"He is happy and jumping around like he's a pup!'
Dear Springtime,
My husband and I adopted Brutus from our local shelter two years ago, and he will be seven-years-old in May. Last year he was having a difficult time moving around and getting onto the couch. I remembered giving my other two dogs Joint Health Chewables from Springtime, and how helpful it was for them. And, sure enough, Joint Health Chewables worked for Brutus!
Brutus had been placed on meds for a short time, but after doing research, I became concerned about unnecessary health problems. But now, Brutus is going strong on Joint Health Chewables for nearly a year now. He is happy and jumping around like he's a pup! I just wanted to thank you.
Amy Gravelle, California

"…he looks great and is full of energy!"
Dear Springtime,
Sax, our 5 year old Border Collie/Lab/Shepherd mix, recently lost his Border Collie brother, Kobe. Kobe lived for 15 years and we know that his use of Springtime products helped him to live a long and healthy life. Sax is using Joint Health Chewables and Skin & Coat Oil. You can tell by the picture that he looks great and is full of energy!
Thank you for continuing to make excellent products and for your superior service.
Jeffrey & Laurel Variel, Oregon
10 Year Old Golden - No More Problems with Stairs
Dear Springtime,
I have a Golden Retriever who is almost 10. I got the Joint Health Chewables as a freebie. My son has commented to me how he hasn't seen her so spunky in years. I have steps in my home and she has no problem with them. Some days she moves a little slow, but some days she's chasing her tail like a puppy.
I'm really pleased with the Joint Health Chewables and the quality of life it has given my pretty girl, Saya, again. Thank you!
Cathy Smith, New Jersey
Golden Retriever feels like a puppy again! from Springtime, Inc. on Vimeo.

Lab ate 320 Joint Health Chewables -
"She was fine in the morning"
Dear Springtime,
I had to laugh when I read about Druid, the Corgi, eating 60 Fresh Factors tablets. I have a similar story to attest to the safety of your products.
We had been ordering Joint Health Chewables for our older Doberman and Basset Hound. The UPS driver always put the package in the garage, and our dogs never bothered the delivery boxes. On this particular day, the package was left in the garage as usual. The difference was that we had recently adopted a year-old, 60 lb. Black Lab named Maggie from the animal shelter. Now, we had always had Dobermans and Basset Hounds, and Maggie was our first Lab. We had no idea of the tendency of Labs to eat or chew everything in sight! Maggie proceeded to tear into the box, chew through the plastic bottles, and devour 320 (out of 360) Joint Health Chewables! I could imagine our other dogs watching her and thinking, "Boy, are you going to be in SO much trouble!"
By the time we got home from work, she looked like she had swallowed a basketball! (Granted, she did not need any supper that night.) We immediately called the vet who said that since everything in the product was natural, we could expect maybe only a little diarrhea and/ or a little vomiting, if anything. That is exactly what happened! She was fine in the morning, and ready for breakfast.
Maggie is now 13 years old and exceptionally agile. Perhaps, in addition to being safe, your JH Chews have a residual effect? HA! About a month ago, she was favoring her leg a little. She had no other symptoms so we (and the vet) were quite surprised when she tested positive for Lyme disease. We had her treated and she's fine now – no lameness, no antibodies in the blood, and is now on the vaccine.
The vet did suggest that we start her on some sort of glucosamine supplement. I knew right away what to do! It's been years since I ordered, but for additional "insurance" for my beloved dogs, my order for Joint Health Chewables is enclosed. Thank you for your great quality products, your friendly service, and speedy delivery.
Debbie Grove, West Virginia

Three Cheer for Joint Health Chews!
Dear Springtime,
I was so pleased when we received Joey's Joint Health Chewables Friday afternoon. This product came highly recommended by our neighbor as I watched his 9 year young Golden Retriever do the zoomies round and round their front yard.
I got Joey started Saturday morning and gave a second dose with his dinner and doubled his dosage as you suggested (Our poor boy was having a lot of trouble getting up from a laying position). I am actually seeing improvement in just three days!
Joey has been clapping since he was 11 months young (yes, he actually sits and claps) but he stopped about 2-3 months ago. Yesterday, without hesitation I asked him to clap while holding one of his cookies and he did three perfect claps! I got tears of joy!
I am so thrilled, because if he is feeling this much better in just three days, maybe my 7 year young Scrumptious Bernese Mountain Dog will do the zoomies around the yard like our neighbor's 9 year young Golden Retriever.
With warm regards,
Maria Brisgel, California

"...miraculous difference..."
Dear Springtime,
I wanted to write to you and thank you for the years of comfort your product, Joint Health Chewables, had given my beloved German Shepherd Hilda. Hilda developed issues around the age of two years old. After much research, I came across your website and read all the wonderful testimonials about this product.
I ordered Hilda some of the Joint Health Chewables and saw a profound change with her within only two weeks' time. She was able to run again, climb stairs (she didn't even want to go up one step before starting her on the product), enjoyed swimming daily, and lived a good, healthy life.
I kept Hilda on the Joint Health Chewables for the next seven years. I truly believe that Hilda would not have had the quality of life she did, without your product.
The Joint Health Chewables made such a difference in Hilda and I have recommended your products to every pet owner I know.
I don't know how to thank you.
Nancy Davis, Michigan

"No more limping..."
Dear Springtime,
Joint Health Chewables have worked amazingly for our Greyhound, and I'd like to share that with your readers.
We've been giving our 12 year old rescued Greyhound, Chaz, Joint Health Chewables for nine years now. He had fractured his leg right before his rescue and developed arthritis not long after it had fully healed. A friend recommended your products and we noticed instant improvement!
No more limping after laps around the yard (to this day), or aches and pains that pop up at his advanced age. Chaz is very spry for 12, and we thank Springtime and Joint Health Chewables for that! I recommend it to everyone who has a dog I think can benefit from it.
Tracy Petry, Minnesota

Joint Health Chewables "… keep him healthy, moving freely, and strong."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to say thanks so much for making your Joint Health Chewables. My Jake will be 11 years old in February and is the happiest, healthiest, most loving companion. Your supplements keep him healthy, moving freely and strong. There is a light in his eyes of youth and vigor. No one believes he's almost 11. Two pills daily of the Joint Health Chewables have given him the highest quality of life.
Many, many, many thanks!
Stephanie and "Jake" Erwin, Texas

"… great customer service and prompt shipments…"
Dear Springtime,
This is not about one specific product, but about the great customer service and prompt shipment that I always get. I have been ordering from Springtime for quite a while. It started out with Joint Health Chewables for my yellow Lab and J-Flex Concentrate for one of my boarders. It has since grown to a number of different things that I use now. I can't say enough good things about your company. Customer service is always courteous and helpful. Thank you Springtime for being a great company. I look forward to doing more business with you.
Heidi Boggini, Connecticut

"I got my walking and hiking partner back!"
Dear Springtime,
To my amazement, my 10 year-old lab Dandelion (who has had two ACL repairs) hikes up the Arizona mountains faster than I do! There was a time when she could hardly walk, but after taking your Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors, she had a remarkable turnaround. I got my walking and hiking partner back! We are so grateful and will never use any other products for our girl. Thank you so much.
Amy McMillan & "Dandy" too! Arizona

"…doesn't need to wear the assist harness any more..."
Dear Springtime,
I have a 10 year old rescue dog, Suky, that has had surgery on her hind leg (torn ligament) and joint issues in all the other legs. She lost nearly all muscle mass on the surgery leg because she never fully continued to use it. I had to put a harness with a handle on her so I could assist her up and down the stairs. I wanted to try your product because you get more for your money! Maybe it's been a year now since she started Joint Health Chewables and both back legs have muscle mass back. She leaps and bounds like a puppy, and doesn't need to wear the assist harness anymore. She runs up and down stairs now, thank you!
Shawna Meier, Colorado

11 year old Boxer - ACL Recovery
Dear Springtime,
We have been giving the Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors to our 11 year old Boxer, Ali, who had ACL problems. And now, you would never know she had any leg problems at all. She has a heart condition that prevented surgery. I credit your products with her recovery.
Thank you,
Kathy Gintz, Ohio

"...full of spunk!"
Dear Springtime,
My 13 year old Maltese, Cheree, has a lot of issues but is doing great! He has an enlarged heart, reflux, and kidney stones but is full of spunk! My 11 year old, Buttons, has a luxating patella and is doing great even with a murmur. Thank you, Joint Health Chewables.
Joanne Galie, Pennsylvania

"Now she runs around like a puppy..."
Dear Springtime,
One of the agents in the office told me about Joint Health Chewables for dogs. I bought some for my mother's 12 year old Pomeranian because she was having a hard time moving after laying down for a while. Now she runs around like a puppy, dances again and wants to go for walks every time I go into her house.
Wow, what a difference. I am so happy since mother is 89 years old and she got her because she was an older dog and she could not train a puppy. Now we have a trained, puppy-like dog. Joint Health Chewables are great. I now take the people Joint Health Capsules and they work and I give the cats that are getting old the Joint Health Chewables.
Gayle Everhart, California

"...running with joy!"
Dear Springtime,
The Joint Health Chewables for dogs is a fantastic product. I now have a happy Rottweiler that is running with joy! Thank you.
Elfi Gilford, California

"She is doing wonderful..."
Dear Springtime,
What a difference these Joint Health Chewables have made in my Boxer, Tammy, who was diagnosed with joint issues in her hip! She is doing wonderful, thanks to your awesome product!
Rosemarie Hoegermeyer, Kentucky

"...no signs of joint issues."
Dear Springtime,
I am very pleased with Joint Health Chewables for my eleven year old Mini Schnauzer named Ditto. He's been taking them for about two years. He was favoring one leg when I started them but he has no signs of joint issues now.
Genevieve Mann, New York

10-1/2 year old enjoying the beach again.
Dear Springtime,
First of all, let me state that I was a huge skeptic of your product, and now I am a believer. I have owned my Australian Cattle Dog, Sydney (now 10 1/2 years old), since she was five weeks of age.
After running agility for five years, she began to limp at the age of seven. After five months and 15 x-rays, it was determined that she had joint issues in one front leg, both shoulders, two places on her spine, and both hips. One of her hips was so severe that we proceeded with surgery and removed the head of her femur. Unfortunately, four months after surgery she tore her ACL in the same leg. I was told that there was nothing more that could be done for her.
So my search began for a product that might be of benefit to her. And I tried many products. I wanted something that would not result in other symptoms if possible. I read many stories about Springtime products, so I decided to try. Sydney has been on Joint Health Chewablesfor a few years now and I am so thankful for your product. Today, we went to the beach and swam in the bay. She was so happy. I owe it to your product!
Thank you,
Pat and "Sydney" Mather, California

He has NO limp or stiffness at all."
Dear Springtime,
I rescued a dog off the streets in Brownsville last year. He was in horrible shape. He had many issues to deal with. For the last few months, he appeared stiff in his hind quarters when he got up from a nap. This increased over a short period of time. X-rays showed no hip issues, so we assumed it was due to a past injury.
My trainer (for behavioral issues) recommended your product, Joint Health Chewables. I was skeptical, as I had used one other product with no visible results. I purchased your product with a great Buy 2 Get 2 Free special. I tripled dosed him for a week, and then went to double dosing for another two weeks. The difference is amazing. He has NO limp or stiffness at all. My husband was so impressed, he asked me to order the Joint Health Capsules for people for his knees. I did today! I do not write testimonials about products, because I'm never that impressed. This time I just had to write. Thank you for a product that exceeds in every area. Amazing!
Anne Redding, Texas

"...now she wants to play and run around."
Dear Springtime,
I have already written you about the Joint Health Chewablesthat I have been giving to my eight year old Pomeranian, Foxy. I talked about what a difference they have made in her dog life. She could hardly walk, and I just had to let you know that she has improved even more. Today she actually ran, which she has not done in over a year. I could not believe it. Her energy and spirit are back to like they used to be and she is now a happy dog. Before, she just wanted to lie around because you could tell she was in pain, and now she wants to play and run around. She has a new lease on life, I am so glad I discovered this miracle product for her, and I just wanted to thank you.
I myself just turned 70 in February, so I am going to try your Joint Health Capsules to see if it will help my knees when I go salsa dancing. I will let you know how your product works since it has tremendously helped my Foxy – she has her young spirit back like her mom.
Gloria Robinson, California

"...remarkable improvement in her mobility!"
Dear Springtime,
I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the results I am seeing after feeding my dog your Joint Health Chewables. My 13 year old Pit Bull, Psycha, was starting to show signs of joint health issues. She was having trouble jumping up on the bed, she was hesitant to go up and down the stairs without assistance, and she appeared to be very stiff when she walked or got up from a nap.
Before rushing her to the vet for an evaluation, I decided to start her on your Joint Health Chewables. After seven days of being on your product, I am happy to report seeing a remarkable improvement in her mobility! She's up on the bed again and she is maneuvering up and down the stairs without our help. Overall she is much more active. It really put my mind at ease seeing such a remarkable improvement in her health in such a short period of time, by simply giving her two tablets a day as recommended. I am confident her joint health will continue to improve as long as she is on your product so I will be ordering more! Thanks for making a product that works wonders!
Lori Schultz, Texas

Joint Health Chewables – Slipped Disks
Dear Springtime,
I have tried your Joint Health Chewableson my Min Pin, Tyke, who had two slipped disks and was in bad shape. I had him in acupuncture, physical therapy, massage... but one month of your product and I saw improvement. Since Tyke has done so well, and was able to go up stairs at Myrtle Beach, everyone else noticed how much better he was, too. My other two Min Pins have now been put on Joint Health ChewablesIt is amazing and now I want to try some of the same for relief on my pain in my joints. Thank you for making my Tyke's life better.
Cyndie Thomson, New York

"...like a puppy again..."
Dear Springtime,
Thanks for a great product. My 11 year old Aussie mix, Blaine, is like a puppy again. He had been kicked in the back leg by a horse and required extensive surgery, and then three years ago, he tore his ACL in his good leg. I was so scared he would not be able to cope with it. My vet put him on medication, and I immediately started searching for another product to help him. After only a few weeks of Joint Health Chewables, he was off the pain pills and has not needed any since. I have recently started all of my dogs on Fresh Factorsand have noticed an improvement in them. I am truly thankful that I found you and have recommended you to everyone I think your products will benefit.
Lynn Vickers, Georgia

"...the results of the products are lasting."
Dear Springtime,
I have 18 dogs here, with quite a few seniors that have come into our rescue and will stay here. It seems they get younger here, their voices louder, their muscles stronger. This year I stocked up on the Longevity, knowing I would be unable to purchase the variety of products I do normally. As I dole out the Joint Health Chewablesto the neediest, and Longevity to everyone, including pups, I see the results of the products are lasting.
Old Miss Dorie, who was highlighted on the website under Joint Health Chewables (the beagle who couldn't get up the stairs) now jumps on her hind legs, runs and plays with the youngsters, and howls louder than I ever heard. Yes, they get younger here! I would never be without these products. Thank you!
Sheila Danish
Willows Change Pet Rescue Network, Nevada

Joint Health Chewables "...helped Jada find the perfect home."
Dear Springtime,
I wanted to tell you that K-9 Stray saved and adopted out almost 500 dogs in 2009. And these dogs were not all highly social butterflies... some were fostered and rehabbed by volunteers to correct undesired behavior. A lot of high work went into these precious lives.
I think that I told you about my foster dog, Jada. She is maybe a Bohemian Shepherd mix. Nicest dog in the world. She came to me with deteriorated hip and joint issues. It was discovered by a slight lifting of her hind leg, and confirmed by x-ray. I fostered her for a year. In that time, she received Joint Health Chewables every day and saw amazing improvements in her quality of life! She finally found a perfect home for her this past Thanksgiving, where they will care for her "special needs." The family could not believe that Jada had the words "severe hip issues" in her file. They did not notice any favoring of the leg, and Jada pranced around their yard with no problem.
Anyway, Jada went to her new home with Joint Health Chewables that your company donated to us. And I highly recommend that the family stay with that brand of joint help. Your product definitely helped Jada find the perfect home, and experience a more comfortable "best life."
Thanks again for being a supporter of K-9 Stray Rescue League. We appreciate you considering our small kennel worthy of assistance from your products.
Kind Regards,
Maggie Gdula
K-9 Stray Rescue League, Michigan

Miracle Recovery – 8 Year Old Retriever
Dear Springtime,
I have been a customer for over a year now. Enclosed is a photo taken this past December 2008 of our 8 ½ year old, 110 lb. Chesapeake Bay Retriever, "Bruce." You can see he is bouncing with joy chasing snowballs.
Early last year, he had become so stiff and sore most of the day—he just hobbled around and whimpered whenever he tried to get up or lay down. He could no longer go on two-three mile runs with me as he had always done. He stayed in the yard and would start howling when he realized I had left him behind.
A friend (who is a dog trainer) recommended your product, Joint Health Chewables, since it had given her older Shepherd relief from pain. Within a month of starting the tablets (four per day), there was noticeable improvement with Bruce and no sign of the previous pain or discomfort with movement. He began accompanying me on my runs again.
Early this summer, I procrastinated on reordering the chewables on time, and Bruce was without them for two months. All his soreness and stiffness returned and he was back to his miserable state.
Once I started him back on the tablets, it took a month or so for him to resume his bound and "joy." By September 2008, he accompanied me on a week of horse camping in the mountains and logged 50 miles of trotting behind my horse, Shadow. No problems. He is once again my faithful running companion and I don't intend to let him run out of his pills again. Many thanks for your excellent product.
Barbara Sullivan, Washington

Bernese Mountain Dog Spared the Need for Surgery.
Dear Springtime,
I just had to write to say 'Thank you!' for making our Bernese Mountain Dog, Bella's life pain-free. She was diagnosed at seven months of age with hip problems in her rear right leg. She would waddle and do some bunny hopping when running around. Sometimes at night when she laid on her back and tried to flop her legs from side to side she would yelp in pain. This broke my heart and I knew that she would probably need hip surgery when she stopped growing. I did some research and found that many dogs can live with hip problems simply by managing it with supplements, weight control, and limited exercise. I then searched around for the best supplements I could find, desperately wanting to keep her from hurting.
I found great reviews of your products and ordered some Joint Health Chewables right away. After about two to three weeks I noticed that she had a little more mobility in her back leg and she didn't need to bunny hop (both legs together) anymore. She's now almost two years old and has not yelped once! Thank you, thank you, and thank you for sparing our Berner the dreaded need for surgery. I recommend your products to all my dog owner friends and am now a long time customer!
Diana Crane, Massachusetts

"...he is almost NEVER lame..."
Dear Springtime,
These are two of my "kids." The Rottie is Brody, who is ten years old this month. Jed is my five year old Lab. They are my best buddies, happy and healthy. They love their Joint Health Chewables and Bug Off Garlic Granules. Jed has an old shoulder injury which has resulted in chronic lameness at times. After starting him on the Joint Health Chewables, he is almost NEVER lame, even after a busy day at the farm.
I also use Bug Off Garlic for my horses, with shiny coats and no fly problems as a result.
Thank you for such wonderful products!
Marsha, "Brody," and "Jed" Gadley, Pennsylvania

"...her hips are not as stiff and sore..."
Dear Springtime,
My chocolate Lab, Molly, who is almost six years old seems better since I have begun giving her the Joint Health Chewables. Her coat is much shinier and her hips are not as stiff and sore after exercising.
Barbara Lill, New York

"...she barks to go out for walks..."
Dear Springtime,
My 11 year old Collie, Angel, could not walk up the three steps to our home or up the ramp I set up for her. I could not lift her and had difficulty finding neighbors to lift her. It was a nightmare! Her enthusiasm for everything was gone, she slept all day. Within one week of a triple dose of Joint Health Chewables, she was going up stairs. It's been three months now and she prefers the ramp, and she barks to go out for walks (which she had never done!). In fact, I have to drag her home as she wants to walk around town. Neighbors can't believe the difference in her! I never let myself run out of the Joint Health Chewables!
Joan Matlaga, New Jersey

"She never misses a day..."
Dear Springtime,
This is Fera, my friend and companion, who is now over ten years of age. When I started her on the Joint Health Chewables a year ago it was because she had such a major joint pain attack that she could not get up off the floor. When she finally stood, she couldn't move and just cried. For immediate relief, she was picked up and carried to the vet and medicated. I refused to have her live life in a drug induced stupor, and I remembered Springtime. She never misses a day, and I give it to her sometimes in her food or sometimes as a treat.
Thank you!
Bonnie Price, California

"Kobe was a new dog."
Dear Springtime,
Finally, now that I know how to attach photos, I wanted to share with you my testimonial. Our precious Golden Retriever, Kobe, had hip surgery when he was only a year old. At that time, he could not even climb onto the back of our SUV without assistance. After much research, I found your wonderful product line. After just a couple of months on Joint Health Chewables, Kobe was a new dog. He just celebrated his eighth birthday and has been jumping in and out of cars for years! He can even jump up onto our new bed which has a pillow top mattress!
We are so very grateful for Springtime putting a "spring" back in Kobe's step seven years ago. We have recommended your products to Kobe's vet and all of our friends and relatives.
Thank you again!
Martine Ritter, New York

"Joint Health Chewables - Best Joint Product
Dear Springtime,
Thank you. This is the best joint medication I have ever used for my dogs. Far better than any of the prescriptions! Attached is a photo of one of my older Chocolate Labs, Zoe, comforting Daisy, my 14 year old who is on the Joint Health Chewables.
Two weeks ago, we had a horrific fire at my home and all four of my dogs made it out alive - including Daisy! I am sure the Joint Health Chewables had something to do with the fact that she was able to be coaxed out of the house to safety. What can I say? Thank you!
Beverly Smith, Rhode Island

"Now he never limps..."
Dear Springtime,
Just thought I would send a picture of my white Lab, Charlie. He has been on the Joint Health Chewables for about a year and a half. The change in him was remarkable. His main station in life is to play ball. We would always have to keep him idle for a few days due to limping caused by running. Now he never limps after a ball playing session. My boss, Connie Wise, and also an acquaintance, Heather Miller, suggested the Joint Health Chewables. So glad I did. Charlie is going to be 10 years old in September. You'd never know it!
Thank You,
Meredith Bobincheck, Florida

"...Dusty can walk and run without pain again."
Dear Springtime,
I have an eight year old Golden Retriever, named Dusty. Dusty has had joint pain in his hips that developed this past spring. I heard about Joint Health Chewables, read the testimonials and thought, I will try anything. He was in so much pain and sometimes couldn't walk. Now, after approximately five months Dusty can walk and run without pain again. I am a believer in this product and my dog is living proof.
Dina Jones, Texas

"...vet...absolutely astonished."
Dear Springtime,
I just felt I had to write and tell you the difference your Joint Health Chewables has made in my dog's quality of life.
Approximately four months ago, Abby, our six year old American Cocker Spaniel, had to undergo surgery for a torn anterior cruciate ligament on one leg and then on the other leg two weeks later! She healed nicely but I could tell she was stiff because of the way she moved and had trouble getting up. She was just not the same hippity-hoppity girl as she was prior to surgery. I had read that glucosamine and chondroitin might help, and, after a web search directing me to your website, obtained your Joint Health Chewables. I had my reservation, to say the least. But, after six weeks of treatment, she has responded so favorably that I, my wife and the vet are absolutely astonished!
Kudos to you and your team! You have given us our old Abby back. She just keeps getting better and better!
Many, many thanks!
Gary Toth, Kentucky

Joint Health Chewables "...it worked wonders!"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that our 14 year old Sheltie, Rex, has been on your Joint Health Chewables for a few months now. Rex was diagnosed with joint issues in his hips a couple of years ago. He took a turn for the worse a few months ago and we could tell he was in pain. He seemed really depressed, didn't want to play and would go to a quiet area of the house to be all alone. I was just beside myself with worry as he is our baby. I had tried other joint products in the past with no success. I was basically giving your product as one last try, and it worked wonders! Within a few days he was doing so much better. I wish I had known of your products years ago. This morning in particular he was really scampering around with a big doggie grin on his face. Rex plays so hard now that he falls asleep with his toys around him like he did when he was a puppy. You have truly helped him and me!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Michele Brannon, Georgia

"No more limping..."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to tell you how great I think your products are. My little dog, Dakota, had back surgery when she was two years old. She is now six years old and I could tell her back and legs were hurting her. I started her on the Joint Health Chewables two weeks ago and she is like a new dog. No more limping, and she can go up and down the stairs just fine. She is like a new dog. You brought life and energy back into my pet.
God bless,
Errin Richmond, Georgia

"...I recommend your products to all."
Dear Springtime,
My American Pit bull Terrier, Spike, got hurt as a puppy and his hips would get so sore. The Joint Health Chewables have helped... We appreciate that you care for dogs as much as we care for ours. Thank you I recommend your products to all. Natural is better.
Nancy Chaban and "Spike," Massachusetts

"I have been a customer of Springtime for about 14 years."
Dear Springtime,
I have to tell you about a sweet chocolate Labrador named Penny. She used to walk with her owner at almost a snail's pace. I just saw Penny (age 15 years) walking down the street with a perked up pace. Her owner told me that she is demanding walks more often now and is walking slightly faster. I gave them some Joint Health Chewables only two weeks ago! Wow, I would have thought that it would have taken a little longer for it to work! I have been a customer of Springtime for about 14 years. Okay, I admit it, I don't always remember to take my pills, but the kids (canines) always get theirs! As a matter of fact, Jesse "I'm a bad boy" James is limping a little less lately...
Caroline Czyz Counard, Texas

13 Year Old Lab Still Enjoys His Life
Dear Springtime,
I can only say your product has made me a believer. Joint Health Chewables has helped my 13 year old Lab, Casey, to still enjoy his later years. Thanks for providing a good product at a reasonable price.
John Piluso, Rhode Island

"Joint Health Chewables put him back on all fours..."
Dear Springtime,
My Aussie mix, was tripedal two winters in a row. Joint Health Chewables put him back on all fours for the next six years of his life with not so much as a limp! We have new puppy now named Jonah. Springtime's products have truly enhanced the enjoyment of pet companionship because it has proven to improve the health and happiness of each pet I have owned.
Aaron Zipp, New York

"...I have not noticed any limping since then."
Dear Springtime,
I had notice my Lab, Cody, limping recently, especially when He's been laying for awhile and then gets up. I started him on the Joint Health Chewables about two weeks ago and I have not noticed any limping since then. I'm hoping the chewables are the reason for this correction. He is a Bachman Hill Farm Labrador; they highly support your products and were a big influence on my starting him on Joint Health Chewables.
Dave Diehl, Maryland

No More Back or Neck Problems!
Dear Springtime,
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your products and your dedication to improving animals' health. Your Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables added years to my "Harley's" life. He passed away last year at the age of twelve but was still lively and active to the end. I've continued using your products on my eight year old Dobe, Morgan. She has a history of neck and back problems, but since using Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors she hasn't had any problems since. She is active in agility and just came in second at Nationals. I will always use your products and continue recommending them to family and friends.
Thank you!
Barb Blazosky, Pennsylvania
Photo courtesy of Cindy Noland, Noland Dog Art

"...he has been doing real well."
Dear Springtime,
Our dog, Oscar is going on ten years old. He has been taking Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors for about two years. He was getting down in his back, but since taking these he has been doing real well. I really believe it has helped us keep our Dachshund around for a few more years. We love him very much.
Joe and Lois Hampton, Tennessee

"...the results are healthy, happy pets."
Dear Springtime,
Fresh Factors have been a part of all our dogs' diets for many years. They beg for them, and the results are healthy, happy pets. Recently, our beloved Lab mix, Josie, showed signs of joint pain and we knew that she had been abandoned and malnourished eight years ago. She now is on Fresh Factors plus Joint Health Chewables and now she's chasing the tennis ball and is keeping up with our two German Shepherds, Fritz and Meeka. Thank you for such great products.
Nancy Merle, Wisconsin

"Senior dogs...still take long walks..."
Dear Springtime,
I have had all my Tibetan Terriers on Fresh Factors since they were recommended by a fellow breeder back in the late nineties. My senior dogs are also getting Joint Health Chewables and still take long walks with much enjoyment. This is quite a feat considering that one of them has no hip joints!
Ellen Berkman, Virginia

"...vet...had never seen a surgical site heal so quickly..."
Dear Springtime,
I absolutely love your products. My first experience with Springtime was years ago with a Pug who had a luxating patella problem. Although we had to do a surgery, we kept her on Fresh Factorsand Joint Health Chewables during her recuperation. When the vet took the bandages off, he was stunned. He said he had never seen a surgical site heal so quickly before. We had a horse that was severely debilitated by joint problems whose condition was much improved by the Joint Health Chewables. We also had a 15 year old Chow Chow who lost his fur. We put him on Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables and it grew back! We just love your products.
Susan Trapkin, Maryland

"...a huge improvement in her mobility."
Dear Springtime,
I have a 13-year old Black Lab mix named Layla who I got from the Burlington Vermont Humane Society on April 13, 1995. I noticed a limp within one week of getting her and brought her to my vet. He took x-rays of her front left leg and gave me the bad news that she suffered from a birth defect… It turned out that the radial bone stopped growing while the ulna bone hadn't…making one bone shorter than the other. My vet explained that Layla would end up with joint problems in her back as a result of putting all her weight on her good right leg.
I started her on Fresh Factors and eventually added Joint Health Chewables to the mix and she is still going strong. I would like to thank you for your great products and for also giving me added years with my best friend. When I first started Layla on Fresh Factors, I thought it made a huge improvement in her mobility, but I also thought it may have just been wishful thinking on my part. So, after the first bottle ran out, I waited to see if her bad limp and muted mobility were just my imagination - but, no, they weren't. Once back on the product the difference after one week had me convinced. Layla was so improved she kept up with the healthy dogs at the dog park.
Thanks again,
James Albanese, Florida

"...he is no longer limping."
Dear Springtime,
My Lab, Houston, had sprained a wrist on his right front leg and had felt the effects for at least eight months. After one month of using Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables he is no longer limping. Before I put him on these products nothing would help him. He would cry and limp.
I also have my eight year old Lab, Lexie, on the Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables. She was having trouble getting up and walking. Sometimes she would fall down; her back legs would give in or she would limp. I doubled the dose. Now, after two months she is doing much better.
Thank you very much,
Rachael Barbee, Georgia

"...her knee doesn't click..."
Dear Springtime,
I would like to say that your product has done wonders for my nine year old German Shepherd/Golden Retriever/Chow mix baby girl named Penny! She used to have a bad click to her knee when she walked or ran. She hated to even put weight on her leg. Since she has been on the Fresh Factors and the Joint Health Chewables her knee doesn't click and she can run around with her eight month old Lab brother George!
Thank you so much!
Kim Buffington, California

"...she has not missed a day in the park since then."
Dear Springtime,
Our brown Standard Poodle, Mocha Lola Latte (better known as Lola) has been taking Fresh Factors for many years and she was healthy and doing well. Several days a week we take her and our two year old black Standard Poodle, Monty, to a local park at 6 AM and meet with a big Lab and a small Terrier type. They have fun with lots of smelling and running. When we first began to meet with this group, there were days when Monty would go without Lola as she was not up to running around even though she wanted to! Other times she would come home limping for the rest of the day and sometimes for several days after.
As suggested by a friend, we ordered your Joint Health Chewables. We started her on two a day. After a month or two, Joint Health Chewables kicked in! Lola is almost 10 and she has not missed a day at the park since then. The other two dogs at the park are both three year old boys and Monty is two. Our gorgeous grownup lady keeps them in line and on their toes thanks to Joint Health Chewables!
Again, this is a letter of thanks! We appreciate your quality products and for keeping our furry friends feeling good!
Bill and Debra Gershen, California

"Hardly any limp now."
Dear Springtime,
Want to thank you for your wonderful products. Our German Shepherd, Tawney, who will be 11 years old, started about a year ago with a limp in her right rear leg. She had a lot of trouble getting up after she got laid down. I tried different things from the vet to get her better, but nothing seemed to work. Then, in the first of the year (2008) I got your catalog in the mail. I looked it over, read about Fresh Factors and ordered some in May 2008. I started giving Tawney these and in a few months I could see improvement.
Then I ordered Joint Health Chewables. Tawney has been taking the Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables since the end of June, and now I see a lot of improvement. Hardly any limp now. From now on she will always be taking your products.
Thank you,
Chuck Grubb, Ohio

14 Year Old Dog – "…active and full of energy…"
Dear Springtime,
My dog, Lucky, is over 14 years old and has been taking Joint Health Chewables for about four years. Family and friends can't believe how active and full of energy she is. She used to have some back problems but not anymore. I usually am a non-believer when it comes to supplements, but Lucky is a 64 lb Golden mix who loves to still be a part of the family! This summer we will try the Bug Off Garlic Granules instead of using harmful chemicals on her skin.
Rhonda Halunen, Minnesota

"…veterinarian said to keep her on them."
Dear Springtime,
Rocket, my 102 lb White German Shepherd was having a hard time getting up and walking. Her left leg was stiff and sometimes painful. I started her on Joint Health Chewables and have seen improvement in just five weeks. Even my veterinarian said to keep her on them. Plus, Rocket loves them. She thinks they are treats! Thank you for such a great product.
Meg Huffines, Tennessee

"…walking with no limp at all."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to send you a few comments regarding your Joint Health Chewables for dogs. Our Chow Chow, Bo, was having a very tough time of it. She was walking with a limp and had a great deal of trouble getting up and down to a sitting position.We started her on triple dose of your Joint Health Chewablesabout three weeks ago. Now she takes a double dose daily. She is going on walks again! She still has a little trouble getting up and down, but is walking with no limp at all. Our beloved baby will be 13 years old in December. Thank you for adding some quality to her years.
Judi Williams, Texas

Walter enjoys life at age 12
Dear Springtime,
Walter has turned 12 years old this December and, in spite of stiff joints and gray hairs, enjoys life. He gets more opinionated as he gets older. Most of us do…
Your Joint Health Chewables are what keep him going.
Jon and "Walter" Sachs, Massachusetts
*Photo courtesy of Jonathan Sachs Graphics

"She runs and jumps like a puppy…"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to write and tell you about my dog Pinky. She is a two year old, Pitt Bull/Shar Pei mix. She entered my life over a year ago after I lost my dog of 16 years, and made me smile again! About eight months ago she began to favor her left rear leg. I thought she injured it running in the yard, since she is still a puppy and played hard. Some time passed and her leg did not improve, it got much worse and she couldn't put any weight on it at all. She slowed down and was visibly in pain. I took her to our family vet and after an exam and x-rays…a double hip replacement was recommended. Financially, this was not an option for me. I returned home with a prescription for pain, saddened and frustrated that I could do no more for this friend that was there for me when I desperately needed one.
Then one day when I was talking to a friend about Pinky, she told me about Springtime. I picked up the phone, called and talked to one of your helpful representatives. I explained to her my dog's problems and she recommended Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables. The products arrived in two days and I immediately began giving them to her. She loves them, thinks they are treats and gobbles them up!
Well, let me tell you, Pinky has been taking your products for five months now and the change in her is amazing. She runs and jumps like a puppy and puts weight on all four legs once again. She is full of spunk and makes me laugh constantly. In fact, she is no longer taking her prescription pain medication and we have been going for walks again. I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful products that have helped me be the caring friend my puppy deserves!
Thanks again,
Pearl Podnar, Illinois

"...he is like a new dog."
Dear Springtime,
We are shouting your praises to everyone. Our 11 year old Doberman, B.J., was in bad shape before we discovered your amazing products. After only a month on Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables he is like a new dog. We are overwhelmed with gratitude. Next, we will get your products for our horses and ourselves. Thank you so much.
Louise and Harry Bono, Florida

No more trouble with stairs!
Dear Springtime,
Our dog, Katy, 11 years old, was getting stiff and limping. We took her several times to the vet because she was having trouble walking and getting up and down the stairs. We sometimes had to carry her up and down the steps. We started her on the Joint Health Chewables. After a short time, she was walking better. Now she's running up and down the stairs and playing vigorously with our new dog, Roger, which is twice her size. Katy is much happier and definitely healthier.
Thank you,
Joni Bogush, Pennsylvania

Ten Year Old Rescue - "…improved tremendously!"
Dear Springtime,
I have rescued a ten year old dog, Sugar, who has severe joint problems and a miniscule tear in a tendon in her hind leg which caused her to limp very badly. After speaking with our veterinarian and trying to decide whether to perform surgery, I decided to first try Joint Health Chewables. She is very finicky when it comes to eating, but she loves the Joint Health Chewables and has improved tremendously! I ran out of them after the first order and she started limping badly again. I have since placed another order and don't plan to ever be without them again! Thank you for such great natural products and always shipping my order promptly! Keep up the great work!
Best regards,
Melissa DeLong, Ohio

"He regained his bounce and energy."
Dear Springtime,
I am writing this letter to inform you of how happy I am with your product, Joint Health Chewables. I have an eight year old Yellow Lab named Quincy. He was showing signs of aging. He was slowing down and would limp occasionally. After a few weeks of using your product I saw a tremendous improvement. He regained his bounce and energy. He visits with the local dog pack daily and can run and catch a ball for long periods of time. He acts like a puppy again. He recently had his yearly physical and the veterinarian remarked on how wonderful he looked.
I will always use your products and have referred several friends to your company. Keep up the good work!
Lore Van Houton and "Quincy," California

"…can jump on the couch again."
Dear Springtime,
My human, Doris, ordered some of your Joint Health Chewablesfor me as I was really having a hard time getting around. When I would lie down I could hardly get back up. I walked slow and just couldn't run and jump on the couch or get into my favorite recliner. At first I didn't like the tablets but my human put a dab of peanut butter on them and who doesn't like peanut butter? I wish you could see me now – I am all over the place. I run down the hall and can jump on the couch again. I am so happy now to be able to get back to feeling like I used to feel. My human is also very happy – in fact she ordered some of the Joint Health Capsules for herself!
Thank you so much,
"Otis" and Doris Stockton, Texas

"...tremendous results..."
Dear Springtime,
I have seen tremendous results with your Joint Health Chewables, which my father gifted to our seven year old Labrador mix, Sasha-Bear. She used to have severe joint pain after her favorite exercise, swimming... But, with your Joint Health Chewables, ALL her pain has vanished, as if she's a young girl again!
I am eternally grateful for your products! Keep 'em coming!
Holly Johnston, Washington

"…remarkable improvement in their ability to get around..."
Dear Springtime,
I have five dogs of my own - all take Joint Health Chewables. In October, I accepted two foster dogs, Amos and Andy, in my home from a rescue group. The owner of these senior Rotti/Hound mixes had died and they had been left on their own for many months, and been bounced from boarding kennel to boarding kennel. By the time they arrived at my house they were underweight and feeble. I immediately put them on the same Springtime Joint Health Chewables that my own dogs take. Within a few weeks, they were showing remarkable improvement in their ability to get around. Now they take the same long walks as the rest of my pack. The turnaround in their health makes them far more appealing and likely to be adopted.
Thank you from Amos, Andy, and me.
Gail Krueger, Georgia

Lyme Disease
Dear Springtime,
Our seven and a half year old black Lab has had Lyme disease three times and is terribly stiff in his joints. We now have him on Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors twice daily with feeding. Before using your products, he didn't use his left rear leg. He has been on your products for over five years and he acts like a young pup.
Thank you so very much! Dante thanks you, too!
Elaine Ferraro, New York

"...within three days, he was much better."
Dear Springtime,
I have been giving my dogs Fresh Factors for about 15 years, with my first Lab, Bailey, then with my next two labs, Tucker and Maggie. I have recommended your products to many people. Everyone has come back with great stories of success.
I have only one dog now, Tucker. I had stopped giving him Fresh Factors for a while. He recently started limping and favoring his back left leg. I started him again on Fresh Factorsand Joint Health Chewablesand within three days, he was much better. He's 11 and a half years old. So, any improvement is welcomed.
Thank you again for your great products.
Lorraine Finizio, Florida

Miracle Recovery
Dear Springtime,
My daughter and I have a three-legged Akita who has arthritis. She couldn't even get up to eat. We had to feed her laying down. After being on Fresh Factors, Joint Health Chewables and Bug Off Garlic Chewables (since 2003) she began to run, bark, and is now very friendly. Bug Off Garlic Chewableskeeps the flies, mosquitoes, and fleas off of her. There is no doubt in our mind that Springtime products have literally saved her life.
Melvin Johnson, Virginia
Note: Sadly, the Johnson family dog has since passed away

18 Year Old - "...fairly comfortable life..."
Dear Springtime,
Thought you might be interested in my dog, Dolly, who was started on your Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors about 18 months ago. At that time she was in terrible pain, could barely walk and would shake because she hurt so bad. For about a year she had times of jumping around like a puppy, now she just walks around and sleeps a lot. She is deaf and nearly blind, but manages to take her long walk around the back yard each morning, which I think is quite good for an old lady who celebrated her EIGHTEENTH birthday last August 2005. I don't think she would have had a fairly comfortable life these past 18 months without the help of your fine products.
Lois McCoy, Colorado

Baby Mastiff Rescued, Joints Now Restored.
Our Tibetan Mastiff, Jack, came to us at six months of age, given to us by a neighbor who had found him running loose in our rural neighborhood. He had been tied up in 90-degree weather for at least two weeks before we got him, and was weak from confinement and lack of exercise. He couldn't climb stairs without falling, had no coordination, and little energy. Because Tibetans are a giant breed, we knew that we had to find a miracle not only to reverse the damage already done, but also to ensure that growth and joint health could be maintained as he matured. A Newfoundland breeder recommended (praised) your products. We immediately ordered and began giving him Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors. Within four months, Jack went from 63 lbs to 110 lbs and is still growing. His muscles rapidly strengthened, he quickly regained mobility and is now the dog he was meant to be. You were indeed our miracle. Jack has thanked us for your products by becoming one of the sweetest, most protective dogs we've ever owned.
Thank you,
Joan Secord, Michigan

Hip Problem Gone
Dear Springtime,
We are so pleased with how these two products have helped our Irish Setter. He had hip problems when he was younger and in the past six months or so it has really caught up with him again. He is now 11 years old. When we started him on your Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables, he was having difficulty keeping his rear legs under him on our hardwood floors and he was falling down the stairs at least once a day. I started him out with the higher recommended dose and after a couple of weeks cut him back to one of each tablet twice a day mixed into his dry feed and while no one would mistake him for a puppy, he has a lot of his old zip back. He can make it up and down the stairs without falling and only occasionally has difficulty standing up on slippery wood floors. The vet has suggested NSAIDS for him but said if we could find something that was natural to go ahead and use it. I am so glad that we did.
Sylvia Newberry, Vermont

"The vet said ...she has never seen an older dog that is so healthy."
Dear Springtime,
I have been meaning to write for a while, but I absolutely LOVE your products. My 14 1/2 year old Shepherd Mix, Mugsy, is on Joint Health Chewablesand Fresh Factors. We weaned him off the pain medication for his joint pain and have been able to manage it with mega doses of the supplements. The vet said his tests recently came back perfect for his blood work and urinalysis and she has never seen an older dog that is so healthy. Thanks for your great product! We also used the Bug Off Garlic Granulesthis summer and had very little problems with ticks!
Thanks again and keep up the great work,
Rebecca St. Jean, Maryland

"At 12 now, Baxter's back to normal!"
Dear Springtime,
My male Bichon, Baxter, had had seizures and a possible stroke at age ten. We'd adopted him at age five to keep our female Bichon, Missy, company. Baxter had been abused and neglected by his previous owner.
After Baxter's seizures left him unable to walk and other residuals, the vet said time to say goodbye. That's when I said Hello to Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables. At 12 now, Baxter's back to normal! You'd never know we nearly had to put him down. Baxter and Missy are like a couple of puppies, full of energy with your products!
Lora Tell, Colorado

Dogs Help Owner to Run Farm
Dear Springtime,
I am just as delighted with your products over the last couple of months as I was several years ago when one of my older working dogs started to get stiff in one back leg. I now have four of my six Border Collies on Fresh Factors as well as the Joint Health Chewables... I raise registered sheep and my Border Collies are an important part of the farm. Thanks for your good products that keep them going strong even as they get older. They, like people, hate to give up what they love to do... I have been wheelchair bound for the last 25 years due to a fall with a horse. These dogs allow me to continue raising my sheep. This also keeps me active and healthy. Bless your products. They still remain to be the best.
Di Waibel, Oregon

"...without them she would not be able to walk."
Dear Springtime,
Brandi is a fourteen year old Yellow Retriever. She has been using Springtime products for three years. I know that without them she would not be able to walk. Brandi suffers with severe joint problems every day. However, because of Joint Health Chewables, Fresh Factors and Bug Off Garlic Granules she is able to walk up and down stairs with little trouble and continues to enjoy playing outside, short daily walks and visiting with our neighbor's dog. Brandi's quality of life has been greatly improved because of using Springtime products. Our family looks forward to a few more good years with our sweet girl. Thank you, Springtime.
How could you improve on perfection? No matter how I place my order, it is always delivered promptly. The customer service staff is outstanding. I hear your phones ringing like crazy in the background, but I feel like the only customer you have. The individual, personal treatment is wonderful. All of my questions are answered with care and consideration for my dog's special needs. The staff listens to everything I say and responds accordingly. You can't ask for more.
Joyce Barnes, Maryland

"...very healthy and mobile..." 17 year old Daschund
Dear Springtime,
I have been using Fresh Factors, and more recently Joint Health Chewables for my dogs. One of them is a Dachshund named Pixi who will be turning 17 this year. Even though he's had back surgery, I believe these two products from Springtime have something to do with the fact that he is very healthy and mobile despite his age. It really is like a magic potion.
Takako Sato, New York

"It just made a miraculous difference in her!"
Dear Springtime,
Thank you for the terrific product Joint Health Chewables! Shilo, my Rottweiler, is only a little over a year old [and has hip problems], but before we tried this product, I thought we may have to have her put down because she was in so much pain. Everyone who has seen her lately is asking what I did for her! I took your product to my vet and he said yes, it should help her. It just made a miraculous difference in her! She is a completely different dog!
Joan Smith, Ohio

"...no limp."
Dear Springtime,
All I can say is that your products are a God send. We have two Chihuahua's, Taco and Sammy. Our four year old, Sammy, started limping in both hind legs, lost his ability to play and acted like he just plain didn't want to live. Our vet took x-rays and diagnosed hip problems. He said Sammy was too young for this, but the x-rays didn't lie. He wanted us to take him to K-State to a specialist. I was very distraught. Two days after, we received your magazine and as I was reading it to my husband, he handed me the phone to call you. I ordered a bottle of Joint Health Chewables and three days later I started him on three a day. Since then, I have ordered more Joint Health Chewables and added Fresh Factors.
Sammy is back to his playful self and no limp. I took him back to the vet for his annual shots and told him that my baby was not a guinea pig for K-State and showed him how Sammy could walk.
It's amazing! I can't say enough about your products and have told several people about it.
God bless you all,
Linda Arnold, Kansas

"...would just carry his ball around and cry."
Dear Springtime,
Your product is awesome. My dog, Braxton, was diagnosed with hip problems about two years ago. He is a Cairn Terrier born in 1994 and has always been a runner. We used to jog daily. But about two years ago, he slowed way down. We play ball a couple times a day, too. Anyway, I noticed him slowing down and I started carrying him upstairs with me. He also could no longer jump up on the bed and would just carry his ball around and cry. I heard about your Joint Health Chewables for him and ordered immediately. He is 360 degrees different. He jumps, runs and plays ball until he is exhausted. I am so happy and appreciative of your product. He is my boy that I love to watch play. I am telling everyone about your product. Amazing results...thanks so much!
Malisa and "Braxton" Wacker, Missouri

Aids in torn ACL recovery
Dear Springtime,
Once again, we're writing to tell you yet another success story from On The Rebound Bulldog Rescue.
This is George with his new mommy, Betty. George tore his ACL, underwent surgery, and has been on Joint Health Chewablessince. He had to slow down for a while, but he's back running around his yard. He continues to amuse Betty every day.
Thank you!
Kate Mulderig, Virginia
On The Rebound Bulldog Rescue

"...she's improved 70% - it does the trick."
Dear Springtime,
I have a six year old St. Bernard. Since she's been taking Joint Health Chewables she's improved 70% - it does the trick. I am so happy because she is my life - she and I are inseparable. She's my Baby (that's her name) and a big one I must say.
Thank you,
La Verne Cruse, Illinois

"I recommend it to others..."
Dear Springtime,
Joint Health Chewablesfor dogs has made a wonderful improvement in the quality of life for my four year old Landseer Newfoundland. He has hip difficulties, which was a problem for him at six months of age and has worsened. He was dependent on medication for pain relief, and still had difficulty getting up or in the car without a ramp. He has been on Joint Health Chewables for five months and only has to take medication on rare occasions. I recommend it to others with joint pain in their dogs.
Maggie Lasiter, Tennessee

"Now he gets up usually on the first try..."
Dear Springtime,
Tex is a 14 year old Blue Heeler with bad hips. Without your product, Joint Health Chewables, it would take him two or three trips to get up from a laying position. Now he gets up usually on the first try, and trots around without falling. Thanks for your product and adding quality to Tex's life.
Grateful in my heart,
Jerri Marie Swank, Missouri

Top performer back in the show ring.
Dear Springtime,
Our seven year old Yellow Lab, Harley, was starting to show signs of stiffness and would stagger upon rising from laying down. He also had developed some joint swelling and a bony growth on the inside of his right ankle joint. He is otherwise a very energetic dog who loves to accompany our trail rides. Harley is also a performer and does an assortment of tricks. We put him on Fresh Factorsand later added Joint Health Chewables to his daily regimen.
As you can see from this newspaper photo that appeared on the front page of our local paper, Harley took first place in Best Trick as he jumped through a series of declining hoop sizes at a local dog show. Thanks to Fresh Factorsand Joint Health Chewables, we expect to be auditioning Harley soon for a spot on Pet Star.
Joe and Linda Sperie, Ohio

No More Hip Problems!
Dear Springtime,
Brutus, Chloe and Luke would like to thank you very much for your wonderful Joint Health Chewables. We ordered these for Brutus, who has very dysplastic hips. He used to limp and have a hard time walking at just the age of 2. Since we have been giving him the Joint Health Chewablespills, he can run, play and jump and has absolutely no problems with his hips. We have been so amazed at the results of your product. Chloe has hyper extended shoulders and was starting to limp, so we started her on the Joint Health Chewables pills and she no longer has any problems and is able to chase squirrels at the spry age of 6. Luke, our most athletic bully and our proud rescued bulldog from On The Rebound Bulldog Rescue, loves the extra benefit that the Joint Health Chewables have given him. He has no joint problems, but loves the taste and we know that the pills will help prevent any problems in the future. Thank you so much for making my babies feel so much better on a daily basis. We love your products.
Kelley Fouché, Virginia

13 Year Old Rescue "...doing very well..."
Dear Springtime,
I enjoy reading your catalogs very much. My 13 year old little boy, Barney, a rescue dog, is doing very well on the Joint Health Chewables. He does not need…any other pain medications.
Thank you,
Judith Hempel, New York

Vet says surgery no longer necessary.
Dear Springtime,
At six months, my Field Spaniel, Emma, could hardly walk because of hip problems. The products prescribed by her vet made her ill and did not help her hips at all. I contacted a friend who told me about Springtime. After two weeks on Fresh Factors, Emma was like a new dog. At 1-1/2 years, her condition deteriorated again and I added Joint Health Chewables. Her orthopedic vet says she is doing so well at 2-1/2 years, he is not doing the surgery he felt was inevitable. I have now added Bug Off Garlic Chewables also. My Welsh Springer, Maggie, also loves Fresh Factors to help with her allergies.
I have recommended your products to many people. I love your company – both the service and products.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Kathy Townsend, Virginia

"He was a lot stronger in his movement."
Dear Springtime,
I have two dogs, Macho, a German Shepherd, and Danny, an ex-racer Greyhound. Macho, at two years old, was diagnosed with Lyme's disease. It took a lot out of him. Everyday it was something. He's a very strong, active dog. He is shown in conformation shows, has obedience titles and sheep herding degrees. He is also a registered therapy dog. So he is always busy.
I lived in New Jersey on a small farm all my life. About three years ago, I moved to south Florida. Both Macho and Danny have been on Fresh Factorsall their lives. About one year ago, I saw Macho having a lot of problems. I also saw the new Joint Health Chewables. I put Macho on it and wow! What a big change in him. He was a lot stronger in his movement. Danny is on the Fresh Factors and doing well. He races around the yard like a nut. He is in such wonderful shape!
Macho is now seven years old and doing great on his Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables. Danny is also seven years old and doing great! I think both Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewableswork very well together. I recommend them to everyone. Thank you all so much. These two are my life and I look forward to many more years with them.
Thank you,
Stephanie Horvath, Florida

"Their eyes are bright and their coats are gorgeous."
Dear Springtime,
We started our beautiful, precious pups on Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factorsa few months ago…after reading the testimonials in the catalog, I knew I had to place an order, especially since the prices were so reasonable compared to other supplements (of lesser quality) that we had checked into.
We have a large, mixed breed male named Willem that we rescued…Then there is our "maximum diva," Chloé, a full-blooded female Bassett Hound, who…was born the same day we rescued Willem. Both dogs are four years old and were starting to have stiffness and joint problems – especially the Bassett Hound. She was limping around on her back leg/hip area… We were worried that she might require surgery.
What a godsend to get your catalog. We ordered both supplements listed above immediately and received them right away. We started both dogs on two a day each and the results have been fantastic. Within a week, there was no more stiffness or limping. Their eyes are bright and their coats are gorgeous. They also seem to scratch less. In addition, they seem to be more affectionate, have happier dispositions, and run around the backyard like puppies. We are so grateful to have found your products and tell all of our friends and family about how wonderful they are…
Thanks again for your wonderful products.
Carolyn and Charlie Gard, Texas

"Her personality is more loving and active."
Dear Springtime,
For the past three months, I've been giving my 20 lb, Shi/Poo named Lilybug, Joint Health Chewables. Before giving them to her, she was listless, could hardly jump the threshold to get into the house and would only walk (haltingly) a short distance into the yard. Taking her on a half mile walk, I considered carrying her part of the way, but she was too heavy for me. Now she bounds out the door, explores all of our acre yard. She lets us know when she wants to go out. She doesn't tire on our walk. She is a different dog to hubby and me. Her personality is more loving and active.
We are seniors and rescued her from a puppy mill where she was in a pen with 70 other dogs. I'm sure that's where she obtained her joint pain. She will be seven years old in April. I am so happy I tried the Joint Health Chewables. It's a joy to see her play and run around the yard.
Penny Skyrud, Wisconsin

10 Year Old Dog – Mobility Regained
Dear Springtime,
First, let me say – Thank you! Your product helped our 10 year old Lab/Australian Shepherd/Spaniel mix gain his mobility back. At age 9, Bliss tore his ACL, and never really recovered from it. After surgery, the vet recommended glucosamine/chondroitin, and we gave him that for about six months without any noticeable improvement. Our hearts were very heavy with having a "young" dog that was miserable and didn't want to move. A neighbor, knowing how this dog loved to walk, saw me basically pulling him just to give him some exercise. She recommended your Joint Health Chewables and I ordered them that night. We got it several days later and notice an immediate improvement within a week of giving him the first chewable! He'll now "jog" with us and runs around the yard. Truly, we feel that you gave us our dog back!
I thank you for creating a product that really does WORK and improves the lives of aging dogs.
Janet Hammersmith, Ohio

Help with Surgery Recovery
Dear Springtime,
Thank you for making this great product! Joint Health Chewables helped my eight year old Lab, Haley, very much following ACL surgery. Thank you for helping my best friend!
Mary Van Boven, Pennsylvania

10 Year Old Rescue Feels Young Again
Dear Springtime,
Our family adopted a 10 year old black Lab from the pound three weeks ago. Mollie came home and it was obvious she had severe hip problems and she moved disjointed overall. Mollie just walked, never a trot or a loping gait. I started her on Springtime Joint Health Chewables. Within days her coat began to shine. The next thing we saw is what brought joy to my heart - she chased after our other dog down to our barn! It was amazing how things changed! Mollie moves so much better and she has blossomed! Mollie has such personality and character. I can absolutely say that all the love we give her and the Joint Health Chewables is why she has "bloomed."
Thanks for such a great product!
Renee, Mark & Erin-Leigh Hoffman, New York

14 Year Old Collie "…soon running around chasing squirrels…"
Dear Springtime,
My 14 year old Collie's hips had become so bad that going through the doggie door was out of the question and she couldn't even handle the four inch step into the house without her hips giving out and collapsing. Callie rarely left her bed, and when she did it would take her several minutes to stand up or we had to pick up her back end to assist her to standing position. Within a week of giving her Joint Health Chewables she was getting up with more ease, totally unassisted and was more active. After a couple of weeks, Callie was using the doggie door again and soon was running around chasing squirrels and playing like she did five years ago. Her hips still give out occasionally when she is running and makes a sharp turn, but she is enjoying life again.
I must say, I was more than a bit skeptical when reading the reviews of miraculous seeming improvements but am now so happy to be writing one myself.
Thanks so much,
Sheryl Kramer, Tennessee

Surgery Avoided – "…miraculous transformation."
Dear Springtime,
About a year ago, Herman, a nine year old Shepherd/Lab mix, developed a torn ligament in his left leg. He was able to walk on only his front and rear right side legs. The vet said he would probably tear the ligament in his right leg as well and suggested an operation that would have cost well over $3,000.00. There was a slim chance that it would heal on its own after many months. It was a chance we decided to take. Sure enough, the second rear leg was affected and he was totally unable to climb stairs or move any distance. We carried him, not an easy task with a dog that weighs over 50 lbs.
We purchased the prescribed medicine and started dosing him. Our grandmother suggested Springtime's Joint Health Chewables which she had used for many years with several dogs so we decided to give it a try. It is now a year later and Herman's recovery is almost total. He has been off the prescription medicine for two months and takes two Joint Health Chews daily. He runs, climbs stairs, jumps on the bed, and except for a slight weakness in his rear legs, he is back to normal. Most importantly, he is happy.
Allison, Jeff, Katie and Michael Zerr, Maryland
as written by Susan Bautz, Maryland -
"I am the grandmother in this story who suggested using Springtime for my "granddog," Herman. Because it's been such a miraculous transformation, I decided to write about it and share it with you. Herman is a friendly, obedient, rather shy dog who is extraordinarily sensitive. See him suffer was enough to break our hearts. Seeing his recovery is glorious!"