncho relaxing during the worst allergy season ever is attached.
Von Gordon, New Jersey