"This combo made a sad uncomfortable older dog, act like a pup again…"
Dear Springtime,
I have been giving our bloodhound, George, Longevity for dogs and Skin & Coat Oil a few weeks now.
He was having yeast infections and losing hair from scratching. He was also gimpy and losing muscle tone. He is 10 1/2 years old.
We noticed within a month his skin looked better and the scratching had stopped. He was moving much better. Now he is like a youngster, running and baying in pure delight. My husband asked if he could take it, made me laugh.
This combo made a sad uncomfortable older dog, act like a pup again. I thank you on George's behalf. Two great products. Totally recommend.
Thank you.
Tannie Justus and George, IL

"I am a dog groomer in Wisconsin and I recommend your product to everyone!"
Dear Springtime,
This testimonial is way overdue! I have used Springtime's Longevity for over 10+ years with all my dogs. It is a sensational product that my dogs love and lick clean out of their bowl. My 9-month-old collie puppy, Basil, his 6-year-old brother, Blaine, and11-year-old Luke are all on Longevity.
I am a dog groomer in Wisconsin and I recommend your product to everyone! It is fantastic & it makes my dogs' coats incredible and lush. Most importantly, it gives them the flexibility and stamina throughout their lifetime. My previous collie was 12-and-a-half when he passed away and he also did fabulously on Longevity!
There's nothing better, it's a wonderful product, and thank you so much.
Kristin Taubel Necedah, Wisconsin
Castle Rock Grooming
"So many people ask me how I get her coat to be so shiny!"
Dear Springtime,
I have been using Springtime Longevity for over 10 years. My dogs have thrived. My 16-and-a-half-year-old girl just passed away last year, and her litter mate lived to 14 and a half (with severe epilepsy...no small feat). I really do, in part, attribute their healthy lives to Longevity.
Ginger, my 1-year-and-9-months-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, is on a raw diet. She is a happy and healthy pup, thanks to Longevity and Skin & Coat Oil! So many people ask me how I get her coat to be so shiny! She also is most impressed with your Choice Bully Sticks and reports that they are the best in town.
Thank you, Springtime. You have a customer for life!
Most Sincerely,
Dr. Lori A. Clow & "Ginger," Arizona
"He began playing ball again…"
Dear Springtime,
I've purchased several supplements for my dogs before but nothing as effective as Springtime. I've used Springtime for about three years now. I now even have my family buying Springtime products. It doesn't matter what you buy, it's top quality and you won't be disappointed.
I had a 10-year-old German Shepherd named Vaughn, who began having some issues in January of 2016. I was devastated. I went to a couple of vets who all told me the same thing, which was that my best friend was most likely going to leave us soon. I wondered if there was anything I could do to help Vaughn be comfortable, besides what the vets were giving. Vaughn was beginning to just lay around, not wanting to get up to greet us at the door as he always did. I stumbled across a breeder's website that uses your supplements and swears by them.
As I had emailed a couple of other companies who never responded, I was surprised when I got a response! Someone actually willing to listen. I was so grateful.
Springtime recommended me Longevity and Advanced Hip & Joint Chewables and I started Vaughn on them immediately. I could not believe my eyes. He literally turned into a different dog. He began playing ball again, something he had not done in months. He would greet us at the door when coming home. I could notice a huge difference in his overall health. It was such a pleasant sight to see.
Unfortunately, the inevitable happened. We lost my baby a few months later. It was one of the most difficult times in my life, to lose Vaughn. He grew up with our children and was a protector for all he loved. I cannot thank your company enough for giving me the best, last months with our baby. Vaughn felt the best he could, using Longevity and Advanced Hip & Joint Chewables and benefitted from your products. I am forever grateful.
Sarah Bebber Gonzalez, Texas

"…within two weeks, he was back to his normal energy and movement!"
Dear Springtime,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the excellent supplements you provide. My Bulldog mix, Booker, is going 13 years strong with the help of Longevity. When I adopted him at age four, he was overweight and had severe mobility issues including a partially torn ACL. Longevity supported his recovery and helped him maintain a healthy life. Last year, I noticed that old age was creeping up on him with stiffness, trouble with the stairs and hills, and discomfort. I started him back on Longevity, and within two weeks, he was back to his normal energy and movement. Thank you so much for making such a great product and making Booker's golden years as comfortable and as happy as possible! Everyone at the dog park can't believe that he is 13-years-old and I give Longevity full credit!
Thank you from a lifetime believer.
Trisha L. Wenzel, Minnesota

Longevity Keeps 15 Year Old Going!
Dear Springtime,
We have been using your products now for about 4 years . We took Whistler off of all flea and tick applications and just use your Bug Off Garlic Chewables, which I crunch up and put on a treat every morning. We also use Longevity twice a day. We really believe that this has kept Whistler going in his old age (almost 15 years old)! We also use a bunch of other supplements we get from you which has made his older years quite good.
I have told many friends about your products and they too are now using them on their Goldens.
Thanks a lot,
Mike Aronson, Florida

Boxers Get Relief from Incontinence & Stomach Issues
Dear Springtime,
I have been breeding Boxers for over 12 years now, using holistic methods whenever possible. I have a female named Carmella, who was spayed a year ago at age 5 after having a few litters. I noticed after being spayed that she started becoming more and more incontinent, leaking urine while sleeping. Over the past year, we have tried all kinds of antibiotics and supplements. Everything seemed to work only for a short time.
Then one day I thought of Springtime. I have used Bug Off Garlic over the years for my dogs and horses. It works great! I decided to call Springtime and ask what I could try for my Carmella girl. The account representative was very helpful and recommended Longevity. I also decided to give Longevity to my boy, Komrad, who will be turning 8 this summer, and who has had stomach issues all his life.
Carmella and Komrad have been on Longevity now for a month. All I can say is wow - what a difference in both! Carmella has stopped leaking. Both dogs have no more bad breath, no more stomach or gas problems and their eyes even look brighter.
I am so excited and amazed. I will be recommending these products to everyone. Thank you, Springtime!!!
Corie Greico, New York

13 year Old Still Surfs!
Dear Springtime,
My dogster, Sooz, is a former laboratory Beagle who retired at age five and came into my life. She used to have back and/or neck problems. Sooz would tweak something every few months by either jumping off the couch or stepping wrong down the stairs, and would have to be on meds to get through it. But, since I discovered Springtime's Longevity in 2010, she has maintained her mobility and is as healthy and happy as can be!
I can't thank you enough for an amazing product! This is Sooz surfing this past summer at age 13! Look at her GO!!! THANK YOU, SPRINGTIME!!!
Alida Ramganesh, California

"…her toenails actually started to grow back…"
Dear Springtime,
Skyler was diagnosed 8 years ago with an autoimmune disease that had caused her to lose all of her toenails and to go through bouts of skin issues as well as sporadic lameness. She lived on and off prednisone and doxycycline. I thought I was going to lose her about a year ago, because she was having such trouble getting around. I started her on Longevity in March. Since then, her toenails have actually started to grow back and her energy level and soundness have drastically improved!
Thank you so much for such great products that put out real results! I truly believe Longevity saved my best friend Sky! Thanks to my mom for keeping Skyler looking and feeling so healthy!
Thanks Springtime, for keeping my animals healthy and happy!
Wendy Garfinkel, New York

"…the gas problems stop!"
Dear Springtime,
I've written you once before, about your Fresh Factors and Longevity products, and I feel compelled to write again. Louie, our 10 ½ year old Lab/Beagle mix, has been on both of your products for over nine years, ever since some wonderful woman told me about Springtime while we were visiting one of our local National Parks. I wish I could thank her, and, if this gets to print, I hope she reads this story – I am so very grateful for her sharing your amazing products!
She had seen that Louie was gimpy – walking mostly on three legs, resulting from a broken hind leg by a previous owner. He was 10 months old when we adopted him in the nick of time from the Humane Society. He was scheduled to be euthanized, as no one wanted him with a lame leg. However, within months of beginning Fresh Factors, Louie could run and would smile while doing so. It was our good fortune to be able to adopt Louie as he has been a great pup with a wonderful, sweet disposition.
I've also been so incredibly pleased with the positive effects of Longevity for Louie, who used to have such terrible, daily gas. Quite embarrassing when we'd have company over! Longevity is wonderful for eliminating gas. Some breeds of dogs seem to naturally have a lot of gas. I've given samples of your Longevity to two different families who have gassy dogs. And I want to tell you - the gas problems stop! Also, along with that, I've got to believe that the pups feel better too, just as we would!
So, I wanted to thank you again for your stellar, cost effective dog products, allowing me to ensure that my pups have the best lives I can provide for them!
Phyllis Nodler, Idaho

14 Year Old "…still plays like a puppy…"
Dear Springtime,
Our 14 year old German Shepherd Pitbull mix, Bella, has been on your Longevity for the last five years. It has absolutely turned back the clock for her! Bella has had two knee surgeries due to torn ACL's. Thanks to Longevity, Bella still plays like a puppy and walks an hour-and-a-half a day! Thank you Springtime!
Sarah Stevens, Sherwood Oregon

Tummy Troubles Cleared Up
Dear Springtime,
I would like to let you know how your product Longevity worked on my Boxers for bloody stool from colitis. I started giving them the Longevity along with the Fresh Factors on Sunday, and by Tuesday it was all cleared up!! They love the taste as well. I think that it is the kelp and the spirulina in this product that really helped... We love your products so much that I always recommend them to everyone.
Tina Muhs, Colorado

No More Urinary Issues
Dear Springtime,
I have to let you know that my daughter's dog, Lola, an eight year old white Boxer, was having uncontrollable urinary problems. My daughter, Alicia, kept taking Lola to the vet. The vet told her that Lola had a urinary tract infection, so, of course, after many visits and hundreds of dollars later the dog was given medicine for the problem. My daughter said it helped, but it was also not good for Lola's liver!
My daughter, Alicia, soon grew tired of this, because even with the medicine, Lola still urinated uncontrollably but not as often. So, my daughter knows that I use your products for my dogs, so she called Springtime. They told her to use the Longevity. Alicia did that, and her dog no longer has problems with the urinating. And, no more medicine, no more expensive vet visits, etc. Amazing results!
The Longevity has helped to cure the problem of Lola's uncontrollable urinary problems much better and much safer than any medicine my daughter picked up from the vet.
My daughter Alicia thanks you all, as does Lola.
Jim Collie, Massachusetts

Fatty Lipoma Shrunk by Nearly 70%
Dear Springtime,
9/01/2015 Several years ago I wrote to you about my dog, Sonny, and our positive experience with Longevity (he's the Golden Beagle on your site). He lived to a good strong 15 years and that fatty tumor never grew large again.
Well, this afternoon we noticed a large fatty tumor growing under the front leg of my beautiful boy, Luke, a Collie/Golden mix. Due to its location and hair, I couldn't see it before. He is going to the doctor on Thursday to confirm, but I am fairly certain that it is just a fatty tumor since he just had major bloodwork that came back great.
I'm bummed about it, but I told my husband that I know the first thing I'm going to try – Longevity! I'm going to order it this evening and we'll see if we can shrink this monster like we did for Sonny. I will keep you updated.
9/28/2015 It is benign – a fatty lipoma under the muscle at the front of his chest and armpit. It is packed in there and larger than a baseball. Both the vet and I were shocked that we both had missed it for so long, but it is sort of hidden under his five inch long fur on his chest.
I started him on Longevity, Fresh Factors and a capsule of Turmeric morning and night. We are still ramping up to the full dose of Longevity. And, after only three weeks, even my husband admits the tumor is shrinking. I can get my hand around about 60% of the tumor and I can feel the chest bone now. I am going to stick with this protocol. Ideally, it will go away, but I could be very happy with a 50% reduction.
5/26/16 Just thought I would update you on Luke's progress. We have continued with the Longevity plus Turmeric daily and his fatty tumor is about 30% of its original size. The vet was amazed when she saw him, especially since he put on some weight over the winter months. I wish I could get a photo, but he is so hairy and the tumor is actually under the muscle (which is why it got so big before we found it). We are going to continue his routine. The vet agrees that as long as we control the size, we can avoid the costs and risks of surgery. Longevitywas well worth it for us – again!
I'm attaching a recent photo from one of our walks to the spring by our house. (His favorite place to go)
Alison Aughtman

Toffee is a Longevity Puppy!
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to let you know that this very special spotted baby has been on Longevity since she started eating dry. If you ever need a Dalmatian spokes-puppy, Toffee is a ham! She just turned 6 months.
Karen West, Georgia
(feeding Longevity for 10 years)

Britt Can Walk without His Wheelchair!
Dear Springtime,
I bought Longevity to feed to my three Border Collies, ages 15, 7 and 2. I'll admit my old guy Britt wouldn't eat his food with it mixed in, but I figured out how to disguise it enough that he now gets a full scoop.
Britt recently had his routine, old-man bloodwork run and to the vet's surprise, his liver levels were normal! For 10 years, his levels have been slightly elevated (nothing crazy, but high enough that he's been on medication for it for a few years). Also, since the summer, his mobility had decreased due to spondylosis. We got him a wheelchair in October, which helped so much in enabling him to walk without falling over. Two weeks ago, I had him outside without his wheelchair (he can stand just fine) and to my surprise, he took a few steps! Then the day of the 2016 blizzard, we walked across our porch! Our pet sitter asked me if I changed his meds, because Britt now walks for her outside as well. The only thing that is new or different in Britt's life is Longevity. I'm ordering more today!
Krysta Barnhart, Pennsylvania

"It helped cleanse her liver…"
Dear Springtime,
About three years ago, our English Shepherd, Lizzie, got very ill. Her blood work came back with an ALT of over 500. She was in liver failure. My vet did not think she would live past three months. We started her on the usual liver meds, but we had a terrible time getting her to eat and her ALT was not coming down much.
I started to cook and feed her liver to see if that would help. Knowing many of your products have desiccated liver in them I searched through your catalog and came upon the Longevity powder. So I ordered a tub and started her on that as well. I showed the product to my vet and she said "there isn't an ingredient in there that I don't like." Plus, she liked the high liver content.
Gradually her ALT came back to normal. I attribute her responding so well and healing to your Longevity product. It helped cleanse her liver of the toxins and helped it to heal.
I periodically feed Longevity to all my dogs just to help cleanse their systems from any toxins that may build up. Lizzie is healthy and alive today and going strong at 10 years old.
Thanks for all the great products you make!
Ann Fake, Pennsylvania

"Maple… began acting extremely young..."
Dear Springtime,
About six months ago I ordered Longevity for the first time and began feeding it to my two dogs. One of my dogs, Maple, turned 17 this past November and while fairly healthy (a mild heart murmur and a ruptured cruciate ligament), began acting extremely young - dancing and running around a lot more. I saw this within a couple of weeks of introducing the Longevity and have continued to see this, so I'm extremely happy with this product. As an owner who prefers to use healthy alternatives to drugs, I appreciate the very healthy ingredients found in your products and feel very good about giving my dogs any of your products.
Tamara Dormer, North Carolina
CPDT-KA, AKC CGC, member PPG – Professional Dog Trainer

Coat Regrew Beautifully
Dear Springtime, I have used both Longevity and C-Complex with great success with my older dogs who have since passed away. I wanted to let you know that I have referred so many of my clients from the dog grooming shop where I work. One client used it with great success: Her dog's coat grew out, was no longer dull and sparse, and it became full and soft. My experience with my dog Roxy (12 years old) made a me a believer that your products really work. She had a thyroid condition, and even though her coat was recovering with the help of medicine, it still didn't quite grow. But when I added your supplements, it made her coat blossom. It made her have the coat she should have had. Also, my dogs have had weepy, goopy eyes, and it made them clear up. I know it helped boost their immune system for sure. It also made them also act a little younger. I just remembered something that blew my mind with your supplement for Roxy. She had a growth on her pad that was almost size of a large gumball, poking on the top of the foot between the toes. The growth almost completely disappeared with being on the supplements! I almost considered surgery, because how much it bothered her, but the surgery was pricey. I am so thankful for what it did for her in all sorts of ways. She was my heart dog. Allie Romero, California

Rescue uses Longevity to Support Puppy Recovery
Dear Springtime,
I am so glad I found Longevity! I foster rescue dogs, and they are usually underweight and have weak immune systems. I started using Longevity for its immune-boosting properties. I add it to a quality food to help give pups a good start. I have seen good results in health and coat.
I even had one puppy that survived parvo after being on Longevity for over a week. I believe it gave him a better chance of fighting the disease that has taken so many.
I'm including photos of a different pup, a female, showing the results of before and after Longevity. This little girl was weak and thin when she came in. But she was strong and healthy when she left to find her adoptive home!
Carol Motsinger, North Carolina

"...I have weaned her off of ALL of her medications..."
Dear Springtime,
I just want to say Thanks! My 11-year-old, 8-lb. Toy Rat Terrier, Annabelle, was on suffering from back problems. She would barely walk, even in the house. I found out about Longevity when searching for alternative methods for maintaining her inflammation.
Now, 2 months later, she is back to her normal self and back to her long walks around the neighborhood. She is running around, playing fetch, and acts younger than ever. Her coat looks beautiful, and her grass allergies are not as severe this year either. I swear your product is a helps support her natural healing process. I can't thank you enough for giving our Annabelle her life back.
With best regards,
Heidi Petras, Maryland

"...itchy, dry skin starting to heal..."
Dear Springtime,
I recently started all 28 of my racing sled dogs on Springtime's Longevity.
All 28 love it. Even my picky eaters are licking their bowls clean!
After only a few days, I could see an improvement in all their coats. After 3 weeks the difference in appearance is amazing, and the dry, itchy skin is starting to heal.
Thanks for such a great product. You now have another loyal customer.
Charlotte Mooney,
Klondike Dreams Sled Rides, Montana

Lifelong Longevity Keeps 11 Year Old Young!
Dear Springtime,
My boy Royce is now 11 years young and boy, does he act like it! He has been on your Longevity, Omega 3-6-9, Bug Off Garlic Chewables, and Advanced Hip & Joint Chewables since he was very young. People can't believe he is 11 years old.
Nancy Zinkhan, Maryland

Only the best for this Best in Show!
Dear Springtime,
I cannot say enough wonderful things about your products. We use Longevity and have used it for years. Some of our dogs are getting older and are still going strong, with hunting, swimming and performance. I feel so comfortable that you use top grade products and want only the best for our dogs.
Having the #1 dog in the country year after year, we depend on companies like you to help our vision. Thank you for all you do. What a fabulous company who truly has their heart in the right place, betterment and health of the dogs!
Stacy McWilliams, Pennsylvania

Longevity – No More Tearstains!
Dear Springtime,
I wanted to let you know that Longevity took care of the tear staining on my four month old Bichon Frise puppy. I used to use the Angel Eyes product on my other Bichon, but because it has a low grade antibiotic in it, I didn't want to use it regularly because it would alter his flora and I was afraid he would end up with a yeast infection in his ears.
Thankfully, I talked to Trista and she recommended that I try Longevity. It took a few weeks, but when I cut off the stained fur the new fur was perfectly white. Longevity took care of his tearstains completely and he is so healthy. Even though I raw feed him, he still needed the Longevity to get rid of the tear staining. Thank you, Springtime, for a completely safe and healthy product!
Paula Lawrence, Wisconsin

"Sam's a miracle dog…"
Dear Springtime,
I have been using Springtime products as long as I can remember. For 20 some years, I have also been part of a number of geriatric dog rescues. Although I am no longer formally involved, Longevity
and your canine joint products remain an important part for my own personal elder pooches daily regimen. I wish I had known about them when I started rescue!
Sam, my rescued yellow Lab, came from a horrific situation (owner surrender-neglect) in April 2011. The vets deemed him a 1 on a scale of 1-10 with little chance of survival mostly because of his malnutrition (42 lbs) and his age. His physical issues included: severe emaciation, mysterious wounds, rotten teeth, hip/leg issues, lack of muscle mass, and within two months of intake, bloat (which almost killed him). His coat/hair was like straw where it covered his body, and his stomach and nose had no hair on it at all (see pictures). His head was sunken, and you could see every rib and his spine.
Sam's a miracle dog surviving all odds. He weighs 64 lbs now! I can attest that the combination of love, quality food and Springtime products helped in making a difference! One of the standard products he consumes is Longevity which has not only helped him retain mobility, but has helped his coat and overall body weight as well as his fickle digestion. During his rehab, all of his hair/fur fell out and has grown back soft and beautiful. Sam eats small meals three times a day, and each meal he gets two scoops of Longevity.
Sam is now technically a failed foster, and will live out his life with me. I have truly enjoyed every minute with this special dog. I love him to death and because of your products, which have been a life saver for my boy... I know that his life and quality for however long he's here with me is much improved as a result!
Here are some before and after pictures. Look at how wonderful he looks!
Thanks, Springtime!
Liz Nicholas, Georgia

"…more comfortable in the back end…"
Dear Springtime,
I just want to update you on my use of Longevity in my cats. I can't get the "full" dose in them because it becomes too strong in their food. Of my three cats it plays out like this:
Mythril: This 12 year old girl doesn't really care for it but if I don't put more than a good pinch in her food she's fine. She is twelve and her normally matte-finish coat is actually getting shiny!
Noah: My 12 year old Rumpy Manx boy was showing signs of increasing discomfort in his hips which prompted me to try your product on the felines. He gets a rounded ½ teaspoonful every day and doesn't mind it a bit. (He'd eat a shingle if I put it in his bowl!) He seems to be more comfortable in the back end and his coat is glossing up.
Guinness: He is two years old and wild as can be. When I first got my shipment of Longevity I opened one container and put it on the floor. We walked over, took a couple of tastes and seemed to like it. He is a picky eater and I have to add warm water to his food to make "gravy" because he leaves the solids behind after he licks them dry. The Longevity (known as green powder at my house) actually seems to make him more interested in his food. His already soft coat has gotten softer and is getting even shinier.
In my opinion, this is a great product. It worked for my old Aussie, Sydney, who was the original user of Longevity in our house. He had degenerative arthritis in his spine and Longevity made his senior years much more comfortable. I even used it in combination with the medications he had from the vet. It seems to be doing wonderful things for my cats too! I'm very grateful.
Lisa Phelps, New Hampshire

"…has more energy, is no longer depressed…"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to say thank you for your great products! Unfortunately, my oldest Dalmatian, Charley, started going downhill fast. I wasn't sure he was going to make it until Thanksgiving. He was losing weight fast (despite being fed almost 3000 calories a day) and his general health was failing. I didn't want to lose him near the holidays and started to research products that may help me improve his health. I remembered Springtime and I got on the website to place an order and found Longevity. I am amazed! Not only has Charley made it to the New Year, but he is gaining weight, has more energy, is no longer depressed and overall looks better than he did six months ago. I didn't know if he'll make it to his 14th birthday, but I am hopeful now!
Even my little rescued Beagle who suffers from severe OCD and panic disorder has made amazing progress! He no longer takes his anti-anxiety meds and is MUCH calmer and relaxed. I have even ordered Stress Free Calmplex for him and hope that both products will continue to help him too! Thank you!
Amy O'Brien, Pennsylvania
Dill Valley Dalmatians & Revival Beagles

"A picture speaks a thousand words!"
Dear Springtime,
I buy Longevity so my dogs can benefit from the life food factors and multitude of positive effects from healthy ingredients. I've often wondered if my dogs like the taste of Longevity, or if they simply like the mix of meats, fruit, and vegetables with their kibble. No need to wonder anymore! A picture speaks a thousand words!
Axel and Layla don't typically get in the trash, but to my surprise, I came home to find the bin opened with only one disturbed item. The canister had been closed, and you can see the effort involved in opening it to clean out every last bit! Ringing endorsement!
Trish Trujillo, Texas

"…still going strong…."
Dear Springtime,
I was just on your site and saw the testimonial I wrote two years ago for Longevity is still posted.
I thought you would like to know that Skye, my German Shepherd, is now 9 ½ and Buddy, my tri-pod Golden Retriever will be 13 next month (April). Both are still on Longevity and both are still going strong and volunteering with me in animal assisted therapy.
Thank you for your part in helping me keep my dogs healthy! Longevity Rocks!
Bonnie Jamison, Ohio

Longevity – "…cleared the fungus"
Dear Springtime,
This is my 5 year old greyhound, Gilly Boy, after putting him on Longevity and a raw diet. I read that Longevity made their coat healthy and pretty so I thought I'd try it as his coat was kind of thin and had brown spots on it when I got him. The only other supplements he got were melatonin and some fish oil. Now his coat is like lustrous dark black velvet and he gets many compliments. Remarkable, isn't it?
I have one other Longevity fed dog – Momma Seabird (JC's Seabird). She was a brood momma and was 10 years old when I adopted her. She had a yucky fungus or something on two of her toes that the vet couldn't clear up. I had read a testimonial about how Longevity cleared some kind of fungus on another lady's dog so I thought since I was going to give it to Gilly for his coat, I would 'try' it on Momma, too, and see if it did anything. It cleared the fungus and the toes got well! Momma is 12 now and in great health as you can see. She also gets the Advanced Hip & Joint Chewables. I continue to be impressed with your products after using them for many years. My many dogs and I say THANKS!!!
Donna Logsdon, Kentucky

"…more spring in their step…."
Dear Springtime,
I wanted to thank you for responding to my e-mail. I truly appreciate your response. I have increased them gradually and we are up to 4 scoops of Longevity and 4x Advanced Hip & Joint Chewables and will increase their dose again today. There has been a difference in both Goldens with a little more spring in their step. Griffin is 12 and Clifford is 11. Thank you again!
Janice Trabucco, North Carolina

"ALL of my dogs look, feel and smell fresh!"
Dear Springtime,
All of my dogs are so happy that I discovered Springtime 10 years ago. I feed all of them Longevity and Bug Off Garlic Granules. At one time I was running low on Longevity, so I fed it only to my younger dogs. Well, within a few days, my old guys' coats were dull and they took naps instead of their usual alert, playful routine. Since then, I have never run low on Longevity which I believe is the best supplement in existence. ALL of my dogs look, feel, and smell fresh! Springtime, we all love you!
Devoted Longevity Fan,
Donna Radich, North Carolina

Longevity for Every Age Dog
Dear Springtime,
As usual, THANK YOU for your wonderful products and specials! Honey is still doing fantastic on Longevity and with the addition of the Advanced Hip & Joint Chewables, enjoying her new house and property! Lacie, her four year old mini Schnauzer friend, and Neon, her one year old Rottie friend are helping keep her active while also benefitting from your wonderful products!
I myself continue to enjoy your Tonic Blend and Joint Health Capsules, and have convinced my 76 year old mother to start taking the Joint Health Capsules as well. She is amazed at how much it helps!
Thank you!
Susan Sibley, New York
Sadly, Honey passed away a few months later. She will be missed.

No More Itchiness!
Dear Springtime,
Your products simply blow me away! I live in central Florida (25 miles southwest of Ocala) and have Tennessee Walking horses. I have battled flies and mosquitoes with everything but nuclear waste from our power plant in Crystal River. By dumb luck I found out about Bug Off Garlic from a friend. Talk about battle of the bug, OMG, Springtime rules! I can actually saddle the horses without them doing an Irish step dance. The mosquitoes now find me a tastier treat than my equine partners.
Let's go on to my once itchy cattle dog. He was such a miserable little guy, constantly scratching and chewing his paws. I thought he had a neurotic thing going on for a while. I'm a cytotechnologist; I have the ability to swab and test on occasion. My little itchy guy had a lot of fungus going on. I began giving him Longevity and Greek yogurt and within a week he was cured. Watching the dog sleep an entire night undisturbed brought a tear to my eye, really.
Melissa S. Bailey, Florida

19 Year Old Livestock Dog Still Taking Care of Her Alpacas
Dear Springtime,
Awhile back when ordering I promised you a photo of Elisa, my beloved Maremma. A retired livestock guard dog who still keeps an eye on her small alpaca herd, Elisa will be 19 years old (that is not a typo) in November. Previously a dog who would refuse supplements (including any treat they were hidden in), Elisa has been a big fan of Springtime Inc. since we discovered you years ago. She enthusiastically eats Fresh Factors, and Bug Off Garlic Chewables, and she LOVES Longevity--eating it daily out of a separate dish she'll even carry around the house. While she may look sleepy in this recent photograph, and of course she naps often these days, Elisa can be surprisingly vigorous and even run through the woods when inspired. I didn't get Elisa until she was 6 years old and soon found myself wishing I'd have more time with her - and I hoped she was making the same wish about me. Now I know we're both very grateful to Springtime Inc. for helping make our wish come true.
Thank you so much,
Kathy Hill, New York

13 Year Old Improved Greatly
Dear Springtime,
My 13 year old Basset Hound, Chuckie, has improved greatly on Longevity. Your staff is so nice and helpful. I only hope my Chuckie will live a lot longer! Thanks so much for making such a great product!
Christine Fucile, Massachusetts

"Buddy's energy has come back, and he walks taller and straighter than he has in at least a year."
Dear Springtime,
I ordered Longevity for my two dogs, both certified as animal assisted therapy dogs - I can't say enough about this product. Skye is a seven year old German Shepherd and Buddy is an eleven year old Golden Retriever who is a tripod (Buddy's back leg had to be amputated when he was less than a week old, as a child fell on it and his leg bones shattered). It is important for Buddy to keep his remaining back hip and his spine in good shape. Buddy's energy has come back and he walks taller and straighter than he has in at least a year. He and Skye are playing like pups. I have also now added your Omega 3-6-9 to my dogs' diets. Between Longevity and Omega 3-6-9, they are having their best year ever!
Bonnie Jamison, Ohio
*Photo courtesy of Emily's Photography, Springfield, Ohio

Surgery Avoided!
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to write to you about how wonderful your products are. I have a 4 1/2 year old long coat German Shepherd, Falco, who was diagnosed with hip problems at around 2 1/2. … It devastated me to hear this news! Falco is my love, my best friend, my child. The vet recommended powerful joint supplements of which I started him on and it improved him greatly. He was fine for some time but then started sliding down hill so I switched supplements and tried many things. … Nothing seemed to make a great difference, and by the way, I feed a raw food diet. NO dry dog food in my house. Last winter Falco had a hard time getting in the back of my Tahoe, so I bought a ramp that he hated. He would get grumpy with our puppy, Nika, who was about 6 months old or so and wanted him to play rough. He knew he could not keep up with her. … I purchased the Longevity and Bug Off Garlic as we have horrible ticks. Within a few weeks Falco was much more active and running better in the yard. After a month, I really started to notice the difference as I doubled his dose. Now, several months later you would not know he has hip issues. We live on the lake and he runs on the beach and leaps up on the dock and over to the other side. He chases Nika in the yard and bullies her around while smiling, yes, smiling! It is truly amazing. Dogs with hip problems have no muscle in their hind legs, well, I tell you he does now!
Nika would not eat the Longevity so I started her on Fresh Factors. She had a problem with her coat. She had very coarse, brittle top coat on neck and back, and sores appeared all along her back and head. I had used a new bug repellent so probably the sores were from that, but the coat was terrible, even with the raw diet. She pretty much blew her whole coat, but now after two months on Fresh Factors her coat is soft and supple and shiny. I also have been giving the dogs salmon oil all along and switched recently to your Omega 3-6-9 softgels for them and myself! I think the three different oils in your product are superior to just one type, and it does not go rancid as oil can.
I am so very happy that you saved my boy, Falco, from having surgery. We were seriously considering it and I dreaded the ordeal and expense. So, when your catalog appeared I said "one more try" after reading the testimonials of other clients. Soooo glad I did! We love you, Springtime.
Cathy Tait, Maine

Longevity for Healthy Coat, Hips
Dear Springtime,
We have three Great Danes that we adopted from rescue organizations, 1 Rottie/Shepherd mix from the Humane Society (11 years ago) and a Dobe/Hound mix that was found on the side of the expressway when she was about six weeks old (8 years ago).
I started using Longevity probably about eight months ago. My 11 year old Rottie/Shepherd mix had not been able to sit for years due to it being so uncomfortable for his hips. Now, he sits with ease and does it quite a bit when he isn't nosing around the property or enjoying a game of chase with his brothers and sisters.
We adopted a three month old Great Dane pup from a rescue organization that rescued her from a horrific puppy mill situation. She had an abundance of scabs when we got her due to her previous living conditions and her coat was a mess. When she was about eight months old, she developed a case of juvenile demodicosis. It is a form of mange that pups will sometimes get because their immune system isn't fully developed and cannot fight them. The mites were destroying quarter size spots of her beautiful black coat that I worked so hard to improve when we adopted her. The vet told me that her immune system would eventually, hopefully, correct the problem. However, there was a chance that it could worsen. I started her on Longevity and was amazed at the results. Within four weeks, there was a huge improvement in her coat. You can't even see where the spots were. I strongly believe that the Longevity helped her immune system to balance.
I am a dog lover and have always been, especially of giant breeds. Your products have made my dogs happy and healthy and that is all I wish for. I just wanted to thank you for that.
Debbie Lococo, Ohio

"Your products have given them a quality of life and health..."
Dear Springtime,
My dog, Dottie, is 15 years old and I believe she owes her longevity to all of your products, especially Fresh Factors, Joint Health Chewables (she can still jump on the couch) and to the Longevity. My cat, Amber, aka "Jam," also takes Longevity as well as Joint Health Chewables. She is 13 years old. Jam likes the taste of your products. Your products have given them a quality of life and health that they would otherwise not have had!
Thank you,
Joyce Lowinger, Florida

Shrinking Cyst - 12 Year Old Beagle Mix
Dear Springtime,
I ordered Longevity for my dogs a few months ago. I have three dogs with different issues (ages from three to twelve). My oldest, Sonny, is a 12 yr old Beagle mix with shoulder issues and a growing cyst on one side of his neck. We had the cyst looked at and aspirated by a vet and it was determined to be a fatty deposit. The only problem was that it continued to grow in spite of efforts to control his fat intake. Because of his age, we wanted to avoid having it surgically removed if possible. After about two months on the Longevity, I felt his neck, and surprisingly, the cyst was shrinking! It is now half the size it was before the Longevity. Is it the product? I guess there's no way to be absolutely sure, but I am sure we'll stick with it.
I am happy to report that his fatty cyst is continuing to shrink! I will keep you guys posted and hopefully the next email will be about it being completely gone.
Alison Aughtman and "Sonny," Alabama

"After about two months on Longevity, she's now bouncing around..."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to drop a line or two and thank you for your wonderful products. I've used your products for over six years and recently started all my dogs on Longevity. I did this due to the spirulina component of the supplement and its tremendous benefits. I take your Spirulina Tablets with excellent results and thought it would also benefit my dogs (German Shepherd, age six, English Setter, age ten, English Setter, age two and Mini Doxie, age two).
They all have great hair coats, but the biggest shock was the attitude and energy change in our ten year old Setter, Mattie. She has always been a "puppy" at heart but had started to slow down. She didn't want anything to do with our youngest Setter or our Doxie pup. After about two months on Longevity, she's now bouncing around and play bowing, trying to entice her house mates to play. It's wonderful to see her so full of herself again. All my friends are aware of your company due to the excellent outcomes I have shared with them. I'm grateful for your products as they allow me to provide the best care for my four-legged family at a very reasonable price.
Lori Burian, Pennsylvania

"...his ears look so clear and healthy..."
Dear Springtime,
I just got back from a follow-up visit to the vet with my cat, Sampson, and wanted to share my appreciation. For the prior five years, this animal had a miserable time with ear infection after ear infection. We have had multiple surgeries, restricted diets, antibiotics by the dozen and most recently this year he was diagnosed with MRSA.
My dog had surgery this year for her elbows and a friend recommended that I start her on the Longevity formula. One day, after a vet appointment with the cat, I wondered if the stuff wouldn't help Sampson. I called your office, spoke with my vet and started the cat on it. He is a new animal. His ears have NEVER looked this good. It's been about seven months now on the Longevity and the vet has been impressed with how his ears look. You can't know how great it is to hear "his ears look so clear and healthy" as opposed to "he has another infection." I never thought I'd hear this! It's so nice to see him comfortable. Thank you so much!
Kristen Carpentier, Vermont

"Longevity... changed his total health..."
Dear Springtime,
Boomer is my Golden Retriever, and his 14th birthday pictures say it all! Longevity has been his "fountain of youth" for the past two years.
At age twelve, his hips were deteriorating due to joint problems. He was on a low dose of a prescription drug and totally collapsed as a side effect from it. I took him off the medication immediately. I was desperate to find him the right supplement that could help his hips.
That's when my dear friend told me about Longevity. I was amazed to start watching the changes in him. He was walking so much better, and not only that, but his coat was turning luxurious again. My new vet is amazed at how healthy he is for his age. All his organs are working great and his heart is strong. Longevity is so complete that it changed his total health, inside and out. I cannot thank you enough, Springtime, for helping my old boy and giving me the peace of mind that I was doing the very best for him. I tell everyone about the wonders of Longevity. Fourteen years ago, he was the Christmas puppy to three adoring children and over the years has been the most wonderful and loyal friend. He deserves the quality of life that he has given back. Longevity has made that possible. Thank you again, Springtime, for loving our animals and making truly good, effective safe products for them.
Thank you!
Patty Cook and "Boomer," Nevada

"...cataracts were less noticeable."
Dear Springtime,
I own two Jack Russell Terriers, ages eight (Missy) and eleven (Taz). The male, Taz, has been diagnosed this past year with high blood sugar and cortisol levels in the blood. The cortisol level was under control within a few months; however, the blood sugar has been a struggle. To add to his ailments, he developed cataracts very rapidly due to the uncontrolled diabetes. He had only 10% vision remaining. Although he remained a happy dog, it was a heartache to see him struggle outside of his environment in our home.
I have been purchasing your garlic pills to control ticks and fleas for the last few years and am very pleased with the results. I had both dogs on a glucosamine product to help them in their senior years, however, it did not appear to be working after using for one year. Both dogs seemed to suffer from joint pain periodically. I decided to try your Longevity product. I began using Longevity on December 16, 2009, marking the side of the container to monitor any progress noticed.
Within three to four weeks Missy stopped limping (due to a broken leg when she was a puppy), and I noticed that Taz was not struggling to find his way around the house as much. As we neared the end of January, I began to notice his eyes were very clear and it appeared the cataracts were less noticeable. While visiting my vet for Taz's monthly glucose check, I mentioned to him that Taz's vision miraculously seemed to be improving. He stated that he had done research on products with high levels of antioxidants actually dissolving cataracts in dogs and cats.
When I began using the Longevity my hope was to ease both their joint pain, improving their quality of life. Never in my wildest dreams would I believe this product in any way could improve vision for a dog with cataracts! Taz is living proof your product is miraculous! And Missy no longer has her periodic limp from the former broken leg. They both have a little more "pep in their step." I have friends and neighbors with older pets that I have spread the news to about your products. I cannot thank you enough for improving both my dogs' quality of life for however long I have them.
Debra Dodgson, Pennsylvania

"His coat shines and his musculature is just gorgeous!"
Dear Springtime,
I just felt I had to write and tell you what great results I have had using your Longevity product and Fresh Factors. I have a Champion smooth Dachshund that for the last two falls into winters has totally blown his coat and gotten a very sparse coat with a dry, brittle feel to it. This fall he was just shown at Dachshund Club of America and his overall appearance and condition has never been better! His coat shines and his musculature is just gorgeous! I just wanted to write and say thank you! I am sure it is due to the use of your products.
Janice Kenney, Connecticut

"Healthy pups, great eye checks..."
Dear Springtime,
As a health-oriented breeder of quality AKC Rough Collies, I am always looking for quality supplements to bring out the best in my kennel dogs. My female Rough Collie was on Longevity for several months before we bred her. And, she continued on Longevity throughout the pregnancy.
Wow, did we get a big surprise when she whelped a litter of 11 puppies! We were only expecting six pups by the ultrasound. So we did not expect this many pups. This was an exceptionally large litter.
All pups came out with normal weights for their sex. I had no runts. And none died. All pups survived and are now thriving little dogs. That in itself is some kind of record for health and robustness of the pups.
Also, our eye check for Collie Eye Anomaly, a genetic defect, came out terrific! None of the 11 puppies had a coloboma (a genetic defect). This is quite some record, as litters usually have one or two coloboma pups. Some breeders have more.
So I must say, as the breeder, some magic happened with this breeding and litter. Healthy pups, great eye checks, all pups are happy and thriving. So, I think some magic happened with Longevity in the diet.
Now Mom has her 'figure' back to her trim and slim self, and has rebounded with robust health and beautiful fur growing back in.
What can I say? It must be the Longevity magic at work!
Barbara Kubichka
Washoe Valley Collies, Nevada

15 Year Old Dog "...life is still good for her."
Dear Springtime,
My oldest Bearded Collie, Frankie, was 15 in October of 2009. She had a great life, but was not aging with the quality that we felt was right for her. When I saw the material on Longevity, it wasn't a choice, we had to try it.
We wanted the quality of her life even towards the end to be as full as we could make it, and it wasn't going that way. So we carefully evaluated our first month on Longevity.
She can once again get on the couch. Maybe not a big deal for our other four dogs, but huge for her. She wanted to go on walks with the other dogs now. Prior to this the thought of going beyond the mailbox was way out of her ability. She trots again, not far but often into the house, where she used to walk really slowly.
None of these things are unusual, but for this dog, they were giant steps back towards life like we knew her. She has been taking Longevity for more than three months now, and we will continue using it.
Not everything with Longevity has been easy. She doesn't like the taste, wet, dry, or mixed in yogurt or other mediums. But we continue getting it in her, and being blessed by her daily dog smile, her participating in small house rituals, and the knowledge that life is still good for her. That is all we asked for.
So even though we aren't the average Longevity purchaser, I felt that I should share our story.
Gail Romine, BS, RN, LHCRM, South Carolina
Bardmoor Bearded Collies

Vet "...guessed him to be at a little more than HALF his age!"
Dear Springtime,
Since I tell every dog person I know about your product, I thought it might time to tell you! A few years ago, I noticed my then nine year old Havanese, Clover, starting to slow down. He'd been a great performance dog - obedience, agility, rally- and it looked like it was starting to catch up with him. I had him on glucosamine/chondroitin from the pet store and didn't notice a whole lot of difference. A professional handler friend I knew recommended Fresh Factors, as all of her show dogs are on them. I looked at the website and decided that for my small dog, I'd spring for Longevity.
I could have sworn I saw a difference in him within days, but being slightly cynical, I thought it was my imagination. After two weeks on it, I was gone a long day and dropped off Clover with my parents for the day. They had no idea he was on anything new, and went on and on about how he was having "such a good day," wanting to play ball and bounce around. At that point, I knew the Longevity was making a huge difference. A few years later, I moved and switched vets. She gave him a routine physical and commented that his eyes looked cloudy for his age but he was otherwise in great shape. I asked how old she thought he was and she guessed him to be at a little more than HALF his age! Suffice it to say, she then said his eyes looked normal but the rest of him was unbelievable!
I've since added Bug Off Garlic Granules (also amazing) and am switching from the fish oil I had been using to your new Omega 3-6-9 product. I also put all of my show dog clients on Longevity. You can literally see the line of new coat growth and the huge difference it makes.
One of the first hurdles I had with Longevity is that feeding it as you recommend meant my white dog had bright green all over his face after every meal. I got tired of washing his face. I eventually started throwing a spoonful of "loaf style" canned food (not in gravy) in the bowl, then the Longevity and Bug Off Garlic Granules. I mix the powders into the canned food then mix it in the dry food. Problem solved - no more green face!
Attached is a photo of Clover on his 13th birthday. People meet him and are blown away when they ask his age, because he's still running and bouncing around. He had a cruciate ligament repaired in his knee last December (because he was running laps with my aunt's one year old Havanese!) and he boggled the vet with how quickly he recovered, especially give the severity of his injury and his age.
Thank you for such an amazing product!
Kat Smith, Rhode Island

"...it brings us such joy to see him play again!"
Dear Springtime,
We began giving Longevity to our 14 year old Chocolate Labrador, Reese, in late November 2008. By mid-December, he began showing an interest in his toys again (something he hadn't done in years.)
He now brings his favorite ball to us for games of fetch every day. He is not as quick as he once was, but it brings us such joy to see him play again! Adding a few rounds of fetch to his daily walk has resulted in his taking some weight off too!
Last night when we returned home from work, we caught Reese napping on our sofa. He had not been able to climb on our furniture for years due to weakness in his hind quarters.
Because this supplement comes in a powdered form, it is easy to administer by simply adding it to his daily food. I also found that by introducing it gradually per the instructions, it was well tolerated.
I have never written to any company about a product, but the significant difference Longevity has made in the quality of our dog's life has inspired me to thank you! We recommend your products to every dog owner we meet.
Patty Smith, West Virginia

"...knee cap no longer slips out of place."
Dear Springtime,
Your product Longevity has eliminated the need for my dog, Chloe, to have surgery for a luxating patella. She is happy and seemingly pain-free. Her knee cap no longer slips out of place. I am so very thankful to you and your company!
Holly Vallei, Virginia

"She looks and feels so much better."
Dear Springtime,
I thought you might like to see pictures of our new dog, Almost April. We got her from the shelter on March 27 of this year. She came from one of the worst cases of animal abuse/hoarding that the state of Maine's animal welfare people had ever seen. She was one of the lucky ones, eight dogs were found dead and six more had to be put down. All we did was start adding Longevity to her food, feed her three good meals a day, and give lots of love. You can see what 2 ½ months of good care can do! She looks and feels so much better. Thanks for making a product that produces results.
Robin Wilkey, Maine

Longevity – Torn ACL
Dear Springtime,
I'd like you to meet a very special dog. Her name is Spud and she is a blue merle Australian Shepherd. I have called her my "little horse" because I went to a horse sale to buy a horse and I came back with her. She has been my constant companion for 13 years and 10 months. She does not follow me around the farm, she leads me.
Two years ago at age 12, she tore her left hind ACL chasing the horses. I had the vet perform surgery on her. Her recovery wasn't easy. She hated being restrained and moved like she hurt. A friend suggested I give her Joint Health Chewables which I did for a couple of months and saw some improvement but she still seemed in pain when walking. Sadly, I was coming to the conclusion that rather than let her suffer any more I would have to put her to sleep.
However, I got on the internet and read about Longevity and decided to give it a try. I ordered some and within a few days I noticed she wasn't hobbling around as much. Her coat was shinier. After two weeks she was moving easier, even going out into the corral and letting the horses know she was boss again. A month later she started running and was back to moving at a trot wherever she went.
It has been two years since I started giving Spud her Longevity. She does her little dance every night reminding me it's her treat time. I think she'd lick it right out of my hand. Friends and family, and even my vet can't believe she is as old as she is. She has always been my friend, buddy, and protector. Thanks to Longevity, Spud is still active and a part of my life.
Thank you!
Nona Williams, Idaho

"...the results of the products are lasting."
Dear Springtime,
I have 18 dogs here, with quite a few seniors that have come into our rescue and will stay here. It seems they get younger here, their voices louder, their muscles stronger. This year I stocked up on the Longevity, knowing I would be unable to purchase the variety of products I do normally. As I dole out the Joint Health Chewables to the neediest, and Longevity to everyone, including pups, I see the results of the products are lasting.
Old Miss Dorie, who was highlighted on the website under Joint Health Chewables (the beagle who couldn't get up the stairs) now jumps on her hind legs, runs and plays with the youngsters, and howls louder than I ever heard. Yes, they get younger here! I would never be without these products. Thank you!
Sheila Danish
Willows Change Pet Rescue Network, Nevada

"...Spirulina Wafers are a treat..."
Dear Springtime,
I have been ordering from Springtime for years now and have also taken every opportunity to tell others about your company and great supplements! I recently realized I have never told YOU how pleased I have always been with the products.
I have a small Rescue/Rehab for a variety of animals and many have been the recipients of your formulas. I currently have 17 dogs and one of my favorite additions to their diet is the Longevity. I raise all my giant breed pups (Wolfhounds and Danes) on this, as optimal nutrition is extra important for the fast growing guys. Nearly all my critters, dogs and otherwise, think the Spirulina Wafers are a treat, and really, anything I have ever ordered is top quality and well accepted by all.
I have most recently plugged Springtime on one of my forums and I know you have received numerous orders! I have attached a few pics of a couple of my "Springtime" guys also. I operate on a shoestring budget, but their supps are a priority whenever I can spare the cost. Thanks for being a company I can count on and recommend with pride!
Janice Wolf
Rocky Ridge Refuge, Arkansas

"... minimal shedding and a lot less itching than before..."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to send in a quick thank you for your Longevity product. I adopted Josette, a two year old German Shepherd, in January. She came to me with moderate hip problems in both hips and a mild elbow problem. I found Longevitythrough a lot of research and recommendations and have had her on it for almost as long as we have had Josette. We just went to the vet who told me she was really impressed by this supplement because, based on her x-rays from December, she would have expected her hips to be a lot worse off. Due to the Buy Two Get Two Free deal, I have a lot of Longevitylaying around so I decided to put my other dog, three year old Black Lab named Irie, on it for her horrible coat. I am happy to report both Irie and Josette have the most stunning coats I have ever seen on dogs before. There is minimal shedding and a lot less itching than before they started it. Thanks so much for this wonderful product, you have changed my dogs' lives!
Sarah Bugger, New York

"He is back to running the beach..."
Dear Springtime,
I put Satch on Longevity about five months ago as he was having trouble jumping into the hatchback. He is 11 ½ years old and a Golden Retriever. It has been a remarkable improvement. He is back to running the beach at times and greeting all the visitors.
Patricia Heezen, North Carolina

"...the bowl gets licked to nothing."
Dear Springtime,
I want to send a big THANK YOU for giving my sweet female Golden Retriever such a positive improvement after I started Longevity and Bug Off Garlic Granules. Amber, who will be 11 in June, has severe bilateral hip problems. Nobody knew, as I had been hiking and speed walking with her for seven years until my oldest Golden had to be put down. Amber was mourning her, didn't want to move for almost three months and then started to limp. After I demanded an x-ray, it was detected she had severe hip issues. Six months later her right hip popped. She was in serious pain and I thought Amber had to be put down, but luckily my vet did a salvage procedure and saved her. I somehow heard about Longevity and ordered the product, and boy, did she like it. With Longevity and swimming she is now almost without any limping and no pain. She loves her meals; the bowl gets licked to nothing. Even my new Golden, at three years old, is on Longevityand she loves it too.
I even recommended it to Brenda my neighbor for her old Duncan who was suffering with his joints. She reluctantly ordered some and got hooked because Duncan, who is 11, is doing so well. I use your Bee Pollen and Tonic Blend and I must admit your business is truly amazing and your love shines through your products.
I want to thank you for giving me three more years with my sweet Amber, a retired therapy dog. She is my little angel on earth and my soul mate.
Anne Marie Knudsen, California

"...on Longevity he improves instantly..."
Dear Springtime,
On February 9, 2009 I sent an order to Springtime to purchase Longevity for my 12 year old Golden Retriever, Duncan. He has had two doses of two scoops since 2/19/09 so far and has shown more pep and enthusiasm already. He has problems in his right hip. Also, he has hypothyroidism for which he takes meds. Without Longevityhe has a lot of stiffness and pain and he starts to limp and favor his sore legs. He won't come upstairs so much, and he has runny reddened eyes and his skin itches a lot. The vet says it is allergies, but as soon as he gets started back on Longevity he improves instantly and within a week or less all of the above symptoms goes away. This is why I totally think that Longevityis helping him. The thyroid condition causes him to lose energy and he would lay around with no interest. The thyroid meds help, but when I started Longevity he started to behave like a puppy again. It's really amazing.
Well I have to tell you, I was very pleased with the customer service that was extended to me. I can still remember good old fashioned customer service and it is refreshing to find a company that still holds the values true to their heart. In this day and age it sure is nice to know that there are still some great companies left. You are a faith restorer, a breath of fresh air.
Brenda Kobayashi, California

"...she is happy and moving freely..."
Dear Springtime,
I started Anonymous on Longevity in April, and she will be 12 in September, and can already see an improvement in her actions. She is an active therapy dog and has been working since 1998, but I noticed she was sleeping more and more. Now instead of being down for the count at 8 p.m. she has a nap, and then is up and chasing the laser pen beam for a while at 11 p.m. I admit sometimes I want to grump but she is happy and moving freely even with joint issues in a hind foot, so we play for a while and then go to bed. My dogs have not shown any reluctance to eat the product on their kibble.
Eileen Michals, Washington

"...the same quality of life she has always loved."
Dear Springtime,
I would like to share a story of my 11 year old Greyhound, Scarlet. She was diagnosed in January of 2008 with oral cancer by her regular vet. I took her for a second opinion, which confirmed my worst fears. I was in the process of ordering from Springtime when the Longevity caught my attention. It appeared that some research with spirulina had benefits with oral cancer. I have given her a scoop and a half a daily. She has not suffered one day and is the same happy girl. We have achieved buying time and she has the same quality of life she has always loved. Thank you Springtime, we are nearing a year.
Dede Miller, Pennsylvania

92 lb 13 Year Old Golden – "...very active..."
Dear Springtime,
There was a brief period where I stopped giving my now 13 year old Golden Retriever, Teddi, Longevity This was due to a financial "glitch." I noticed a huge decline in her energy level and in her breathing. It was very disconcerting to me. I decided after experiencing that scary time, "glitch" or not, I would not sacrifice her wellness and will continue to provide her with your Longevity product. For a 92 lb, 13 year old she is very active, fairly energetic and her quality of life is excellent. Thank you for that!
Leanne Pallazola, Colorado

"Longevity is worth every penny..."
Dear Springtime,
I had commented on the way your Longevity made my dogs' coats look and feel great. Axel is on your website comment page with his picture on the beach and Lexi actually had the red in her come out wonderfully after a few months on Longevity. Well, times got hard as everyone knows and we could not afford it for them. They have been off of it for a couple of months now and we can really see the difference. This is why we have ordered today. The heck with the price… Longevity is worth every penny of the cost and more. Lexi has four ten day old puppies now and I want them to have every benefit of the Longevityfrom the moment they begin to eat. We will have their mom and uncle on it the moment it arrives.We also noticed that we are getting brown urine spots on our front yard where they urinate. This did not happen while they were on the Longevity. Thanks again for such an awesome product! And never will our babies be without it again.
Debbie Peach, South Carolina

Longevity for Breeding
Dear Springtime,
I am a long time breeder who attends shows, hunts, breeds and also judges occasionally. Longevity was the first product purchased with retired dogs in mind but was soon added to the menu for everyone including bitches in whelp and even added to the initial weaning diet of four week old pups. Once they are on it, they stay on it for life.
Longevity certainly produces all the desired results and more as indicated on your website. Without exception, all of my dogs, 14 in total, love the taste. What was not mentioned on your site is the fact that my dogs teeth, even the 14 year old (whose teeth have never been cleaned), are now amazingly free of plaque after eating Longevity. I know this is due to using your product alone as no other variable was introduced to their feeding schedule during the time frame. I attribute this unmentioned bonus of "cleaner teeth" to the key live food factors found in Longevity.
Additionally, my 14 year old, who was going downhill fast, now has a bit of spring back in his step and my 12 year old terrier is acting like a puppy again. As advised on your website, I also use the Bug Off Garlic Granules in conjunction with Longevity during the warmer seasons and am equally glad not to have to use the advertised chemical concoctions to keep flies at bay.
I was amazed and extremely grateful to have found such a superior additive to help keep my kennel of Conquest Jack Russell Terriers of all ages healthy. I am a strong advocate for Longevity and have started to endorse your product to my clients.
Yours in sport,
N. Gaye Redpath, Canada
Conquest Terriers & Pleasant Boarding Kennel

"...her shedding has been reduced by more than half..."
Dear Springtime,
I have an active Jack Russell and recently purchased your Longevity supplement. The decision was based on both the value of supplements for health and hoping to reduce shedding problems. Bridget has been getting this product for just under two weeks and her shedding has been reduced by more than half as evidenced by the amount of hair in our Dyson animal vacuum cleaner. This is a great relief to us, as we both have allergy and sinus issues along with being picky about our home. She absolutely loves the taste too. I was impressed with the value in comparison to similar products selling for ten times the amount. (I got in on one of your Buy Two Get Two Free deals.) Thank you for a fine product at an affordable price.
Mary Phillips, Florida

"The elder Chow is playing like she used to!"
Dear Springtime,
Greetings from Los Angeles! My friend Nicolette and I both own elderly black and tan wiener dogs. Nic told me about Longevity after meeting Nike, a German Shepherd who was destined to be put down three years ago and has been taking Longevity and is still here! Playing with her ball, living in N's neighborhood and being a great testament to the power of your product! Since then we BOTH have been walking and talking advertisements for your products. I've emailed friends across the country, at work I've given away your catalogs. At the dog park we've both shown off our "new" dogs and how shiny their coats have gotten and Gigi has lost weight! Our two dogs (Chow Chows) are getting in their new fur and are getting more energetic. The elder Chow is playing like she used to! Amazing, simply amazing. I heard just this morning that a woman I had given a catalog to has started her Husky on Longevity because he was beginning to get hip problems. He's too young to lose! More later! Thank you again from the west coast! It's not the quantity of life - it's the quality! :)
Elizabeth Romaine, California
The Willoughby Kennel

"Now she smiles as she runs..."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to let you know what a lifesaver your Longevity product is for my Labs. I raise puppies for Leader Dogs for the Blind and both of my Labs were pulled from the program as Cagney (far left) has problems in her left hock and Cedar (far right) has elbow issues. I have noticed the biggest difference in Cagney. Before using Longevity she was reluctant to run or even swim and with mild exercise would be stiff on that leg. Now she smiles as she runs and spends a lot more time in the water retrieving. Gracie (middle) is off to start her new career in July. She has been on Fresh Factors since I got her at seven weeks and has had excellent joint health. Thank you so much for making my puppies happy and healthy.
Laurie Salzer, New York

"She is insisting on going for walks again!"
Dear Springtime,
Winnie is a rescue pug that I got in September of 2007. She was found wandering the streets and was completely emaciated, dirty with skin and ear infections, overgrown toenails, and was unsprayed with a major hernia. The shelter that had her guessed her age to be about 12, and tried to talk us out of taking her, I saw a diamond in the rough and took her home.
When we got her home I noticed something "off" with her walking. She underwent surgery in May of 2008, having a femoral head osteotomy. Basically they cut off part of her leg bone. She was put on two different pain meds and even though it has been awhile, I have never been completely happy with her recovery. The vets have said she will never be normal and since she is elderly, we just should manage her pain.
Recently, on a trip to the emergency vet for severe gastric problems and a possible seizure, it was determined that not only does Winnie have degrading cartilage in her "good" hip, she has disc disease throughout the spine, from her neck to her tail as well as problems in both shoulders. We have had to take her off the NSAIDS, they were causing her too much stomach trouble and she cannot stomach most brands of glucosamine, chondroitin or msm.
This fueled me into looking for other treatment options. I read some recommendations on the site Dogster.com from some of your customers. I ordered the catalog and read about Longevity. I went out on a limb and ordered it and received it a week ago. I was so worried it would cause her stomach problems, she is so sensitive!
We followed your instructions with just a little sprinkle for a few days and now she is up to half a scoop twice a day. Now, it has only been a week, but I wanted you to know that I will NEVER be without this product for her. She had no gastric troubles at all. But the difference in her is amazing!
First, she has had a good coat because she is on a premium diet. But all of a sudden, she developed almost long "pants" on her rear legs! She is using both legs equally now, where as she favored one over the other before. I just spent a half hour playing tug of war with her! Tug of war with a dog that is supposed to be crippled! She is insisting on going for walks again! She is beating up my male puggle and actually growling during play! She finished up playing, panting! Panting! She was playing hard enough to work up a sweat!
It's obvious to me that she is feeling great. She isn't supposed to jump on the furniture, but I can't hold this dog back! She is running and jumping and playing and it's like this dog is five years old. If this is what happens after only a week, I can't wait to see her in a month.
I wanted you to know this because I was feeling really low after her last diagnosis. I was so afraid she was in pain and that we would lose her. She still continues to take a pain reliever, but that's ok. We may be able to wean her down in her dosage if she keeps feeling this good.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving my little old pug some spunk back!
Jennifer Traficante, Pennsylvania

"She bounces up with noticeable energy..."
Dear Springtime,
I have an 11 year old Border Collie/Australian Shepherd cross, Ceilidh (pronounced Kaylee) who, two years or so ago, tore her ACL ligament. At her age I did not want to put her through surgery so I looked for alternative treatments to make her comfortable and able to get around. Also, I noticed that her hips were getting stiff and she was just starting to act like an old dog - seemed reasonable to me as she was nearing the high end of her expected life span. She found it hard to get her hind end up in the morning and she was moving slowly and clearly didn't feel very well.
I found your company online and started with your Joint Health Chewables. It definitely seemed to help and when I was reordering, I noticed your Longevity. Couldn't hurt, I thought, so I put her on it. Little did I know. The change was dramatic. Not only can you not tell that her ACL was ever damaged, she has started trying to play with my two younger, much larger dogs. She bounces up with noticeable energy in the morning like a youngster, runs out with the boys and looks to me to throw her something to catch! That hasn't happened in years! Her coat has come back thick and beautiful and you would never know she is 11 except for the white muzzle. All of her old human friends who noticed her slow decline have asked me what in the world I was doing to create such a dramatic change. Everyone has noticed. I am so grateful to you people for this formula and I have recommended it to all my friends with old dogs and even give them jars to try. Thank you for helping my dear old Ceilidh to have a vigorous and pain-free old age. Keep up the good work and I will keep telling my friends.
Linda Veum, Montana

"His weight, coat, agility and overall demeanor improved tremendously..."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much we appreciate your Longevity product. It proved to be the essential component in keeping our German Shepherd, Budvar, alive and healthy for over 15 years.
When Budvar's health started to decline, we started giving him Longevity and he devoured it with enthusiasm. His weight, coat, agility and overall demeanor improved tremendously, giving him several more happy years. The local vets were amazed at his improvement and wanted to know what we had give him, as they didn't think that he should even be alive, much less happy and healthy. They had people calling our house asking about what had helped our dog regain his health.
I have given many people samples of Longevity to try on their dogs, as well as catalogs to order from. Repeatedly, they have been amazed at the improvement. I work with the local Humane Society and recommend your products to fellow animal enthusiasts.
Again, thank you for your wonderful products. We now feed Longevity to all of our hunting and pet dogs, and they are all doing great.
Louisa Wistos, California

"She is healthy, happy, and beautiful!"
Dear Springtime,
I have three dogs. All are registered therapy dogs. Two of them are rescues who were in poor shape when I got them. All my dogs and my cat receive Springtime supplements. One of my rescued dogs has experienced extreme transformation.
Lassie, my Rough Collie, was 106 pounds when she was rescued. We needed to shave all her hair off because she was totally matted. She was nine years old with joint problems because of the weight along with a lot of other physical problems. She was immediately placed on a diet but I was very concerned about nutrition. I fed a super premium food along with Springtime supplements (Longevity, Joint Health Formula, and Bug Off Garlic Granules). It took nine months for her to lose 40 pounds, and another nine months for all her hair to grow back.
The old, matted, overweight lame Collie that no one wanted one and a half years ago is now a ten year old dog that everyone wants. She is healthy, happy, and beautiful! Thank you, Springtime!
Robin Lawson, Ohio

Longevity for Luxurious, Healthy Coat
Dear Springtime,
Longevity really helped my 14 year old Border Collie, Celeste, the last months of her life! Her hair was so long and luxurious and she got along much better. I told our vet about it when he asked what we were doing. His comment was, "I wish they had it for people." I gave him the catalog. Now I have adopted a six year old Border Collie, Tess, which came with valley fever, incontinence, round worms, and a lot of fear issues. She is gaining weight, not wetting except when very excited and I feel her valley fever will heal! Her hair is so pretty now, and of course, the worms are taken care of. Thank you for this product. I know it helps my companions!
Deanna Councill, Arizona

"What a miracle..."
Dear Springtime,
We adopted a Cairn Terrier mix dog named Scooby who had been neglected and/or abused. He was in bad shape and was given two months to live. He had tremors and spasms. His jaw was disintegrating and he couldn't pick up toys or eat very well. He couldn't even pant, so his energy was very low and his tongue was very thin and weak.
We took good care of him and gave him lots of love and medication. He kept on living. After having him for five years, he was having difficulty with his joints and he was not responding well to all of his antibiotics (he was on two of the strongest ever made) which I gave him every other month for one infection after another.
Finally, my daughter read some of your testimonials and I ordered the Longevity for our little Scooby. He hasn't taken an antibiotic now for over a year! His hair grew in fuller, his breath got somewhat better, his ears, sinuses, joints, and allergies have been so much better. He is full of energy and is able to play, run and eat. What a miracle it is to see him. Everyone is blown away and I tell everyone I know about Longevity. All of the vets who have ever met Scooby are so amazed that this little dog keeps going. Now his quality of life is so much better as he continues to hang in there.
Susan Stephan, Illinois

"...you would never know there was anything wrong with him at all!"
Dear Springtime,
I just want to comment on how great your products are. My German Shepherd, Ike, was diagnosed with a spinal degenerative disorder and was yelping almost every time he turned around. I started him on the Longevity and you would never know anything was wrong with him at all! I love your products as much as I love my dogs!
Lucinda Stringer, Ohio

"...full, healthy, beautiful coat."
Dear Springtime,
We have two German Shepherds. Axel is a therapy dog and just all around good natured. Lexi came to us two years ago as a wreck. She was nervous and not social at all. A friend gave us some Longevity to try with our dogs. Axel has a beautiful coat, but just loves the taste. He won't touch his food now without it. Lexi would blow her coat for any reason; stress, weather, visitors, etc. It seemed she would never have the coat she should have with her breeding. After only four months on Longevity she has a full, healthy, beautiful coat.
Thanks so much,
Debbie Peach, South Carolina

"...he has improved in athletic ability."
Dear Springtime,
I have wanted to write in and tell you thank you! All of our animals are now on Springtime products and so am I! I was introduced to your products a couple of years ago by my mom who was using Fresh Factors for her dogs. Since then I am a true believer and currently use Bug Off Garlic Granules for my horses and dogs, Longevity for my dogs, Tonic Blend and Spirulina Tablets for me. My mom continues to use your products for her horses and dogs as well.
We do dog rescue and most of the dogs we take in are in pretty bad shape. The first thing we do is add Springtime products to a good diet to get them on the road to recovery….Our Boston Terrier, Motor-Boating Max, who competes in dock jumping, is a different dog this year since we have added Longevity to his diet. He has improved in athletic ability and seems so much healthier. He had been jumping in the range of 10 feet, and then earlier this year jumped 11 feet three inches in Michigan. Well, at his last competition Max jumped an amazing 14 feet three inches!
I am a true believer!
Melissa Jordan, Ohio
Little Briar Patch Rescue/Team Little Briar Patch

"Grendl is still able to leap up into the cab at age 13."
Dear Springtime,
I have many years of experience with many different dogs and horses. I've used many products from many places, though never with very good results. The cost was phenomenal to the point where I couldn't afford to buy supplements for my dogs even if they needed them. I got to where I just didn't believe the selling points of products out there claiming all sorts of things until I started to use your Springtime Fresh Factors and Longevityon my old dogs.
A friend had started to use these products on her dogs with marvelous results and I decided to order with her. I started out using Fresh Factors and noticed a difference fairly soon. Then I switched to using Longevity and have been using that since then. I have been using it now for some time with wonderful results! My two Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are both AKC Champions. One of them recently passed away just shy of his 13th birthday (the one laying down in the photo, Britt). The other one sitting upright in the photo is Grendl, who just celebrated his 13th birthday on July 30th. I believe that without Longevity they would not have done as well as long as they had.
For some years, before I started to use Longevity they could no longer jump into the back or the front of my pickup or onto my bed to snuggle with me anymore. When I started to use your product on my boys, it wasn't very long before Britt was found in the back of the pickup all by himself! And then they were able to jump into the cab of my pickup with no problems and then onto my bed once again. It had been years since they could do that! Grendl is still able to leap up into the cab at age 13. My Cardigan Corgi, also the same age, doesn't limp near like he did.
I have since told other Chesapeake Bay Retriever owners who have dogs that veterinarians can't seem to help. They have written me about how they were amazed at the huge difference Longevity made. I wish I could get all their pictures together in honor of Britt, who has passed away, and his brother, Grendl, because I would love to share their stories as well.
Thank you for such wonderful products! And keep up the "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" option, as that has been a huge seller for me. Thank you!
Kathy Olding, Alaska

"...we are amazed at his new lease on life!"
Dear Springtime,
I just had to write about the changes we see in our 14 year old Golden Retriever/Cocker Spaniel Mix. Last summer Beau's former owner felt it wouldn't be long before he would have to put Beau to sleep. When the neighbor died last fall, we took Beau into our household as we had promised. I started him on Springtime Longevity and we are amazed at his new lease on life! He not only is happier and more active but also actually runs around playing with my two boisterous Norwegian Elkhounds. They are just one and four years old respectively so they give him quite a workout.
I wouldn't be surprised if Beau celebrates more birthdays with us, seeing how he has bloomed while on Longevity. The two Elkhounds are getting Fresh Factorsand doing well on that. Pretty soon they will be hard pressed to keep up with him! I enclosed a photo of Beau…just look at the sparkle in Beau's eyes!
Kari Olson, Wisconsin
Longships Norwegian Elkhounds

"We are sold on Longevity..."
Dear Springtime,
Our Husky/Lab Mix, Casey, who is almost ten years old, has had a long bout with joint pain in all four legs. She has been through ACL surgery as well. We've been giving her about two scoops of Longevity morning and evening with her meals for about a year and a half now. We began noticing a difference within a month after starting it. She had more energy, she was running instead of trotting, and she was much more playful with our youngest dog. And just a couple of months ago, she surprised us beyond words - she jumped on our bed! That's something she hasn't done in years!
We are sold on Longevity, and we recommend it to all our friends with older dogs with joint pain.
Sara Hawk, Ohio

"Our grass is healthy due to the Longevity."
Dear Springtime,
Skillet is our six year old female American Pit Bull Terrier and Miles is our four year old male American Staff Pit Bull. Both have been taking Joint Health Chewables, Longevity, and Fresh Factors for some time now. Our grass is healthy due to the Longevityand our dogs are healthy as an ox. Plus, we use the Stress Free Calmplex during the 4th of July and other holidays with fireworks. Thanks to you, we have beautiful healthy dogs that will be with us for a long time. Also, my boyfriend and I are taking Joint Health Capsules for us! Now we have stronger joints that help us keep up with the dogs. We have gotten many family members and friends to try your stuff.
Thank you,
Melissa Lugo, California

Our vet calls her 'their miracle Cookie!'"
Dear Springtime,
I had become concerned about how quickly Cookie, my eight year old Golden Retriever, was aging. She was very stiff and was moving around less and less. I received your catalog in the mail and after reading the "Real Letters," quickly ordered the Longevity and Joint Health Chewables. What a difference! A year later she has returned to her spry, happy self! I now give them to our other three dogs: Kiwi, the Schipperke, Rio, the Border Collie, and Halo, the wolf-hybrid. Everyone is happy and healthy! We make several trips a week to our local off-leash park (100 acres).
The reason I am writing is to tell you my most recent experience with Cookie. She had developed a lump on her hindquarters. This became enlarged and then opened up overnight into a bloody mess (with her help!). The next morning, upon examination, our vet informed me that it was some type of a tumor or mass… My option was a surgery at an estimate of $3,500.00! I left her at the vet for observation and went home to discuss this with my family.
We decided that we wouldn't put her through the trauma of such a difficult surgery, not to mention not being able to afford it. My son and I went back to say good-bye and have her euthanized. The vet tech brought her into the room so we could spend our last time together. Cookie came in happy with her whole hind end wagging in glee at seeing us. The tech closed the door and left us alone with her.
At this point, it becomes unbelievable! The mass fell out on the floor… We called for help and the tech and the vet ran in and looked so shocked. They bandaged her up and left her with us so they could regain their composure. They came back in and gave her a mild sedative so they could examine the area. Basically, this tumor had just fallen out of her body and they were able to put in a few stitches and we took her home! (Biopsy came back benign).
That was two weeks ago and she is all healed up and we are back at the dog park with all of her friends. Our vet calls her "their miracle Cookie!" She said she has never seen anything like this before and still can't explain it. I truly believe that your supplements have made her body and immune system so strong that she was able to completely reject the tumor and heal herself. (That and a lot of prayers!)
Thank you for making such good quality supplements and helping so many people and animals.
Moni Piz Wilson, Colorado

Labs Love the Taste of Longevity!
Dear Springtime,
Thank God for my procrastination. I never got around to buying canned food to mix Longevity with for my Black Lab, Griffey. I mixed it with his dry food adding a small amount of water. He loves it and dances when he sees me open the can. With all that is going on with dog food these days, I don't need any more health issues with him. He is doing great on Longevity, has more energy and isn't limping as much from hip and knee problems…I give it to Tess also, my other Black Lab, mostly because she loves it. I work in a chiropractic office and I tell people all the time about your great products. Thank you so much for helping Griffey get back to himself.
Marie Winans, Pennsylvania

"At almost 14 she still wants to do agility."
Dear Springtime,
I want to thank you for your wonderful products. For almost two years, my old girl, Cinnamon, and my young dog, Patches, have been on the Bug Off Garlic Granules and Longevity. What a difference in my old girl! At almost 14 she still wants to do agility.
…I had retired Cinnamon last year after we finally finished her two Novice Agility titles. She then informed me by jumping 26" jumps (her height was 20" and as a veteran is 16") that I had set up for Patches that she wanted to continue. So, I started showing her as USDAA agility trial (which allow mixed breeds). Out of four classes, we qualified and received two fourth place ribbons last year. I just took her for fun and she had a ball. If I had trained her at all, we probably could have qualified in the other two classes.
As long as she is happy and healthy, and is able to and wants to do agility I will continue to show her in a couple of classes. As with other dog folks, I enjoy showing my "fur kids" with who ever will look at them.
God bless you and all the people at Springtime for all your hard work and help for our dogs to make them have happier, healthier lives.
Sheila Dempsey,West Virginia

"He was the oldest dog competing by several years!"
Dear Springtime,
I think it's about time I shared my Springtime story with your company. I share my home and life with two wonderful Doberman Pinschers, Cisco and Bella. Cisco, at nearly 10 years of age, had begun to show some tell-tale signs of being an older dog; he slowed down a bit, walked a little gingerly, and declined to play with the ever persistent if not obnoxious Bella. Cisco and I had competed quite regularly in obedience trials, and I thought in his twilight years he deserved to "take it easy." I had been ordering Springtime Stress Free Calmplex for Cisco for some time to help combat his severe separation anxiety, when I read about Longevity. I decided I should give it a try. Bella was herself working in obedience and nearing her championship in conformation, she could obviously benefit from it, so why not give the old man some too?
Bella's coat improved dramatically, she was retaining her conditioning better, and she just appeared healthier. But Bella was not what shocked me. Cisco seemed like a new dog. Cisco chased after Bella, he play-bowed, and ran around the yard. He literally had a spring in his step. Now I'm a skeptic, so I was hesitant to attribute to Longevitythat my semi-geriatric Doberman could now bound across the yard, but it was the only thing that had changed in his diet and his life. Clearly, it was the Longevity.
Cisco had always loved to train and compete in obedience. Judges always commented on how happy he looked when we were showing. On a whim, I decided to enter Cisco in a Rally trial. When Cisco realized HE was the one going to the show, he bounced all the way out to the car! After we were done competing, several spectators approached us to compliment Cisco's enthusiasm. You should have seen their mouths hit the ground when I told them he'd be ten in a week! He was the oldest dog competing by several years!
I could not have asked for more. Cisco loved competing again, and I had so much fun taking him through his paces, but the best was yet to come. Out of 17 dogs, Cisco and I were awarded first place!
Thank you Springtime for making Longevity!
Erin S. Pina, California

Longevity – "Miracle Grow"
Dear Springtime,
I got the spring catalog with my Bernese Mountain Dog puppy Odin's picture in it. And it looks great. I just want you to know that we now refer to Longevity as "Miracle Grow." Odin is now 10 months old and 110 lbs. Here he is with his new friend, Asgaard's Iris, who is eight weeks old, and of course, already enjoying the benefits of Longevity (as well as some green grass!).
Martha McCormick, Connecticut

"…our lawn is spot free."
Dear Springtime,
I love giving my seven year old English Springer Spaniel, Ellie, Longevity. It's healthy for her and our lawn is spot free.
Ruth Martin, Nevada

Longevity – Dogs Love the Taste
Dear Springtime,
I am writing to you to express my amazement at the reaction of my dogs to your Longevity. They are all on a high quality dog food, enriched with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I had refrained from ordering this for many years due to the fact that it was a granule product to be sprinkled on top of the food. My guys are particular, and I assumed they would dislike the topping. I could not be more wrong!!!! I initially ordered this as a bonus item as part of my last Fresh Factors order. They simply could not get enough of this product! I was astounded! I recently placed a full order of the Longevity product and have received it. They are absolutely ballistic over this product! Thank you so much for making a product that apparently added nutrients that they are missing from their diet. I'm sure their overall health will be greatly improved from this supplement.
Diane Lee, Texas

"She no longer mopes around…"
Dear Springtime,
The first order of Longevitywas a big hit and what a difference it has made for Shug! She no longer mopes around, unable and or unwilling to go for walks or play. She is so much better since starting the Longevity – there is a sparkle back in her eyes and a spring in her step! I just had to say "Thanks!"
Laura Hultberg, Pennsylvania

"…the mobility changes are unbelievable!"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to validate what you and so many of your customers already know. Longevity is an amazing product! We have an 18 year old Schnauzer, Abbey, who was moving slowly and exhibiting some symptoms of dementia and hearing loss. We started giving her the Longevity along with our other dog who was receiving it for the prevention of joint problems. After a few weeks, Abbey was "hopping like a rabbit" and playing with our puppy like she used to several years ago. Longevity has not been able to cure the dementia or the hearing problems but the mobility changes are unbelievable!
Thanks so much!
Nancy Haile, Missouri

"…good quality of life…"
Dear Springtime,
My 15 ½ year old Sheltie, Cassie, had cancer, and was spiraling down. I began her on the Longevity I ordered for my three Shelties. They had all been on Fresh Factors plus Joint Health Formula for years. Within a week on the Longevity, Cassie was more energetic and responsive. She had trouble walking, but Longevity made her love the morning ride in her wheelbarrow again. She definitely improved and was much happier once she was on Longevity. I thank you for helping me give her a good quality of life in her later years.
Harriet Entin, Missouri
Note: Sadly, Cassie passed away November 2, 2007.

"…I actually could feel that the cartilage on her ears was thicker."
Dear Springtime,
Thank you so much for making Longevity. My older dog, Mia, an eleven year old Terrier mix, was really showing her age. She was limping from a leg injury the vet was uncertain would ever heal. However, after just a few weeks on Longevity (which she loves) I started seeing the puppy return in my dog. She has lost weight, can exercise more, and there is no limp whatsoever. And, here is the real proof. My dog has always had one ear that stays half down. After a few weeks on Longevity I started noticing that both her ears stood straight up. I first wondered what was going on, that Mia looked different; her ears seemed to be quite large. After a few days of this, I actually could feel that the cartilage on her ears was thicker. It is amazing. My sister and friends were laughing a little as she looks like she may take off with the next wind, but I am just thrilled to have my little dog with me as long as possible.
Thanks again, Springtime – keep up the fantastic work!
Your friend and forever customer,
Margaret Cicolello, Florida

"…he is healthy and happy."
Dear Springtime,
My beautiful, soon to be 13 year old Flat Coated Retriever, Casey, had a malignant liver tumor removed in the summer of 2005. The options they suggested were not what we wanted for our beloved pet. We wanted his quality of life to be the best and decided to take other steps to make sure he was getting just that.
Three weeks after his liver surgery he ruptured his cruciate ligament in his left hind leg. The vet suggested another operation; she said without the operation he would become lame. We were devastated. Casey has been running with me every day for the past 12 years and the thought of him not being able to do what he loves the most was heartbreaking. Upon hearing this so soon after his first operation we decided to take another route. I found a holistic vet who put him on a special diet with herbs for the liver cancer and acupuncture once a month for his leg. I researched and found Springtime and decided to start him on Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables. When Longevity came out I decided to try it and now almost two years later his quality of life is what it used to be. We continue to walk everyday and he is healthy and happy. Thanks to your Springtime products, I feel that this has made a tremendous difference in his life and ours.
Earl & Dianna Dilulio, Maryland

"…he loves to chase the water from the garden hose sprayer."
Dear Springtime,
He is my angel on earth. His name is Chance. He is 10 and 1/2 years old. There is no breed like the German Shepherd. He is my loyal, loving companion. I noticed that he had started limping upon arising and when on his walks. This concerned me a lot. I talked to my vet about it and he didn't seem to think there was any need for concern. But concerned I was. I read about Longevity in your catalog and decided to give it a try. He's been on it for about one year. Within three months his limping had improved. I haven't noticed it when he is walking in the house. He does limp on occasion while walking, but I attribute that to being tired from the walk. He has definitely improved. ...I told him he has reverted back to his puppyhood! One of the things he loved to do when he was a puppy was to come into the kitchen while I was doing the dishes and grab any clothing that was available (preferably the hind side) with his teeth and proceed to drag me to the den. He wanted me on the sofa and he would climb into his very own recliner! He is now doing this again as a senior adult! Also, he loves to chase the water from the garden hose sprayer. He goes ballistic if I turn it on to water the flowers! He says the flowers have to wait... Well, I could go on and on like the proud mama I am! Keep up the good work!
P.D. Ferguson, Alabama

Longevity – Breeder Recommended
Dear Springtime,
Striving for Longevity early on!
This is Assgard's Odin, my seven week old Bernese Mountain Dog – yes, he's real, and not a stuffed animal!
Joint problems, cancer, and a short life span are genuine concerns with the Bernese Mountain Dog breed, so I start my pups on this wonderful product when they begin eating solid food. The MSM, vitamin C, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfate alone are enough reason to feed this to large breeds where hip and elbow dysplasia are prevalent, but when you add the antioxidants and immune stimulants, you make it that much better!
Thank you for your continued research and development of new and better products!
Martha McCormick, Connecticut
Assgaard Kennel

13 Year Old "…he's still going strong"
Dear Springtime,
My name is Tami and I have been a longtime customer of Springtime. My mother-in-law introduced me to Tonic Blendabout 11 years ago. I had a very low immune system and was constantly getting colds. After being on Tonic Blend for a few months I started noticing that I wasn't getting sick as often. Now the only time that I get a cold is when I run out of Tonic Blend.
I also have my Chow, named Blue. When he turned 12 he started having a lot more hip problems and his coat was getting really flaky – basically he was going downhill really fast. This was the same time that you came out with Longevity. My husband and I thought very hard about switching his regimen. I mean, he was a very old dog with an autoimmune deficiency. We had three vets who, over the years, would say "you'll be lucky if he reaches nine." So, being on borrowed time anyway we figured that it couldn't hurt. After being on Longevity for almost two weeks we saw a huge difference. Well, it's been almost a year and a half and he's still going strong. He still has some problems getting up but he gets along fine. He thrills in chasing the puppy and playing with HIS kitty, Jasmine. Thank you for giving us more time with the greatest dog I've ever known.
Tami Huntley, Washington

"I am also telling every dog and horse person I know about this product."
Dear Springtime,
I recently brought your product Longevity for my 11 1/2 year old Australian Shepherd who has been suffering from joint pain terribly for many years. After reading your catalog, I thought, "Well, I'll try anything!" After only two days of using Longevity my husband and I noticed a difference in Oakley and now after three weeks he is acting like he is eight again. Last night I caught him with all four legs in the air playing with a toy upside down! He was having a grand time. This used to be one of his favorite playing positions but the pain in his back hurt him too much to do it.
My other dogs are thrilled to have their alpha back in play mode, not in 'do this and do that' mode! It is wonderful and amazing to see them all interact.
There was such a difference in Oakley's demeanor that I felt I had to write and thank you for the Longevity. He is completely off all veterinary medicine and only on the supplement. I am also telling every dog and horse person I know about this product!
I am hoping it will help to keep Oakley around and happy for years to come.
Kind Regards,
Candice Marcotte, South Carolina

"I...found my jar of Spirulina Tablets in bits and pieces."
Dear Springtime,
I just returned home from a half-day meeting. Figured my nine year old, 85 lb yellow Lab Zach would be fine not being crated for a couple of hours… As you can figure, I wouldn't be writing if that were the case. I got home and found (among other things) my jar of Spirulina Tablets in bits and pieces. Of course, there were no bits and pieces of the tablets! I guess he figured since I feed him Longevity in his bowl twice a day, why not help himself to these?
I called to check with one of your customer reps, just to be sure that I didn't need to worry about his ingestion of these. And she assured me that I was correct, I didn't need to worry. I'll be holding off on his Longevity supplement for a couple of days, but Zach sure likes Longevity AND Spirulina Tablets!
As an aside – since starting him on Longevity, I've noticed a great improvement in his walking and alertness, as well as his coat being much softer. He's a rescue and has had bad knees since I got him. Since the Longevity, he is walking a ton better!
I've included some pics of the little stinker with his bottle of accomplishment… No guilt with this one! Thanks for your great products, both human and dog. I'll be reordering soon!
Sarah O. Schuck, Ohio

"...he was hardly limping."
Dear Springtime,
Jimbo's Longevity photo is worth a thousand thank yous! Last Wednesday morning a week ago, our best boy severely injured his left front foreleg and paw…. I placed an order that morning to try your newest dog product – Longevity. It came for Jimbo, our seven year old English Springer, on Friday morning and he was given two doses daily. By Monday of this week, he was hardly limping. And by tonight he was miraculously bounding around with Gabby, our English Springer baby girl…. He barks for breakfast now, every time I prepare his morning meal mix of wet/dry food with Longevity. Many heartfelt thanks for continuing to improve and add to your superior quality formula line and saving me a trip to the vets. You can plan on repeat Longevity orders from us.
Bill, Carole, "Jimbo" and "Gabrielle" Shaw, New Hampshire

"Mozambique…has once again started chasing squirrels..."
Dear Springtime,
…I recently started the Longevity supplement on my dogs. Both girls are 12 1/2 years old and are in very good health. Since starting Longevity, Mozambique, who is a Flat Coat/Retriever mix, has once again started chasing squirrels off of our bird feeders! She hasn't had much interest in that since she was nine! Grizzelle, her sister, has always been a couch potato but is showing more interest in exploring the back yard. And, although stiff from getting up from a nap, she loosens up after a few steps.
Donna Shiffler-Jones, Virginia

Big 18th Birthday for Clementine – "...hips don't hurt..."
Dear Springtime,
My name is Clementine and I am a Siberian Husky/Shepherd mix. I will have a big birthday coming up. I will be 18 years old October 31, 2006.
I thank you and my parents for making and giving me Longevity, Joint Health Chewables, and Fresh Factors. I am feeling so much better now. My hips don't hurt as much and I can now play and keep up with my playmates, Chloe and Sandy, who are also on Springtime products.
Thank you for keeping us healthy, happy and strong.
"Clementine Kay Sharp"
Randy and Anita Sharp, California

Longevity seems to make him feel even better."
Dear Springtime,
Thank you for Fresh Factors! My seven year old, Hogan, has the world's worst hips – his hips cause him terrible pain. He cried when he would stand up and cried when he would lie down. Thanks to Fresh Factors he now runs, plays, and leaps like a puppy again. The Fresh Factors were so great that I started him on Longevity. Longevity seems to make him feel even better. Thank you so much for such high quality products!
Tammi Wade, Georgia

"Her ears opened, and the discharge, swelling, and redness disappeared."
Dear Springtime,
My older German Shepherd, Reane, has suffered with crippling hip pain for the last few years. My younger one, Charm, had severe ear problems for over two years. I had her ears debrided, switched to various types of top-rated dog foods, tried thyroid medication, etc. I faithfully cleaned and doctored her ears under a vet's prescribed regimen. She was so miserable that I was seriously considering euthanasia.
As a last resort, I ordered your Longevity and began giving it to them both. I am not one to be easily influenced by product claims. Within a week the older German Shepherd was trotting, running on all surfaces, chasing her ball and Frisbee, and was strongly motivated to work and perform again.
I began noticing immediate changes in the younger dog also. Her ears opened, and the discharge, swelling, and redness disappeared. Her ear carriage became erect again, and she stopped shaking her head. She is once again a happy, healthy dog. I am eternally grateful for a great product and look forward to many happy years with them receiving Longevity daily. Thank you.
Kathryn Currier, Wyoming

"After being on it for just two weeks, she is like a different dog."
Dear Springtime,
Reily, my six year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, has been having joint problems for over a year. She moved slowly, could not jump up on the furniture like her sister and niece, quit running, and had difficulty standing after sleeping. Her only relief was to sleep, which she did most of the time. She has mitral valve disorder, a common heart problem in Cavaliers; so starting her on prescription medication, with all its side effects, was out of the question.
I read about Longevity in your latest catalog and thought I would give it a try. After being on it for just two weeks, she is like a different dog. Her gait has quickened. She no longer groans and hesitates when she first awakens. She runs in the yard and up the stairs with the other two Cavaliers. She will even jump up on a chair at times. Her energy level has increased, as has her stamina.
The results were so miraculous that I started it on her sister, Lindsay, and even give it to Lindsay's ten month old puppy, Blaze. All three love the taste, and it has eliminated the "doggy breath" that the two adult dogs had.
Thank you so much for developing this product.
Deborah Schwanz, Florida

"allergies are greatly reduced..."
Dear Springtime,
My English Bull Terrier, Nardo, has serious skin allergies on his belly. Since giving him your Longevity product his allergies are greatly reduced and he seems to be more youthful and energetic. He is seven years old now. Thanks!
Al Stumbaugh, Virginia

From a Longevity Customer: Lost Dog in Tragic Accident, Wishes to Provide a Warning to Others.
Dear Springtime,
I am a loyal customer and am amazed at the results of your product, Longevity. My 12 year old mixed-breed has made a drastic improvement since starting Longevity having had two cruciate ligament repairs and existing joint problems. He is able to jump and run like a much younger dog! Thank you for making such a wonderful product. I tell every dog owner I know about your amazing company. In addition to my testimonial, I was hoping you could, in some small way, help raise public awareness. My newest family addition was Zephyr, a canine hurricane survivor of Frances in 2004. Rescued by the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons and adopted to me, Zephyr was tragically killed in December by a body-gripping fur trap. This incident has been my personal "9/11." It was just unfathomable.
We had just started our walk through the Long Pond Greenbelt Nature Preserve and Zephyr ran to a pool of water for a drink. Suddenly, a piercing shot rang out followed by a short, sharp cry. I ran to Zephyr as he violently thrashed his head at the ground trying to paw off the contraption around his head. I screamed with all my might, but no one was around to hear my cries for help. I grabbed the trap and tried to figure out how to release it. The springs were too large and strong for my grip. There was no room between the steel bars and Zephyr's throat. I looked into his eyes and knew in an instant he would die. I continued to struggle as Zephyr's body went limp and rolled to the ground. I carried his body to the car and drove to the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons, where an ARF worker and a police officer removed the trap from Zephyr's lifeless body. I stood over his body saying, "I couldn't save him…"
I am writing this in hope that you can, in some way, alert your customers to the reality of these deadly devices. The type of trap that killed Zephyr is virtually impossible to open unless you have special knowledge and a special tool! Companion animals are being killed in these traps far too often, especially to owners who accompany their animals to areas they believe safe like parks and nature preserves.
Springtime's loyal customers know the limitless love of our canine companions and our commitment to responsible stewardship. Being helpless and alone watching Zephyr strangle to death has devastated me.
I hope there is a way to send a message to your customers to know their state's trapping laws, to be sure which areas are trap-free. The information learned can be startling!
May there be a future where people, pets and children are safe from these tragic traps.
In Sincere Hope,
Gail E. Murphy, New York

"After only five days on Longevity, we could see a difference..."
Dear Springtime,
Buddy is our wonderful, six year old English Bulldog. He has always been full of life and ready to play. Recently, we noticed that Buddy had lost his spirit and no longer wanted to go for his daily rides. He didn't want to do much of anything anymore. He just lay on the couch and slept. He was in a lot of pain, especially when he tried to walk.
We took Buddy to visit his vet. The vet told us that Buddy had an Achilles tendon in his leg that was giving up. We already knew that he had severe arthritis. Buddy's vet raised the dosage of his arthritis medicine, put him on stomach medicine, and suggested that we get him a cart so he could get around better.
My husband and I were broken hearted. An illness that could be treated with medicine was one thing, but seeing our sweet baby be crippled and using a cart to get around was more than we could deal with.
We called my husband's 83 year old mother when we found out what condition Buddy was in. She has always had pets and loves them so much. We thought she might have some ideas that would help Buddy feel better. When I called her that day, her helper and friend, Toni, answered the phone. After sharing our dilemma with Toni, she told us that she had just received her Springtime, Inc. catalog and thought we might find help for Buddy by ordering it. She told us about all the encouraging stories in the catalog.
I got the phone number from the website and called Springtime. It was suggested that we start Buddy on Longevity twice a day. After only five days on Longevity, we could see a difference in Buddy. His spirit has returned and he is begging to go on rides again. He still is having trouble walking any distance and he still favors his leg, but he is walking and doing so much better. We have only had Buddy on Longevity for about two weeks and already we see a big difference. We are very encouraged that continued use of Longevity will help Buddy grow strong and healthy again. Thank you, Springtime, for giving us back our baby.
Joe & Pat Kolar, Oklahoma

Longevity – No Limping after Two Weeks
Dear Springtime,
I have been using Longevity, Omega 3-6-9, and Bug Off Garlic Granules for dogs since last July. I have an overweight, but, oh, so loveable Lab named LilaBelle (yes, we live in the south). She eats the same amount as my male did (sadly, he passed away), but she's about 40 pounds too heavy. My male, Hershey, had perfect weight. Lila got down in her hips, she was limping and sometimes could not get up without help. I found your Longevity, and within two weeks, she had no noticeable problems! I am so thankful for you and your products!
Cheana Conrad, Arkansas

"He was a remarkable 15 1/2!"
Dear Springtime,
You can just imagine how thrilled I was to see my Boomer's picture in the catalog and on the website. Oh my, I posted it on my Facebook! I lost my boy two days after this Christmas. He was a remarkable 15 ½. He was just fine and during the night had a stroke from old age. You can't imagine how many of our friends said that now, every time they add their Longevity, they will think of Boomer. I was so broken hearted for so long, then after three months I put in an application with our local Golden Retriever Rescue and they called and asked if I would take two that couldn't be separated, and I said of course. So now I have Polly (7) and Annie (6) and put them on Longevity first thing. I just placed an order for my next shipment. I knew this would be difficult to write as I still go to pieces over him, but the girls have brought me new joy. I just want to take the opportunity to say thank you to you all. Now my Boomie is a legend in print.
Here is a picture of me and Polly and Annie. We were at a birthday party. As you can see, I had to have their coats taken down as they had years of mats and dirt embedded. Their new Longevity coats will be magnificent.
Warm regards,
Patty Cook, Nevada

Help for Surgery Recovery.
Dear Springtime,
Roscoe and Riana are my best friends and companions. Roscoe was rescued from the M.S.P.C.A. in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts when he was six months old. One year after, he needed cruciate surgery. After the long road to his recovery, I started mixing Longevity in his food. Not long after, I noticed how much improved and how much quicker and stronger his leg was. I believe this would not have been possible had I not known about Longevity (which my friend, Chris O'Leary, told me about).
One year later, Roscoe's other cruciate needed surgery. Again, Longevity to the rescue! After the physical therapy, Roscoe and Riana are running and playing (very rough, I might add) and enjoying life again!
Thanks again for helping me to help Roscoe and Riana be the strong, healthy members of my family that they are today.
Jim Collie, Massachusetts

"…runs around like a puppy."
Dear Springtime,
I have been using your products for several years now. I have used the Joint Health Formula and Bug Off Garlic for horses, Longevity and Bug Off Garlic Granules for dogs, and the Spirulina Tablets for myself. I have ridden and trained horses for over 15 years, and I recommend your products to all my clients. I also work with rescue dogs. I took in a 5 year old Bulldog mix that had behavioral issues and severe joint pain in his right hind leg. He also has food allergies. I knew Longevity was the answer, and now he runs around like a puppy and has no problems jumping or climbing stairs. I credit your amazing products for his successful outcome.
Trisha L. Wenzel, Wisconsin

Surgery Avoided
Dear Springtime,
I wanted to thank you for your wonderful products. When our Yellow Lab Cheerio was four, she tore an ACL while playing. Upon diagnosis of an ACL tear, surgery was recommended but very costly. Our friends suggested we try Longevity first and we did so. Like a miracle, Longevity stopped Cheerio's suffering from her torn ACLs' and has prevented surgery. My uncle is our veterinarian and is amazed at how much improvement she has shown using your product. He recommends we keep using it.
She quickly went from hobbling around the house in pain to back to swimming and fishing, her favorite activities. Not only is she pain-free and able to run, swim, dive and play; she has been healed naturally. Longevity has kept her body free of dangerous pharmaceuticals and out of surgery for over five years and counting.
I highly recommend it to anyone that has a pet with joint issues or injury and want to see incredible results. They won't be disappointed!
Joette Revels and "Cheerio," Florida

Softer Coat, Clear Skin & Eyes
Dear Springtime,
Like many service dog handlers, my disabilities (epilepsy, a brain tumor, PTSD and spinal injuries) severely limit my income. However, I do not want this to affect the health and performance of my service dog, Mandi. She has a very sensitive system and is allergic to most grains. These issues are much, much better when I am able to put her on Longevity and Bug Off Garlic Granules. She is visibly healthier and happier, with a softer coat and clear skin and eyes.
Mandi literally saves my life on a regular basis, and deserves the best care I can provide. Her work alerting and responding to seizures, assisting with balance and mobility, and mitigating PTSD symptoms vastly improves my quality of life, and helps me maintain my independence.
Thanks so much,
Meghan Bodie, Virginia

"Within two days, Nellie showed improvement!"
Dear Springtime,
I buy Longevity for Nellie, who is about 7 1/2 years old. She was a victim of "hit and run" about five years ago and now is so full of joint pain! She and our other rescue, Foster (died 12/2/2008, at age 13), had run across the street when my hubby forgot to shut the gate. Nellie came when he called them to come back, but Foster just kept doing his thing. Nellie, being mostly Collie, ran back across the street to "herd" Foster back home and while running to get him, was hit by the car of two teenage boys, who decided to keep on going!
She is on a pain killer every day and this will continue the rest of her life. Prior to starting Longevity, she slept most of the day and had a very hard time getting up and laying down. She was also losing interest in eating. I had tried Nellie on your Combo, but she would not eat them and I already had so many other pills I had to force down her throat. I then tried theLongevity. Within two days, Nellie showed improvement! It's a miracle! I give her a heaping scoopful in both her daily meals. (It looks weird and smells kind of yukky, but I don't have to eat it and she will, so that's all that matters!) Nellie will now play some with Joey, our other rescue dog. Being that he is probably only three, he is still puppy enough to beg her to play all the time. Before she would not budge, but now will get up and play, several times a day! She will also try to run to keep up with him, which of course is her "dream!" She also has more interest in eating, which is a feat in itself, because she has never been a good eater.
Thanks again for your products!
JoAnna Blau, Wisconsin

"… flea-free & healthy dog! "
Dear Springtime,
Rocky was a rescue puppy - a yellow Lab/Golden Retriever with who knows what else mixed in. Our son Josh had just turned 6 years old and this was his first dog, and he was in love with this crazy, hopping fluff ball. We took Rocky to the Vet and had his hips x-rayed to determine why he was hopping and not running or jumping. The vet showed us the x-rays that our puppy's hips were going in and out of joint and thus he was not able to run and jump.
We also had another problem we were very concerned with, and that was that the dog was nice one minute and snapped at Josh the next. Also, we love dogs and have a gentle touch, but we were unable to train this dog. We suspected lead poisoning, because we had caught him playing with some old lead-paint boards in an old garage ion our rented property. That's when a Springtime Inc. magazine showed up in our mailbox. We decided to try the Bug Off Garlic Chewables to help detox the dog with the natural selenium that is found in garlic. We also took the plunge and ordered the Longevity in hopes that it might help his hips get stronger so as to alleviate the pain which we assumed must be present.
I can't tell you exactly how long it took for the Bug Off Garlic Chewables detox to work, because I was just surviving a nipping dog and a crying kid that thought his puppy didn't love him. And, oh boy, had I ever forgotten how much work a puppy is! I was exhausted cleaning up all the time, because the dog was untrainable for ANY command. He would even stand in his water dish and seem to not even realize it. My husband and I have had dogs all our lives and we were dumbfounded, but again this was our son's first dog so we were doing everything we could think of. Then like magic, the dog stopped biting and gained some sense, and, no more mess in the house!
Also, we didn't have fleas. Our neighbor had cats and dogs all over the place, and we were concerned about all the fleas. Well, summer came and summer went and we had no fleas and we did not use any topical or medicine.
Rocky turned 1 year old that March. The snow was mostly melted and we let Rocky out to get some spring air. Well, that dog took off like greased lighting and with such strength that he was pulling Josh (almost 7 years old) behind him. WOW! We never had taught Rocky not to jump, because he couldn't jump due to the hips not being in their sockets. Well…. you guessed it! He can now jump! He is now 5 ½ and weighs in at 80 lbs. of muscle and pure loyalty to our son Josh (now 12 years). I never redid the x-rays because it costs $75 and I can see the results of Longevity and Bug Off Garlic Chewables on this running, jumping, flea-free and healthy dog!
Julie Gamble, Texas