No More Sibling Rivalry!
Dear Springtime,
I just have to share once how much I am grateful for Springtime. I recently started having problems with my Corgis, Callie and Cooper, not getting along. Callie is almost nine years old, and her brother, Cooper, is almost seven years old. There would be grumbles and even fighting for no apparent reason (it broke my heart). In addition, Callie was having spells where suddenly she would become anxious and pace, etc.
Well, I took Callie to our vet who ran all kinds of tests but nothing showed up. The vet prescribed doggy Prozac. I talked with a friend who said to try your Stress Free Calmplex. Well, we started them on Stress Free Calmplex just a short time ago and now they both are back to their ole, loving selves… Thank you so very much Springtime, from the bottom of my heart!
Lori A. Haskett, Indiana

Competition & Thunderstorm Fears Relieved
Dear Springtime,
I know your Stress Free Calmplex works and that is why I recommend it to so many people for their dogs with fear and thunderstorm issues. As you may know, Florida has many thunderstorms and Frank, my rescue Border Collie, needed to be on something on a daily basis. Frank had developed fear during storms due to three major hurricanes we had encountered several years back. My friend, Maggie Eslinger, recommended Stress Free Calmplex, and it took about four months before I noticed changes for the positive. After that, he was no longer tearing the house apart when our daily thunderstorms would roll in.
Stress Free Calmplex also helped with his fear issues in the obedience ring. He was very anxious and I was told he would never achieve anything past a Companion Dog Title (CD) in Novice class. However, Stress Free Calmplex helped me achieve the highest obedience AKC title with Frank. I do not believe he would have gotten his Obedience Trial Championship (OTCH) without this product.
Frank is no longer with me, but he will be in my heart forever!
Pamela O'Saile, Florida

"…incredible how he has changed…"
Dear Springtime,
Just a quick note to say thank you. I have a 'herder with attitude' dog, a Border Collie/Akita cross named Reo and have had him on Stress Free Calmplex for most of this year and it is incredible how he has changed. Yes, he's still very active but he has now lost his tendency to be aggressive. As he was a rescue dog, this is good going for him. I hope he will make an agility dog one day but at the moment we just keep plugging away to get good behavior out of him.
Once again, many thanks,
Maxine Mobbs, Ohio

Rescued Rottie "...much better thanks to your Stress Free Calmplex."
Dear Springtime,
I love your company and products! I had wonderful success with your Joint Health Formula for Dogs. It greatly improved the last three years of life of my Rottweiler, Gypsy. Your staff was very helpful and did not hesitate to accommodate my two returns until I found the product that my dog liked best. Now I have rescued another Rottie, Ava, which had a traumatic past. I rescued Ava from a high kill shelter several days after I lost Gypsy. She was very stressed and skittish. She is now doing much better thanks to your Stress Free Calmplex. Keep up the wonderful work! I recommend you to everyone!
Lynne Getz, Pennsylvania

the school children.
Freckles Is No Longer a Handful!
Dear Springtime,
Our dog, Elmo Freckles, a black Lab/Great Dane mix, is 28 months old and has been quite a handful for a 91 year old woman to take care of. That is, until I found your product Stress Free Calmplex. Freckles also takes Bug Off Garlic Chewables for the flies we have here, and Fresh Factors for his allergies.
Freckles likes to sit on the scooter and watch the kids go to school.
Thanks, Springtime, for your wonderful products.
Roberta Jablonski, Nevada

"It has really helped her focus."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to tell you how wonderful your product Stress Free Calmplex is. After having loads of friends tell me I should try it with my dog (we call her EV for short, or also Evilicious or Evil EV), I decided to try it when a friend gave me a jar. Boy, what a difference it makes! It has really helped her focus. I was so impressed I decided to buy some of the Tonic Blend and try that on myself for my jangled nerves in the show ring. I am now showing my dogs stress free.
Thanks, Springtime, for your wonderful products,
Laura Gilchrist, Maryland

New hope for rescue dog! "...we are finally working on some really problematic behaviors that we had given up hope on."
Dear Springtime,
I have never bought a product based on testimonials, nor have I ever sent a testimonial, but I did both with Stress Free CalmplexI got your catalog and read letters from dog owners who have used it. I had already put my abused rescue dog, Jadis, up for rehoming because we could not get past her anxiety to train her. We had been held hostage to her unsafe and unpleasant behaviors for two years. We had tried anti-depression medication to no avail. I decided to give one last try so I ordered the Stress Free Calmplex. Within a couple of days, she was a different dog. People came to the house and asked what happened to her. She is now able to focus and attend, and we are finally working on some really problematic behaviors that we had given up hope on. Looking at her, I can only imagine that she must feel relieved to not be living with the level of fear and anxiety that she had before. I don't know what is in it, but, man, is it ever working. I am sending in another order. We have told everyone we know about the product.
Thank you!
Debra Bercuvitz, Massachusetts

Aggression Helped - "Resin is now the nicest and sweetest he has ever been!"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to send a sincere thank you. I finally have my dog back! I began giving him the Joint Health Chewables, Fresh Factors and Stress Free Calmplex about a month ago. He is an eight year old large Lab mix and had become very temperamental, especially with other dogs. Resin is the now the nicest and sweetest he has ever been! Vets were telling me I should put him down because of the escalating aggression, but I am glad I did not give up.
I got affirmation today of his changed behavior; a client came to the farm today that has not seen Resin in over a month. She has known him over a year, and she could not believe how happy, energetic and relaxed he was, and she did not know I was giving him anything. It felt good.
Thank you so much for helping to save my best friend.
Holly Osman, New York

Stress Free Calmplex "...for hyper dogs."
Dear Springtime,
We started buying from Springtime when we lived in Lafayette, IN. My two dogs have been using your goodies since 2003. We then left for Canada in 2005 and then on to India in 2007 and our dogs continued to enjoy your good stuff. I have now come back to USA and we still buy from Springtime since they are really good for our dogs. The Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables have been very beneficial for our dogs. They are getting old now and we see that the Joint Health Chewables has helped them tremendously. The Stress Free Calmplex is also something we would recommend for hyper dogs. Our dogs, Buddy and Nikki, say a special thanks to Springtime. As I promised, here are their photos. Buddy is the black one and Nikki the golden one.
Satish Rao, Illinois

"...it works on puppy mill rescue dogs."
Dear Springtime,
I am a volunteer with Shorewood Cocker Rescue. We are a 501C3 dog rescue that has been in business for 25 years now. Our mission is to rescue Cocker Spaniels in bad situations and find them forever homes where they can spend the rest of their lives being loved and taken care of. I personally use Springtime Stress Free Calmplex on some of my older nervous dogs and especially like how it works on puppy mill rescue dogs. It makes a world of difference!
Here is a picture taken about three months ago for the local paper. The little girl Cocker in my lap is Lacy, and she was a foster/mill dog that had the advantage of taking the Stress Free Calmplex for about a month before she was adopted. The boy in the picture is my son, Alex, who is my helper. The little red Cocker perched in the back of the sofa is Daisy, currently in permanent foster with us as she is in kidney failure. The rest of the mangy crew are my boys. The one we give Stress Free Calmplex to and call it his happy pill is not in the picture, but it certainly has benefited him, and they ALL love it like a treat.
Lynne M. Turnquist
Foster Care Coordinator
Shorewood Cocker Rescue, Illinois
Photo courtesy of Samantha Pidde, Clinton Herald

Fresh Factors – "...96 lbs of solid muscle..."
Dear Springtime,
My rescue Greyhound has been with me now for exactly three years and stands 30" tall and weighs 96 lbs of solid muscle tone and body substance without an ounce of fat on him.
I contribute this to being given Springtime, Inc. supplements from day one - Fresh Factors, Stress Free Calmplex, and Bug Off Garlic Chewables. As of January of 2010, he will turn six years of age and is the picture of health.
Joan E. Forsythe, Wisconsin

"He seems calmer at the shows..."
Dear Springtime,
I had to share with you my story regarding my four year old Sheltie. Keeper seemed slightly nervous when I started showing him in Open A. We decided to give Keeper Stress Free Calmplex on a daily basis and would double his dose the day before and on the day of his shows. After not qualifying at his first two trials, I am happy to report that Keeper placed fourth at his next trial, and then placed first in his next two trials. He seems calmer at the shows and I feel Stress Free Calmplex made the difference.
Thanks for a great product.
Mary Kimball, Virginia

"Her mannerism and attitude have reached new comfort levels..."
Dear Springtime,
I have purchased and repurchased both Fresh Factors and Stress Free Calmplex. I am dumbfounded with the wonderful response that I have gotten from my six year old Tri-colored Collie, Miss Millie, with the Stress Free Calmplex. I have used just about every product out there that I felt comfort in. Her mannerism and attitude have reached new comfort levels with this supplement. Is Fresh Factorsa preventative that covers a better level of health and fitness than other formulas on the market? I think that I am seeing a nice level of energy and stamina in her on some of our longer and more difficult hikes.
Thank you,
David Lesnow & "Miss Millie," Colorado

"...truly a sanity saver!"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to let you know that I started my almost six year old Chihuahua on the Stress Free Calmplex about a month ago. Someone had bought a bottle for their dog to help with the 4th of July fireworks, and gave me the leftovers. This product is wonderful! A typical Chihuahua, Lola is very skittish around people, noises, and other animals. After just four days, we took her to a state park and she couldn't have cared less about the other people and animals walking the trails. She was happy just doing her own thing. What's so great about the product is that it doesn't make her lethargic, it just takes the edge off.
We have been so pleased with the results that we brought a new puppy into the family last week. While Lola did not exactly greet him with open arms, she quickly settled down and began the process of at least tolerating her new little brother, Ringo. I absolutely believe this would not have been possible without Stress Free Calmplex...
Again, thank you so much for this product. I have recommended it to several co-workers and friends. It is truly a sanity saver!
Becky Reyes, Indiana

"...his seizures are not as frequent..."
Dear Springtime,
I have two Chocolate Labs, Rocky and Zeus, and I adore them. They are my children. My wild child, Rocky, has epilepsy. Since I have been giving him the Stress Free Calmplex I have noticed that his seizures are not as frequent as before. I do believe that it does help a great deal along with his medication form our vet. Both of my children, Rocky and Zeus, have both benefitted from this product as you can see in the picture. Thank you so much for a product that works.
Patty Weddle, Florida

Stress Free Calmplex - Still Good for Anxiety, Lightning Storms
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to update you on using your Stress Free Calmplex. I wrote the testimonial listed as "Destructive Separation Anxiety Curbed." I am not sure how long ago we sent you that testimonial, but we have never, ever had another problem with Lady since starting your product. Thank you for keeping us on your website. I have told many people about your products and have asked them to read our testimonial too. We also use the Stress Free Calmplex for lightning storms and it works very well. Thank you for your products and for helping us with our Lady. She is a much happier and contented dog now.
Janine Wereley, Wisconsin

"She no longer gets into mischief when I go out."
Dear Springtime,
Since the beginning of May, my 4 year old Greyhound, Jolly, has been on Stress Free Calmplex after I saw a note in your catalog from another Greyhound owner.
It has made quite a difference in my Jolly's behavior. She no longer gets into mischief when I go out. She used to steal fruit from the fruit basket, take soap out of the dish in the bathrooms and if I put her into her kennel, she would urinate in it. Since Stress Free Calmplex, all these behaviors have stopped. She also does not react to storms anymore. Thank you for a great product!
Elisabeth M. Mayer, New York

""She no longer trembles and hides…"
Dear Springtime,
Thank you so much for your fast shipping service! I really appreciate this. And, your products that I give my dogs are fantastic! Longevity is helping to keep my Chow mix active and in much less pain. Stress Free Calmplex has made my fearful Whippet practically fearless! She no longer trembles and hides during rain and windstorms!
Thanks again,
Sherry Sampson, Nevada

Stress Free Calmplex – Sound Sensitivity Helped
Dear Springtime,
I have never seen anything work so well on our dogs as Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables. We had an older Sheltie, who was extremely sore and lame. Within one week of giving him these products we started seeing a difference and he just got better and better. He is gone now, but not because of his joint problems. He would limp a bit but was in no pain. He would have had to have been put down almost two years before he was because of his pain if we hadn't been able to find products like these to have helped him…
We have also tried the Stress Free Calmplexand they have worked really well on the nervous Aussie we have. She is sound sensitive and would react so badly to hearing people going by on four wheelers and dirt bikes that she would almost go into a seizure. Stress Free Calmplex has made her have a much better life also.
Eleanor Carroll, New York

Stress Free Calmplex – For Fireworks
Dear Springtime,
You are the best! Jesse, my 7 1⁄2 year old Malamute/Lab mix has been on Fresh Factors for a long time. Recently he began favoring his left hind leg. I upped the dosage and within a week he was running full speed with no limp at all! Also, he is a dog that was terrified of fireworks. One little pop in the far-off distance would send him into a panting, pacing, drooling 120 pound frenzy! I could do nothing to solve that problem. This year I decided to try Stress Free Calmplexand started him on them two weeks before the 4th of July. He hardly notices fireworks now, and we live in a lake area where they happen pretty much all summer. Now, when he hears them, I tell him to go lie down and he goes to his favorite rug and falls asleep. This is a miracle! I can scarcely believe the transformation in my handsome boy. Thank you!!!
Sandy Harley, Minnesota

Stress Free Calmplex – Separation Anxiety
Dear Springtime,
With adopting a retired racing rescue Greyhound, I encountered
a separation anxiety problem. After a couple of months on your Stress Free Calmplex, he has calmed down with no more problems. It does work and Cody is proof, he now has the run of the house when I am not home. I not only highly recommend your products. I gave a catalog to my daughter-in-law to have available for her customers at her dog grooming/boarding shop.
Joan Forsythe, Wisconsin

"…a lot happier…"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted you to know how ecstatic I am about your Stress Free Calmplex chewables for dogs. Meeko is two years old and has been a very nervous dog just as many years. We were having trouble keeping his weight up even on high pro food. He has been on the Stress Free Calmplex for three and a half weeks and has gained quite a bit of weight! He seems to be a lot happier, too! We also use the Fresh Factors and Bug Off Garlic Chewables for our two other dogs, and some of the human products for ourselves. We are very satisfied with all of the products.
Casey Scheidegger, Arizona

"…Egypt used to pace, bark and shake."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to say thank you for letting me get a good night's sleep. My old Collie, Egypt, used to get up in the middle of the night during the winter months and pace, bark, and shake. Every night it happened at the same time, and I came to find out it was the snow plows. I started giving her Stress Free Calmplex and within a matter of days, she was sleeping through the night. I now give my puppy Stress Free Calmplex as well and it has been a lifesaver during training times. She is so alert and focused; she doesn't try running away. It's like I have two different dogs now. Thank you so much for your wonderful product!
Jacklynn Gingerich, New York

"...calmed down completely"
Dear Springtime,
Seven years old, Sweet Julie, (Wire Fox Terrier) came into our lives July of 2005. We have experienced a complete turnaround within three months of giving her Stress Free Calmplex. She still runs from the loud garbage truck, but other than that has calmed down completely! As her name implies, "Sweet Julie" is as sweet as can be. She also receives Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables daily. Thanks so much for your wonderful products.
Joseph and Mary Ann DiPietro, Florida

"Not only did he win, he had a wonderful time!"
Dear Springtime,
…Oh!! I finally bought some Stress Free Calmplexfor my male Beagle, "Cowboy", Ch. Cabaret's Charismatic, who has hated to show. All my dogs have been using and thriving on Fresh Factors for years, but Cowboy is the only one to have used Stress Free Calmplex. He's beautiful and has won every time he did show, but those times were few and far between. He would "freak out" at everything and nothing. It was very discouraging. Finally (he was five years old by now), he needed only one more point to get his championship, but he had needed this point for months. I put him on Stress Free Calmplex and gave him two tablets on show day. Not only did Cowboy receive his AKC Championship, but also he had a wonderful time! All day long – walking around, tail wagging, etc. It was a real first for him. What a wonderful way for him to end his show career!
Joan Simpson, California

Destructive separation anxiety curbed.
Dear Springtime,
We got our second Siberian Husky from rescue and we had her for about eight to nine months before we started seeing problems. One day we came home to find the living room curtains and rods torn off of every window, the drapes torn off the dining room windows and also torn off the back door. She did that two times before we finally decided to put the door back up in the dining room and keep it closed.
For a while, that worked. She seemed to stay calmer during the day when she was able to sit and look out the window of our bedroom. That worked for a while, too, until she decided to go through the screen window and wander around on the roof of our house. I got a call at work from a neighbor saying that Lady was on the roof of the house. Because my neighbor is rather a comedian anyway, it took him several times of telling me before I was convinced he wasn't kidding. I ran home to find her hanging out and enjoying the day on our roof.
Now, all windows are closed and locked. We have replaced more screens than we care to admit. Windowsills have been completely ripped off. We have bought many, many blinds to replace the ones she has destroyed. She learned how to unlock our previous door and to get out through the screen. She learned how to jump on the sofa in the basement, unlock the window and squeeze through the bars to get outside. She has torn down our dryer vent many times. And the biggie, she ate a hole in our solid wood back door – a big hole. We had to replace it with a steel door.
I am sure you are asking yourself why we did not crate her. Ahh, but we tried that. She was able to slide the tray out, destroy our rug underneath and get out.
Enough was enough. We decided that she had damaged about as much as she could, and we had taken as many precautions as we could, and that we would just live day to day with whatever happens. Some days were good, many days were not. And the stress... oh, gosh, the stress! We are believers in not giving up, especially since she was a rescue. She had come from a bad past, had been shuffled around, and we did not want to do more damage to her.
Anyway, there is more and more, but to make it a little shorter, we ordered Stress Free Calmplex from you. She has been getting it for about four weeks now. Much to our amazement, she has gone about three weeks without incidence. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???? And, believe me, we tried everything. ...So... so far, so good. We still hold our breath everyday when we come home from work, but for now, all is well. There is less stress in our lives and hers, too. Thank a billion.
Janine Wereley, Wisconsin

"We tell everyone about your company..."
Dear Springtime,
You have outstanding products. Our 12 year old Collie, Brittany, has been on Fresh Factors, Stress Free Calmplex, and Joint Health Chewables for several years and she is still doing well thanks to all these "all natural" products. We know she wouldn't have lived this long without her supplements. We appreciate and thank you on behalf of all animals and pet owners that use your products. We tell everyone about your company.
Karin & Clifton Baylor, Virginia

Linda and the girls pose for the camera.
Dear Springtime,
I have three Pembroke Welsh Corgis. I give them Fresh Factors, Stress Free Calmplex, and Bug Off Garlic Granules. One is four years old and very excitable, so she benefits from the Stress Free Calmplex. One is 10 ½ years old, and just two weeks ago finished her AKC Open Agility Jumpers title, no doubt due to Fresh Factors. The third is seven years old, and she has lymphoma. She was diagnosed early in January 2004 and is still doing well, thanks to Fresh Factors. After chemotherapy, her hair grew back at a rapid rate. Thanks for providing such high quality products at affordable prices!
Linda M. Bender, Wyoming

Focused, happy puppy – No more "ADHD"
Dear Springtime,
The Stress Free Calmplex has really helped my hyper German Shepherd puppy, Tasha. We called her a whirling dervish as she constantly chased her tail. It was actually painful to watch her! Now she still chases her tail, but it is not with the same fervor, and she is able to focus more instead of having what I call ADHD.
Janis Moessner, Pennsylvania

"Stress Free Calmplex allows her to focus on her task..."
Dear Springtime,
I started using Joint Health Chewables on my seven year old Golden Retriever with hip dysplasia a few years ago and saw such an improvement that I tried using more of your products. Currently, I am using Fresh Factors, Joint Health Chewables, and Stress Free Calmplex on all of my dogs, and Tonic Blend and CoQ10 for myself.
I have raised two litters of Golden Retrievers on Fresh Factors and they are as healthy as can be. Four of my puppies have been accepted in an assistance dog training program, one of which (Asia) was partnered just last month at 24 months of age. Stress Free Calmplex allows her to focus on her task of helping her new partner and Fresh Factors helps her stay healthy. Thank you for your great products.
LeAnne Hurst, Ohio

"… a remarkable difference…"
Dear Springtime,
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with Stress Free Calmplex. My three year old Collie, Della, is a busy, active dog who loses focus and is easily distracted. Stress Free Calmplex has made a remarkable difference – friends and trainers have commented on how much she's improved! Thank you for such a wonderful product.
Joan Scialdone, New Hampshire

Thunderstorms, Fireworks – no more fear, no more hysteria!
Dear Springtime,
Looking at the happy, almost smiling expression on, Noel, my Golden Retriever's face one could hardly imagine that an approaching thunderstorm would turn her into a quaking mass of hysteria. I had tried every advertised product on the market. I was on the verge of having to resort to sedation from the vet, or sending her to a rescue center because of the catastrophic damage she did to the house when I was at work. Then one day I received your catalog. I read about Stress Free Calmplex, including testimonials, and thought I would give one more product a try. It turned out to be the miracle supplement I was hoping it would be. I keep Noel on Stress Free Calmplex daily to make sure there is a constant level in her body, but because it is all natural, when a storm does occur and she feels anxious, I can give her another tablet as a booster. In ten minutes, she is lying down, behaving as if she is thinking, "What thunder?" It even works when fireworks are being deployed in the neighborhood! Your product allowed me to keep this sweet dog whose mission in life is to have as many people as possible, probably even the would-be burglars, pet her twenty four hours a day.
I also have two German Shepherds. One is 10-1/2, the other, 2 years old. They, along with Noel, receive Fresh Factors on a daily basis. My older Shepherd, Greta, was diagnosed with incurable nerve disease two years ago. The nerves do not properly fire into the muscles. One would not be able to detect that anything was wrong when she is running with the two other dogs, and racing my horse along the fence row. Upon a recent vet visit, the younger Shepherd, Dakota, impressed him with her gorgeous coat, strong hips (she weighs 83 pounds), and strength.
I will continue to purchase Springtime's products, and recommend them to friends. I am eternally grateful to your company for allowing me to keep my darling, Noel, extending my aging, extremely protective Greta's athletic ability, and helping to enhance my beautiful Dakota.
Mary Anne Johnson, Ohio

"…no more head shaking."
Dear Springtime,
My Jaco had a nasty ear discharge from the day we rescued him. Just the one ear had black tar-like goo that would eventually harden into black clumps. It stunk and it irritated him. He would shake his head a lot. I tried all sorts of washes and drops, as well as professional cleaning and prescriptions from the vet. Nothing seemed to work, including changing diet. Years of effort went into trying to help Jaco, but no results.
Then we started using your Joint Health Chewables and Bug Off Garlic Chewables, and I received a bottle of Stress Free Calmplex as a bonus. I didn't think I needed it, so it sat on the shelf for a while. When I did get around to using it, simply adding a tablet to his breakfast, the ear problem went away within a few weeks. Hooray! His sweet little ears smell good and there's no more head shaking. Just lots of time for playing ball!
Thank you for such great products!
Arita Trahan, California

"Bella is much better about thunderstorms now..."
Dear Springtime,
Here is a photo of our three dogs who thrive on Springtime products. Isabella (Bella) the Airedale is almost nine years old, Buster the Boxer was one in December, and Willhelmus (Willy) the Standard Schnauzer will be three years old next week. Our previous Boxer, Mr. Cassius was almost 12 when he passed, and Fresh Factors played an important role in his longevity.
Bella is on the Joint Health Chewables, Bug Off Garlic Chewables, and Fresh Factors and when a storm is brewing she also gets the Stress Free Calmplex. Bella is much better about the thunder storms now - she has been wearing a Thunder Shirt, but the Stress Free Calmplex has definitely lessened her anxiety.
Buster gets Joint Health Chewables, Fresh Factors and Bug Off Garlic Chewables. Willy gets Fresh Factors and Bug Off Garlic Chewables. None of the dogs have had any problems with fleas or other bugs bothering them. The Joint Health Chewables I give to the big dogs, as they would probably experience aches and pains in their joints first. We have used Fresh Factors for years now, but the additional products are making even more of a difference. Thank you again for the wonderful products!
Best wishes,
Lyn & Emil Bove, New York